
WGAR News: Declarations of Independence advanced at Brisbane Treaty Talks: Sovereign Union

Newsletter date: 24 May 2013


* Sovereign Union: Declarations of Independence advanced at Brisbane Treaty Talks
* Sovereign Union Media Release: Declarations of Independence advanced at Brisbane Treaty Talks
* Let's Talk's Tiga Bayles interviews Michael Anderson, Convenor of the Sovereign Union, about the Brisbane Treaty Talks
* CAAMA Radio's Paul Wyles interviews Michael Anderson about the struggle to decolonize and achieve independence

* Sovereign Union: Italian Media: Birth of the Republic of Aboriginal Murrawarri

Gomeroi traditional owners join broad anti-coal seam gas protest in northwest NSW

Support as Traditional Owners join fight to stop destruction of the NSW North West from mining and extraction of coal seam gas

A broad range of farmers and community members concerned about the impacts of new mining and coal seam gas proposals across NSW North West are expressing their support for the Gomeroi Native Title claimants in their recent stance to halt all mining in the region.

Stop the refoulement of Sri Lankan Tamil asylum seekers

Melbourne 22 May 2013: The Australian government has separated 14 Sri Lankan Tamil asylum seekers, 4 men, 3 women and 6 children (including a 6 month old baby), who arrived by boat and were detained in a remote immigration detention centre in Christmas Island from other asylum seekers and have informed them that:

a/ They are not going to be allowed to make an application for asylum.
b/. They are going to be forcibly deported to Sri Lanka.

They will be taken by force to a military plane and flown to Sri Lanka at 9.30 am Christmas Island time (12.30pm Melbourne time)


Twice as many children as in 2007 being taken away from NT families

Keeping Them Home

The most recent data shows that the number of children being moved into out-of-home care in the Northern Territory has just about doubled since 2007. Two-thirds of these children are being placed with non-Indigenous families away from their communities.
Elder Rev Dr Djiniyini Gondarra, as spokesperson for Yolngu Makarr Dhuni calls for this trend to be reversed by increasing family support services in communities. He has written to the Chief Minister of the Northern Territory, Adam Giles, asking him for his support.

Honduras coup update for April 2013

Honduras Coup Update, April 2013

News of Political Persecution in April 2013

Summary of Political Assassinations in April 2013 – 4 farmers and a human rights volunteer

Three farmers of Dos Bocas community in Santa Rosa de Aguan: Wilfredo Cartagena Castillo (28), Edwin Geovanni Rivera Castillo (18) and Wilmer Rivera Castillo (15) were murdered by hitmen in their own home on 3/4/13.

Also at Dos Bocas, hitmen murdered farmers’ leader Alfronzo Vasquez Bonilla in his home on 21/4/13.

WGAR News: Keeping them Home - What have we learnt from Bringing them Home?: ACM Sydney

Newsletter date: 23 May 2013


* Australian Times: NT Indigenous leaders challenge Chief Minister's adoption claims
* 'concerned Australians' & Respect and Listen: Keeping Them Home
* 'concerned Australians' & Respect and Listen: Letter from Djiniyini Gondarra to Adam Giles
* 'concerned Australians' & Respect and Listen: What Did We Learn from "Bringing Them Home"?
* ACM Sydney: Keeping them Home - What have we learnt from Bringing them Home?
* 'concerned Australians' Media Release: Keeping Them Home


Australia's education lottery - help petition for reforms

Gonski. It's the name that's been dominating headlines for months.

But what exactly is the plan behind the man?

We've teamed up with Jane Caro and Chris Bonnor, co-authors of What Makes a Good School, to explain why the Gonski Review represents the best pathway to a quality education for every Australian child.

Watch Jane and Chris explain why our system is in desperate need of an overhaul and how Gonski does this.


WGAR News: "NACCHO praises release of FPDN 10 point plan for Aboriginal people with a disability"

Newsletter date: 22 May 2013


* NACCHO praises release of FPDN 10 point plan for Aboriginal people with a disability
* NACCHO chair welcomes Professor Kerry Arabena as the newly appointed Chair of Indigenous Health
* SBS Radionews: Indigenous suicide summit in Perth
* Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Health

* CAAMA Radio: Interview with Rod Little, a Director of the National Congress of Australia's First People
* CAAMA Radio: "Huge attitude change needed" to recognise Indigenous rights
* Background to National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples


Gap, world's third largest apparel company, still hasn't gotten the message on Bangladesh worker safety

Gap thinks its consumers are idiots. It says it will sign the Bangladesh Fire Safety Agreement with one small change: the removal of the provision that makes the Agreement legally binding. But that "small change" would gut the entire Agreement and make it totally unenforceable. And as Gap tries to stop real reform in the Bangladeshi garment industry, it keeps trying to convince that it's a leader in social responsibility, even putting a ridiculous website to brag about how much it cares about workers.

Open letter in response to the #NoJabNoPlay Campaign.

Open letter to:
The Editor The Daily Telegraph
The Hon. Jillian Skinner MP
Minister for Health
Minister for Medical Research
The Hon. Adrian Piccoli MP
Minister for Education

Dear Sirs/madam

In response to the #NoJabnoplay Campaign.
This open letter will be published through indymedia and propagated via various social and media networks.


The Stringer weekly newsletter - May 20

Welcome to The Stringer’s weekly newsletter - The Stringer went live February 20 -
NEWS update: More contributors and writers have joined The Stringer as we continue to extend our reach nationally and internationally. Less than three months young The Stringer has been reaching an audience in such high numbers that it was beyond our expectations. We are establishing a healthy national reach but also an international social reach.
Please share this newsletter and spread the word about The Stringer.

More independent Aboriginal states in the pipeline

Goodooga, 20 May 2013 - - Aborigines who have just met for two days in Brisbane are looking to launching their own independent states, as the Murrawarri people have just done in northwest NSW and southwest Queensland.
“Clearly the people are now asking the pertinent questions relating to a process of asserting their continuing sovereignty as individual nations,” writes Michael Ghillar Anderson, Convenor of the Sovereign Union of First Nations and Peoples in Australia in a media release.


WGAR News: The Federal Budget and Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander communities

Newsletter date: 20 May 2013


* The Stringer: Homeless protest at Matagarup - "we will not be swept away"
* Tracker: Anger in Perth over Heirisson Island plans
* NIRS: Matagarup development protested in Perth
* Background to the Nyoongar Tent Embassy, Heirisson Island (Matagarup), Perth, WA

* Emma Murphy, Green Left: New laws to criminalise drinking
* NAAJA has criticised the NT government's announcement of alcohol protection orders
* Other Northern Territory News

* The Federal Budget and Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander communities

Heading for cooler waters - Climate change impact of warming oceans on global fish stocks

For the first time scientists have demonstrated the impact of climate change on ocean warming and sea surface temperatures affecting global fisheries stocks. Previous studies were limited to individual fisheries. The changes have been occurring clearly since the 1970s, the scientists say. The implications of this research raises the need for timely changes in fisheries management practices and adaptation plans for communities dependant on fishing, particularly climate vulnerable developing countries in the tropics.

"Given global fisheries contribute hugely to the world's economy and food security, this is a significant finding," said co-author Dr Reg Watson from the University of Tasmania's specialist Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies."We are no longer talking about future hypotheticals - we are talking about impacts on a global scale that we can already demonstrate."
