
Historic national stop deaths in custody coalition formed

30 April 2013 -- On Sunday 10 February, 2013 an historic event occurred that linked social justice and stop deaths in custody organisations around Australia in a phone hook-up to allow for national actions to be put in place when a death in custody event occurs or when other important matter occurs that requires a national response and coordinated action by the Coalition.

The organisations taking part are:
- the Indigenous Social Justice Association – Melbourne, in Victoria;
- the Indigenous Social Justice Association - Sydney, in NSW;


ABC online again - thanks to you

The changes to the ABC Charter were one of a very few positive outcomes in the recent debate/debacle on media reform. The ALP and Coalition voted together to reject the Greens’ amendments that sought to support home-grown producers and artists by doubling Australian content hours. We were also disappointed that the old parties voted against the protection of journalists from powerful owners, and ensuring that people treated unfairly by the media can access justice and to prevent further concentration of media ownership in Australia.

Myer: show us a real commitment to people with disabilities -- increase disability employment to 10% by 2015

By Graeme Innes, Disability Discrimination Commissioner -.

Myer CEO Bernie Brooks' comments saying a levy to fund the National Disability Insurance Scheme is "not good for our customers" and "is something that would have been spent with us" are incredibly disappointing. 

Australia’s Aboriginal children detained at the world’s highest rates

By Gerry Georgatos - courtesy of The Stringer -

In the United States, the Annie Casey Foundation’s report ‘No Place for Kids: The Case for Reducing Juvenile Incarceration,’ has an assembly of juvenile crime statistics that evidence why locking up children does not work. The United States has the highest documented incarceration rates of adults and children than any other nation.


Why the United States is a danger to world order

By anonymous anti-facist

Repressive States have been an International Security Concern since the end of the cold war because they challenge the ability of the United States to impose what Max Webber calls ‘the monopoly of legitimate use of physical force’ or what I will call the monopoly of violence in underdeveloped states.


NT events: Tennant Creek rally & concert + Darwin Closing the Gap early childhood devt seminar

Northern Territory Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 25 May 2013: Tennant Creek, NT
Tennant Creek rally and concert
"May 25 marks six years since the Northern Land Council
voted to nominate the current Muckaty site for assessment.
The annual community rally will be held on this date
in Tennant Creek."
"Supporters from across the Northern Territory and
country are invited to attend."
Event details: [scroll down page]

WA events: Walkatjurra Walkabout + No Gas on the Kimberley Coast Party + Stop the Suicides

Perth and Western Australia Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 4 until 29 May 2013: Yeelirrie to Leonora, WA
Walkatjurra Walkabout - Yeelirrie to Leonora
"The walk will continue to be a celebration of
Wangkatja country, a testament to the strength
of the community who have fought to stop
uranium mining at Yeelirrie for over forty years,
and a chance to come together and continue
to share our commitment to a sustainable
future without nuclear. It is a chance to
reconnect with the land, and to revive the

Don’t sign your sovereign rights away, Aboriginal leader warns

A prominent Aboriginal leader warns Aboriginal and Torres Strait people against signing Indigenous Land Use Agreements (ILUA), saying they cede their sovereignty for a few crumbs if they do. Michael Ghillar Anderson writes in a media release from Germany that state and Territory governments are trying to coerce Aboriginal peoples into signing ILUAs. “This is an act of bastardry on the governments’ part as they are NOT informing our peoples of their deceitful intent.


Canberra events: Manuwangku + Indigenous Media: Why one size doesn't fit all + Native Title

Canberra Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 7 April until 4 May 2013: Forrest, Canberra, ACT
Manuwangku - Under the Nuclear Cloud
Canberra Opening Sun 7 April 2013
Photographs by Jagath Dheerasekara
Curated By Judith Crispin
To be opened by special guest speaker:
Ms Penny Phillips, Manuwangku (Muckaty) Traditional Owner
Venue: Manning Clark House Gallery:
Gallery Opening Hours:
Mon - Fri, 9am - 5pm
"Manuwangku, Under the Nuclear Cloud is a


Huge win on bees!!!

Dear amazing Avaaz community,

We did it -- Europe just banned bee-killing pesticides!! Mega-corporations like Bayer threw everything they had at this, but people-power, science and good governance came out on top!!

Avaaz bee die in, Germany

De Pod 2013-04-27 [ audio ]

Nachrichten Kommentar mit Wolfgang

NSU Nazi Prozess und Faschismus in Deutschland, Syrien und die US Aussenpolitik, Euro-Deutsche Politik, Fussball und Steuerhinterziehung, Medien Schnitte

28:09 min 128 kbps stereo 26.5 MB

War on drugs breaches separation of powers

If you are on the jury in a drug trial, and if you are told that the defendant must prove that he/she knew nothing about the drugs, it is your civic duty to put the onus of proof back where it belongs (on the prosecution), raise it to the proper standard (beyond reasonable doubt), and reach a verdict accordingly.


Melbourne events: Human Rights and the Northern Territory + Film Screening of 'Our Generation'

Melbourne and Victoria Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Thu 2 May 2013: Brunswick, Melbourne, Vic
Next Meeting:
Indigenous Social Justice Association - Melbourne:
"During 2013, ISJA will meet the
first Thursday of every month."
Event details:

Event: Fri 3 May 2013: Grovedale, Geelong, Vic
Book Launch: A Decision to Discriminate
Aboriginal Disempowerment in the Northern Territory

WGAR News: Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 47 events from 2 May 2013

Newsletter date: 2 May 2013

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Thu 2 May 2013: Brunswick, Melbourne, Vic
Next Meeting:
Indigenous Social Justice Association - Melbourne:
"During 2013, ISJA will meet the
first Thursday of every month."
Event details:

Event: Fri 3 May 2013: Grovedale, Geelong, Vic
Book Launch: A Decision to Discriminate
Aboriginal Disempowerment in the Northern Territory
Auntie Betty Pike, Elder from the Aboriginal Catholic Ministry, Victoria

Medicare-Style Disability Levy Will Contribute to Growth

NDIS Levy Will Generate Growth : comment


If, heaven forfend, a certain Opposition Leader was ever to fall over his handlebars onto his noggin, who or what is going to look after his showering needs, treat his bedsores, mush his tucker, stop him absconding, restrain any violence, take him to the day care centre, putin ramps, sort out the mortgage and keep food on the family table? Disability Care will.

