
Pain is not a whinge issue: medical marijuana in NSW

this is good news, but medical use of marijuana should be extended to other
chronic severe disabling pain patients & consideration should be given
to specific legality being extended to certain synthetic analogues currently available for purchase.
these drugs can work where NSAIDs/paracetamol doesn't & is a good
alternative to or addition to opiates if it works for the patient.
pain is not a whinge issue.
Also psychological issues related to illness, disability and medication side effects need specific funding & equitable access practices.



Pro Papua open letter to the Dutch minister of foreign affairs Frans Timmermans about the 1 May crackdown in Papua

The Minister of Foreign Affairs
Dr FCGM Timmermans
The Hague

Dear Minister Timmermans,

Foundation Pro Papua strongly asks you to note and condemn the Indonesian government security forces assault on peaceful May 1 demonstrations by Papuans. Widespread non-violent Papuan demonstrations commemorating the 50th anniversary of Indonesia’s coercive annexation of West Papua in 1963 were met with security force brutality resulting in the killing of two Papuans and the wounding and detention of many more.

British capitalism was glad to be rid of Margaret Thatcher

Rob Gowland

Q: Why were there so many troops at Margaret Thatcher’s funeral?
A: To make sure she stayed buried.

For all her cult hero status in the reactionary British media, British capitalism was glad to be rid of her. Her neo-fascist politics laid waste the British economy and embarrassed other world leaders anxious to prove their adherence to “democracy and the rule of law”.

WGAR News: Murrawarri people take sovereignty campaign to UN: Jeremy Geia, NITV News

Newsletter date: 16 May 2013


* Murrawarri Republic: Queen Recognises Murrawarri Republic
* Jeremy Geia, NITV News: Murrawarri people take sovereignty campaign to UN
* NITV's Jeremy Geia, SBS Radionews: Indigenous 'republic' to go to UN
* Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Murrawarri Republic
* Background to the The Murrawarri Republic
* Background to the Aboriginal sovereignty movement

* Sovereign Union: Goomeroi People call for a mining freeze on sacred lands [Transcript from NITV News - Jeremy Geia report]

Beat the budget blues

Just because the Federal Budget is tightening its belt, doesn't mean you have to tighten yours.

Households are facing cost pressures on a variety of expenses, such as electricity bills, insurance premiums and childcare costs. But savvy and active consumers can save big.

Why pay more for products and services that don't meet your needs, or that you don't use?

Follow these tips from CHOICE and you'll find a better deal on household expenses.

Budget outcomes for Indigenous Aussies

14 May 2013, 9:04 pm   -   By Jeremy Geia, NITV

NITV correspondent Jeremy Geia takes a look at how the federal budget announcements will
affect those in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

It has been revealed that 340 remote Indigenous communities in five states will share $44.1
million for essential services such as power, water and sewerage.

That  work will start in July.

Indigenous education is also getting a boost.

Victorian government: Stop sexual assault of women in psychiatric care

By Hilary Bowman

Like any patient, women with mental illness expect the hospital to be a safe place for healing. The experiences of women in Victoria's psychiatric institutions paint a distinctly darker picture. Instead of being sanctuaries, psychiatric hospitals across Victoria are rife with sexual abuse, harassment, and neglect.

Scientists condemn Queensland land clearing changes, warn of biodiversity loss

Leading Queensland environmental scientists are up in arms over changes to Queensland's Vegetation Management Act and the Water Act which will enhance land clearing and destruction of native vegetation important for preserving biodiversity values, ecological services such as clean water and flood mitigation, and carbon sink potential.

Related: Leaked doc says Newman Government opening up logging destruction in Queensland native forests | Biodiversity decline from climate change affects huge range of common species


WGAR News: "Stop Aboriginal deaths in police custody by saving the Custody Notification Service"

Newsletter date: 15 May 2013


* Petition: Stop Aboriginal deaths in police custody by saving the Custody Notification Service (CNS)
* Aboriginal Legal Service NSW/ACT: ALS News: Save the CNS
* The Wire Audio: Argument between governments puts lives at risk
* The Stringer: Funding cuts means more Aboriginal peoples incarcerated
* NIRS: Urgent funding call for anti-deaths in custody measure
* NIRS: ALS warns lives could be at risk unless phone line is funded

* Let's Talk's Tiga Bayles interviews Gerry Georgatos on Aboriginal imprisonment

Recent Aboriginal stories offered to 270 community radios

Argument between governments puts lives at risk 

An argument between state and federal governments over who should pay for a legal hotline could be putting lives at risk. The Custody Notification Service was recommended by the Royal Commission into Aboriginal deaths in custody, but it is now at risk of being left unfunded due to a disagreement of whether it is a state or federal funding responsibility.
