Out Atkinson and out now!!!

By Ray Jackson

Sam Watson is absolutely correct in calling for the Queensland Police Commissioner, Bob Atkinson, to resign his post immediately. It must be remembered, as I am quite sure that all of those who have been following the Doomadgee case will remember, Bob Atkinson was very quick to use his position as Police Commissioner to defend then-S/S Christopher Hurley over the killing of Doomadgee on Palm Island.

Then-Premier Peter Beattie also gave his unqualified support to Hurley and the whole Queensland Police Force.

None of this enthusiastic support was based on any evidence whatsoever. It was merely the System protecting

This support by Police Commissioners and Premiers is nothing new. Then-Police Commissioner for New South Wales, Ken Moroney, along with the loud support of NSW Premier Bob Carr, within twelve hours of the death of TJ Hickey, also came out in strong defence of the Redfern Police in the killing of TJ. Sadly and frustratingly there was no Coroner with the stamina of Christine Clements in NSW during that time.

Whilst he would plead that his actions were quite normal Atkinson must be judged on the speed of the unquestioning support that he gave Hurley back in 2004. Through every Coronial Inquiry and the Townsville Court travesty he made it quite plain that he fully supported Hurley throughout those years and those events. One has only to re-read the media reports and statements from his office to verify that Atkinson did not stint in his support for S/SHurley or his Police Officers.

I would argue that Atkinson, having put himself forward in such a public manner, must also now accept what his corrupt Officers had done to protect Hurley, including lying on oath, intimidation of witnesses and tampering with evidence, among other things. He must take full responsibility for the actions of his Officers. As Sam has so precisely put it, Atkinson has presided over the entire sorry episode since 2004. It beggars belief that he would not have been fully appraised of the actions of his Officers, virtually on a daily basis. His own personal role over those years will always, perhaps, remain a mystery. He did order his Officers to not cooperate on occasions and told them when to do so.

With Officers clearly breaching the Commissioner's Instruction on a daily basis the question must be asked why Atkinson has not called for any charges against Hurley and his cohorts over the years? Or does not the CI's really matter and are only used against Officers the Force wishes to remove.

Atkinson really has no choice. Even though his tenure as Commissioner had been renewed early by the
Queensland Government, at his request i understand, he now has no choice but to resign forthwith. He has failed in his Duty of Care to the Public that employs him. Out Atkinson and out now!!!

In his own defence Atkinson stated that more than 50 Deaths in Custody cases had been investigated since the death of Doomadgee. What that statement was meant to prove is not known to me. However it must be noted as to how many of those 50 cases were in fact Police Deaths in Custody and how many were gaol Deaths in Custody.

Whatever the mere cold statistics may show it does not escape one's attention that 50 Deaths in Custody in six years denotes that there is something horribly wrong with, and in, the Queensland Custodial System. A
strange defence indeed!

We can only wonder how many of the Police Deaths in Custody were nothing more than the white-washing of the facts and were perhaps only cover-ups of police incompetence, indifference or illegality, or a criminal combination of all three.

Again Sam Watson is right in calling for an independent panel or body to be set up to investigate all Deaths
in Custody, but not only in Queensland but also throughout Australia.

Coroner Brian Hine in his recent Findings blew the whistle on the criminal actions of not only the Queensland police but for all Australian police in investigating their own. To circumvent this, Hine strongly recommended that the power of investigation be taken from the police and given to Queensland's
corruption watchdog, the Crime and Misconduct Commission.

I have posted comments of the new role of the CMC previously and have now found the Recommendation from Coroner Hine to be very much wanting. Later reports explain that the CMC has no investigation officers of their own and, consequently, would very much need to employ the services of the Queensland police as investigators. This farcical situation, of course, changes nothing. We will still have corrupt police investigating corrupt police, nothing would change. we must not allow this ridiculous solution to come into

Either the Queensland Government provides adequate funding to allow the CMC to employ their own independent-from-police investigation team or they must establish a truly independent team of investigators with
no ties to either the CMC or the Queensland police. That is the result that most of us would prefer. Please remember that this new independent method is for all Deaths in Custody and is not restricted to just Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander deaths.

An independent person nominated by the relative Death in Custody Family must also be proposed and accepted to join either the CMC investigation team, or the more independent panel team, with all the powers of either team. The Family may choose a legal, a medical or a Community representative with no veto being applied to their choice.

We living in the other States and Territories must now begin to strongly lobby our Governments to once and for all take the power away from the police to investigate other police. It has never worked and the investigation processes are continually rorted to only protect other police. Justice is not in their

I strongly once again call for either investigation team to accept as a priority the two 'alleged' suicides of Doomadgee's son and of his friend who was in the Palm Island Police Station on the night Doomadgee was killed by S/S Christopher Hurley. There are several reports that Officer Robinson paid special attention to the friend on several occasions and, i understand, was the last person to see him alive. Did Officer Robinson also pay special attention to the son?

We all await the Answer to those tragic deaths. Not a white-wash but real Justice.


Aboriginal leader Sam Watson calls for police
commissioner to be sacked over deaths in custody
* From: AAP
* May 19, 2010 12:37PM
PROTESTERS angry over Aboriginal deaths in police custody are demanding
the sacking of Queensland's police chief and a new independent panel to
investigate such deaths.
Queensland's corruption watchdog, the Crime and Misconduct
Commission (CMC), on Tuesday said it would take over primary responsibility for
investigating all deaths in police custody.
The shift followed coroner Brian Hine's scathing findings last
week about the police handling of the investigation into Cameron Doomadgee's
death at the Palm Island watchhouse in 2004.
He said he could not definitively say if the injuries that
killed Mr Doomadgee were deliberately or accidentally inflicted in a scuffle
with arresting officer Senior Sergeant Chris Hurley.
But he said there was evidence that other police had colluded to
protect Sen Sgt Hurley.
Queensland Police Commissioner Bob Atkinson defended the police
service's record of handling investigations into deaths in custody, noting that
more than 50 cases had been investigated since Mr Doomadgee's death.
Protesters are
gathering outside Parliament House in Brisbane to raise concerns about the
continuing high number of deaths in custody.
Indigenous leader Sam Watson said there was ``palpable anger''
in the community and an independent panel should be set up to oversee deaths in
custody investigations.
Mr Watson also said it was time for Mr Atkinson to be
``He's presided over this entire sorry episode since 2004,'' Mr
Watson said.
``It's been found police standards have fallen dramatically, and
yet Mr Atkinson sees nothing and does nothing - it's time for him to move
He said a community panel including lawyers, indigenous
representatives and church leaders should be set up.
``Any family that suffers from a death in custody should expect
a timely and sincere investigation of all the issues and the timely release of
findings,'' Mr Watson said.
State parliament is sitting on Wednesday.

Comments on this story
* Me of here Posted at 1:19 PM May 19, 2010
Wow, Sam Watson causing a disturbance? No way.
Comment 1 of 11
* Rod Parkinson of sunshine coast Posted at 1:40 PM May 19, 2010
It appears to me that the Aboriginal community will never be happy with
> any outcome that does not reflect their wishes ie three coroners inquests
> until they get something in their favour, Sam Watson and his activist mates
> survive by being controversial, it is their job and they do it well. The
> problem is our week kneed politicons who bow and scrape to these type of
> people and reflect the blame or responsibility to anybody but themselves.
Comment 2 of 11
* Dave of Brisneyland Posted at 3:15 PM May 19, 2010
I read a study on this issue. What seems to be overlooked is that the
> rate of Aboriginal deaths in cusotdy is less than non-aboriginal deaths. The
> research shows that the real issue is the high rate of aboriginal men in
> custody in the first place. I agree with the proposed changes but I am
> concerned that we are overlooking the high rate of arrests. We still don't
> appear to be improving the causes that result in police custody in the first
> place. I know there are no easy answers but we do need to be addressing the
> issues.
Comment 3 of 11
* Big RED of Eagleby Posted at 4:04 PM May 19, 2010
Should have been sacked years ago
Comment 4 of 11
* Wade Wayot of qld Posted at 4:44 PM May 19, 2010
I agree. Atkinson as Commissioner should accept responsibility for the
> chronic failure of police honesty in this case. Atkinson clearly has
> endorsed the culture of police protecting police. Resign now
Comment 5 of 11
* Jay Posted at 5:00 PM May 19, 2010
Agreed, sack the Commissioner and hand all death in custody
> investigations to the coroner .
Comment 6 of 11
* True Blue Aussie of Brisbane QLD Posted at 6:01 PM May 19, 2010
How about we have no police at all, cause you lot always have something
> negative to say about the people who put their lives on the line to
> save/help others. Have some respect Australia, and if you get caught doing
> the wrong thing, suffer the consequences and take responsbility for
> yourself!
Comment 7 of 11
* Smokescreen of Townsville Posted at 6:19 PM May 19, 2010
I watched the local new and did not see a big turn out for the protest.
> 1/3 were whiter and I and others looked like uni students. What has happened
> is painfull for the families however we need to be truthfull in reporting.
> The turnout was nowhere near the hype and passion portayed up in
> Townsville.
Comment 8 of 11
* JJ of aust Posted at 6:50 PM May 19, 2010
I have to wonder how many deaths in custody are from pre-existing medical
> conditions? Just get the police and other Govt workers off Palm Island and
> that should make the minority groups, sniviling lawyers, and police haters
> happy and then we will see Palm Island continue to be the most violent place
> on earth outside of a civil war.
Comment 9 of 11
* Keith Posted at 10:18 PM May 19, 2010
David (315pm today), the reason the arrest rate is so much higher as a
> percentage is due to the offence rate being higher. Not being in custody is
> the easiest way not to die there. Mr Watson needs to start looking inwards
> rather than out and teach his people to make better choices. This will
> prevent them entering our jails, improve their lives and hopefully improve
> their futures as a valuable part of Australia.
Comment 10 of 11
* Alice of Brisbane Posted at 10:36 PM May 19, 2010
It's not just the deaths in custody that requires investigation. The
> willingness of police to cover-up, lie, create evidence, and hide evidence,
> must also be heavily investigated. This case clearly show that corruption
> still exists within the Queensland Police, and as long as this Commissioner
> continues to bury his head in the sand, the public must be vigilant and push
> for another Royal Commission into our police.
Comment 11 of
ray jackson
indigenous social justice