Tell Fielding now to save half a million young and indigenous votes

A week ago a crucial bill was on a knife's edge in the Senate - Senator Steven Fielding had the deciding vote. At stake: whether nearly half a million Australians would vote this coming federal election.

GetUp members responded immediately - more than 9,000 people emailing, calling or faxing Senator Fielding that afternoon asking him to pass the bills. Thank you!

When the time came to vote later that night, Senator Fielding was still undecided - so the government have delayed the vote until the next Senate session (starting May 11). Many expected Steven Fielding to vote the bills down last week, but thanks in no small part to your efforts, he's still considering the issue.

The vote is in 6 weeks, but we must act now. The next Senate session will be dominated by the federal budget - so if we want to influence Senator Fielding, right now is the time.

Here are the 3 most important things you can do:

1 - Are you a member of a youth, community or faith group? Ask your group to send Senator Fielding a signed letter: 255 Blackburn Road, Mount Waverley Vic 3149. Thanks!

2 - Post a forum message. The Senator is very active on his forum so he's sure to see it, and so are his key supporters:

3 - Make a phone call. The Senator's electorate office number is (03) 9802 1922.

At are some talking points you may find helpful.

Your action could be the difference between voting and not voting for hundreds of thousands of Australians this year. Young and Indigenous Australians are affected most.

Please take the time to contact Senator Fielding and ask him to do the right thing when these crucial bills come down to his vote.

At you can update your own voter enrolment.

In hope,
The GetUp Team.

PS - Are you on twitter? Join our twitter petition to Steve Fielding at