Warming or cooling ?

Some people say that global warming science is wrong because the earth is not warming up very fast.

It is very easy to understand why: The increased heat is melting the glaciers and icebergs.

This takes up the extra energy of the heat. The result is increased ocean levels and strange rain & cyclone patterns.

But the heating will not happen until all the ice is melted. Think about it. If it is summer and you have a big block of ice in your room, the air will get colder... until all the ice is melted.

It is sad that some economic interests are thinking so short-term in terms of profit & economics that this basic issue is not discussed.



so are you saying that the air cools when ice melts?
and the air is warm when ice is frozen?

think about it, your theory is wrong!

you obviously are not aware of all the uncoverings of flawed temperature and other data from all over the world. time to wake up. global warming doesnt exist!