
Our pressure is working

Thousands of Australians are joining The Greens' campaign to end huge fossil fuel subsidies to mining companies.

Our Parliamentary Budget Office costing that shows that the three biggest tax breaks for these companies will cost the Budget nearly $14 billion over the next several years is shocking. The pressure we can exert with support from you and strong community campaigns can have a real impact.


How universities keep the populations of the world stupid

How universities keep the populations of the world stupid !

Universities hoard thesis's in university libaries & often these thesis's are even discarded, they reluctantly make thesis's opensource knowledge by using technologies like the internet. Universities also often discard experimental constructions as opposed to offering them for sale to the public.

WGAR News: Walkatjurra Walkabout: Stepping out against uranium mining: WANFA & ANAWA

Newsletter date: 11 May 2013


* WANFA & ANAWA: Walkatjurra Walkabout: Stepping out against uranium mining
* NITV News: WA anti-uranium protesters begin 250km walk
* SBS Radionews Audio: TOs lead walk against uranium mining in WA
* NIRS: 20-day walk to protest uranium mine
* Walkatjurra Walkabout - Yeelirrie to Leonora - 4 until 29 May 2013
* Background to the Western Australian Nuclear Free Alliance (WANFA)

* Amy McQuire, Tracker: Aboriginal heritage: between a rock and a hard place
* Tracker: Small fine for NSW Aboriginal rock damage

Poverty Hustlers

Poverty Hustlers, such as governments that promise false hope on action to end poverty or even charities that do nothing more than provide relief to the poor, should move aside for those that want to see an end to poverty in Australia. Freedom from Want Filmmaker has just launched a 130 billion dollar plan to end poverty in Australia that it hopes the federal government adopts.


The Shortwave Report 5/10/13 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (May 10) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

Fracking the Canning Basin

Gerry Georgatos - Western Australia’s Canning Basin (photo will soon be talked about as the next resources mining frontier. The James Price Point $40 billion gas hub proposal for all intents and purposes has been dumped but the State’s Premier, Colin Barnett, will pitch the extraction of natural gas from the Canning Basin as the way to go in the pursuit of State revenue. Most of the gas will be exported.

The shale gas deposits of the Canning Basin are among the richest in the world.


The week that was, in nuclear news

Articles and source lnks for these items can be found at and at


Federal politics. Deputy Liberal leader Julie Bishop joins in the growing chorus of Liberal, and some Labor politicians urging for nuclear power for Australia. Much Liberal-Labor wrangling going on about the carbon tax, the the Clean Energy Future legislation, renewable energy promotion and demotion. And I’m sorry, but I haven’t kept up with it too well.

WGAR News: Woodside Decision a Great Outcome: The Directors of Save The Kimberley

Newsletter date: 10 May 2013


* The Directors of Save The Kimberley: Woodside Decision a Great Outcome
* YouTube: Thank you - for uniting to stop the gas hub! - TheWildernessSociety
* WA Today: James Price Point land acquisition likely
* Greens Senators Scott Ludlam and Rachel Siewert; WA Greens MLC Robin Chapple: The emperor needs to let go of James Price Point
* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: The Gas Wars
* Tracker: Woodside backs floating LNG for Browse
* Background to the Save The Kimberley Campaign - James Price Point, north of Broome, WA


Our Manus message has been heard

It would seem Immigration Minister Brendan O'Connor has heard our calls to 'Shut Down Manus Island', announcing yesterday that newly arrived asylum seeker families will now be eligible for release into the community. In Mr O'Connor's own words, this latest announcement in in "response to advocates who've called for ensuring that people are treated properly"1 - that's you!

While these changes are welcome news, it still begs the question GetUp members have been asking for months:

Why is the Manus Island detention centre still open?


Bob Carr ignoring human rights abuses in Sri Lanka

Why does the Foreign minister continually try to play down blatant abuses in Sri Lanka?

Is it related to the Gillard government's contoversial policy on Sri Lankan asylum seekers.

Why does Foreign Minister Bob Carr keep making excuses for the government of Sri Lanka?

There is strong evidence from credible organisations that serious human rights abuses are continuing in Sri Lanka, despite the “end of the civil war”.

But every time Bob Carr is asked about the situation there he pretends there are no problems and says things are improving.


What if every roof in Australia utilised the awesome power of the sun?

What if every roof in Australia utilised the awesome power of the sun? We'd glitter from space.

Imagine that. We'd reduce emissions, help end the coal and CSG mining expansion and we'd all save money. In fact, new research has found that approximately 134 per cent of the country’s residential electricity needs could be met if every suitable rooftop was converted to solar power1.


WGAR News: Stop deaths in custody groups form coalition: Ray Jackson, Green Left

Newsletter date: 9 May 2013


* Indymedia Australia: Historic national stop deaths in custody coalition formed
* Ray Jackson, Green Left: Stop deaths in custody groups form coalition
* National Day of Action to Stop Aboriginal deaths in custody!

* The Wire Audio: Justice reinvestment 'key to tackling Indigenous incarceration'
* WA Greens MLC Robin Chapple: Justice reinvestment comeback
* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: Justice Reinvestment or by any other name
* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: Australia’s Aboriginal children detained at the world’s highest rates