
Rael awards Stephen Hawking 'Honorary Guide' title

LAS VEGAS, May 10 - After Professor Stephen Hawking recently decided to withdraw from the Israeli President's Conference, Rael, leader and founder of the International Raelian Movement (IRM), decided to award him the title "Honorary Guide of Humanity."

Hawking reportedly withdrew from the conference to support an academic boycott against Israel that is being enacted to protest that nation's occupation of Palestine.

"Here is one of the greatest minds on Earth, showing the way for all to follow," Rael said of Hawking, in a statement released today by the IRM.


Sydney events: Photographer: Barbara McGrady + NT Intervention update + A Decision to Discriminate

Sydney and NSW Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Wed 1 May - Sun 30 June 2013: Redfern, Sydney, NSW
Photographer: Barbara McGrady
"Barbara is a Gamilario/Murri woman has been photographing
the social history of contemporary Aboriginal life for over
30 years. From Sports to politics, her vision is a unique
perspective from within a community empowering her
subjects by this virtue alone."
Event details:

Event: Mon 13 May 2013: Mona Vale, Northern Sydney, NSW

Aussie coal industry "ripe for financial implosion"

Alex Smith of Radio Ecoshock interviews John Connor, Exec. Dir. of the Climate Institute in Sydney. Their new report shows the Australian coal industry can only burn a fraction of their reserves before the climate spins out of control. The big coal companies are over-valued, based on reserves that are "unburnable" - a big risk for the Australian economy. Listen to/download this 19 minute interview here:

Related articles: Coal ship boarded by Greenpeace activists off the Great Barrier Reef | Philippine climate activists expose risks of dirty coal | Australian based company Ambre Energy pushing coal export in Oregon | Coal dust and climate change: Newcastle residents march against proposed T4 coal loader | Time to cease expansion of coal to reduce climate change says Ad


Stop Coal Seam Gas party starting up - deadline today!

Hi everyone

I started a petition against Coal Seam Gas that some of you signed this week. Thanks for signing.

There's one more thing you can do to make a massive difference, but we have until the end of the day.

The major political parties continue to ignore Coal Seam Gas. They want to please big mining companies, and they don't think that people like us actually have political power. It's an election year, and there's one good way to change that. They take away our land. We need to take away their power.

Canberra events: Social Impacts of Native Title + Canberra fantasies, remote Indigenous subjects

Canberra Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 15 May 2013: ANU, Canberra, ACT
The value of qualitative data for articulating
the social impacts of native title
Presented by: Pam McGrath
CAEPR Seminar
Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research
Australian National University
"I argue that although qualitative research on its own
has limited strategic value given the short
timeframes of many legal reform agendas,
when conducted over time as part of a longer-term


Western Australia events: Stop the Suicides in Our Community Now + Making Waves for the Kimberley

Perth and Western Australia Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Tue 21 May 2013: Waterford, Perth, WA
Stop the Suicides in Our Community Now!
"The Dumbartung Aboriginal Corporation calls for
all members of the Nyoongah community and organisations
to stand up strong against the ongoing epidemic
and spates of suicide in our Nyoongah community."
Event details:
Event details:

NT events: Public Forum: Who cares about Human Rights? + No Nuclear Waste Dump for Muckaty

Northern Territory Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Wed 15 May 2013: NT Supreme Court
'Who cares about Human Rights? - A free public forum about the
human rights implications of recent justice re-forms in the NT'
Australian Lawyers For Human Rights (ALHR):
Northern Territory Committee
Keynote Speakers:
* Ben Schokman
Director of International Human Rights Law
Human Rights Law Centre
* Jonathon Hunyor
Principal Legal Officer
North Australian Aboriginal Justice Agency

Melbourne events: The Power and the Passion + Human Rights and the NT + Film: Our Generation

Melbourne and Victoria Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Fri 10 May until 1 June 2013: Northcote, Melbourne, Vic
The Power and the Passion
How a community triumphed over corporate greed
"The Power and the Passion is a photographic exhibition
highlighting the power of the Kimberley's landscapes
and the Passion of those who defend it. The evening
will be a celebration of community triumphing over
corporate greed, and a chance for us to discuss how we
can move forward together in our ongoing work to


WGAR News: Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 48 events from 13 May 2013

Newsletter date: 13 May 2013

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Wed 1 May - Sun 30 June 2013: Redfern, Sydney, NSW
Photographer: Barbara McGrady
"Barbara is a Gamilario/Murri woman has been photographing
the social history of contemporary Aboriginal life for over
30 years. From Sports to politics, her vision is a unique
perspective from within a community empowering her
subjects by this virtue alone."
Event details:

Event: Fri 10 May until 1 June 2013: Northcote, Melbourne, Vic
The Power and the Passion

German potato consumers and farmers ripped off by cartels

German consumers and farmers are estimated to have been overcharged for potatoes and onions to the tune of 100 million to one billion euros because a cartel of traders illegally agreed prices over ten years.

The country’s anti-cartel authority has found that 80 to 90 percent of large distribution firms in the potato and onion trades regularly agreed the prices for deliveries to supermarkets.

The Stringer weekly newsletter - May 12

Welcome to The Stringer’s weekly newsletter - The Stringer went live February 20
NEWS update: More contributors and writers have joined The Stringer as we continue to extend our reach nationally and internationally. We are also keen to share with you that in the 80 days we have been bringing to you The Stringer we have been reaching an audience in such high numbers that it was beyond our expectations. We are establishing a healthy national reach but also an international social reach.

Clean energy and new jobs for everyone.

Conversion to solar, wind, geothermal and hydro-electric energy will solve all the nation's and the world's employment, economic, and pollution problems all at the same time.

May 5, 2013 - What does it take to mobilize America and unite its manufacturing sector to work towards a single goal? In the past, world war and the very real possibility of life-and-death brought us together. Our current situation is the equivalent to WWIII, and we need to mobilize to win it.

South Africa, 20 years after Apartheid, doing better than Australia

by Gerry Georgatos - May 11th, 2013
Australia incarcerates its Aboriginal youth at the world’s highest rates, it imprisons one in 14 Western Australian Aboriginal adult males and it removes one in 14 children from Western Australian Aboriginal families into the care of the State, and for Aboriginal peoples the whole of the Northern Territory is a prison built brick by brick by the Commonwealth, and this prison is loosely known as the ‘Intervention’.

Since 1992, the rate of Aboriginal incarceration in Australia has grown 14 times faster than that of non-Aboriginal incarceration.


Peace groups attack defence white paper

Peace groups have condemned the Federal Government’s Defence White Paper (DWP), as a continuation of excessive military spending and continuation of outmoded thinking on defence and security.

“Billions will be spent on ships, submarines and planes as the current excessive military budget of over $26 billion a year or $67.5 million per day is increased to two per cent of GDP,” Denis Doherty from the Australian Anti-Bases Coalition said.


Will you buy vegetables for the family, pay the electricity bill, or buy the kids' school shoes? You can only afford one.

Dear Friends,

I started this campaign because single parents like me are living below the poverty line after cuts to the government assistance that helps us feed and clothe our kids.

Will you buy vegetables for the family, pay the electricity bill, or buy the kids' school shoes? You can only afford one.

That's the choice single parent families like mine are facing, after both major parties supported a cut to the parents' allowance this year. It's now only $35 a day. It's hard to believe this is happening in Australia.