
World Heritage Committee gives governments a year to get their act together on Barrier Reef

This weekend, the World Heritage Committee released its draft decision on the state of the Great Barrier Reef, giving the Australian and Queensland Governments a stern warning and a one-year ultimatum: do better, or see the Great Barrier Reef on the World Heritage In Danger list – and become the only developed nation with a site on that list of shame.


Guilt-free clothing

Hundreds of Bangladeshi women have been burned or crushed to death while making *our* clothes! In days, major fashion companies could sign an agreement that will either be a strong safety code or a weak PR ploy. If 1 million of us get the CEOs of H&M and GAP to back a life-saving code, the rest will follow

We've all seen the horrific images of hundreds of innocent women burned or crushed to death in factories while making our clothes. In the next few days we can get companies to stop it happening again.

WGAR News: Barb Shaw shares her thoughts on income management: CAAMA Radio

Newsletter date: 8 May 2013


* CAAMA Radio: Barb Shaw shares her thoughts on income management
* Nicola Butler: The Stringer: The case against compulsory income management
* Northern Territory (NT) News
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Background to 'Stronger Futures' new NT Intervention laws

* The Wire: Indigenous midwives; Why we need more
* Tracker: Births more deadly for Aboriginal mothers

* Tracker: Don't forget needs of Indigenous in NDIS: Group

* SBS Radionews Audio: Plan to save SA's Barngarla language

Why Hillary Clinton is In favor of DynCorp

The above title does not mean I understand her reasons for supporting DynCorp. In fact, it could just as easily be reworded to reflect a question I myself have regarding the strange reluctance of the State Department to act regarding a corporation that has participated in some of the most deplorable acts a corporation could – and we are talking big wealthy corporations here. Except, they do obviously favor the company in question, and support them.

Our proposal for changing the system and not the climate

To reclaim our future, we must change the present.

The capitalist system has exploited and abused nature, pushing the planet to its limits, so much so that the system has accelerated dangerous and fundamental changes in the climate.

WGAR News: Tiga Bayles interview with John Pilger: First Nations Peoples and the new Film 'Utopia'

Newsletter date: 5 May 2013


* Let's Talk's Tiga Bayles interviews John Pilger about his life long support for First Nations Peoples and his new Film 'Utopia'
* Respect and Listen: Docos: The Secret Country: A special message from John Pilger
* Respect and Listen: Docos: The Secret Country: Guest Speaker Sue Gillett
* Respect and Listen: Docos: The Secret Country: Some Statistics - Then and Now [from Paddy Gibson]
* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: John Pilger on racism in Australia
* Therese Mortensen, Amnesty International Australia: No more secrets

The Stringer weekly newsletter - May 4

The Stringer went live February 20 - NEWS update: More contributors and writers have joined The Stringer as we continue to extend our reach nationally and internationally. We are also keen to share with you that in the 73 days we have been bringing to you The Stringer we have been reaching an audience in such high numbers that it was beyond our expectations. We are establishing a healthy national reach but also an international social reach.

The Prime Minister believes she will win September 14

Every poll nationwide portrays either a decisive or catastrophic defeat for the Australian Labor Party come September. But the Office of the Prime Minister has gone heavy into campaign strategies since late last year according to our source. These include not just make overs for the Prime Minister but the commissioning of their own polls and surveys.

Read the whole story here:

WGAR News: Ongoing racism and abuse at Brisbane [Aboriginal] Sovereign Embassy: Sovereign Union

Newsletter date: 4 May 2013


* Michael Anderson: Don't sign your sovereign rights away with ILUAs [Indigenous Land Use Agreements]
* The Stringer: Ceding Sovereignty for a few crumbs
* Let's Talk's Tiga Bayles interviews Aunty Lilla Watson & Mary Graham
* Background to the Aboriginal sovereignty movement and the Aboriginal tent embassies

* Sovereign Union: Ongoing racism and abuse at Brisbane Sovereign Embassy
* Sovereign Union Audioboo: Musgrave Park Arrests - Wayne Coco Wharton Interview

TELL THE WORLD: Ethical human rights, development, globalization to replace Neoliberal Absolutism

TELL THE WORLD: Ethical human rights, development, globalization to replace Neoliberal Absolutism.

Anthony Ravlich
Human Rights Council (New Zealand)
10D/15 City Rd.
Auckland City.
Ph: (0064) (09) 940.9658

The following is to Narayan Charmaker, Dalit Human Rights Activist and lawyer from Bangladesh, who asked me to write an article on Bangladesh recently experiencing violence with over 80 deaths.


The Shortwave Report 05/03/13 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (May 3) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

This week's show features stories from Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, the Voice of Russia, and NHK World Radio Japan.