
Northern Tablelands voters look set to elect local mayor as next state MP

Voters in the Northern NSW seat of Northern Tablelands look set to elect Independent Candidate and current Mayor of Armidale Dr Jim Maher as controversy grips the campaign of National Party candidate.

The Armidale Express has revealed that National Party Candidate Adam Marshall who was brought in from outside the electorate had previously worked for an Independent MP in another seat and at that time he was both a member of the ALP and National Party.


Who will control the climate of the world?

A small group including Bill Gates, worried climate scientists, some nuclear weapons boys, and multinational oil companies want to "save" the climate with geoengineering. They are talking about a "shield" which would dampen the sun, leading to whiter skies, instead of blue.

Maybe we will get so desperate we'll beg them to do it? Then we can just keep on burning good old Australian coal!

Australian author Clive Hamilton tells all. Audio interview from Radio Ecoshock 25 minutes.

Moreton Bay seagrass projected to drastically decline with sea level rise

To most of us, what is hidden beneath the waves of our coastal environment remains invisible and is little thought about or cared about. Yet seagrass meadows, though hidden from our direct view, contribute valuable ecological services supporting valuable fish nurseries, as food for dugongs and turtles, and as a highly efficient blue carbon sink sequestering carbon.

A new study of the seagrass meadows in Moreton Bay, Queensland found that a significant proportion of valuable seagrass habitats would be lost without action to offset the affects of climate change. "The area of seagrass habitat was predicted to decline by 17% by 2100 under a scenario of SLR of 1.1 m." said the study.

Biodiversity decline from climate change affects huge range of common species

While much scientific and public attention has focussed on the many species endangered or on the brink of extinction like Carnaby's cockatoo, the impacts of climate change on species biodiversity are much larger. A landmark study looking at nearly 50,000 common species with widespread ranges has determined that half of these animals and two thirds of the examined plant species will lose more than half their range in the next 70 years, by 2080, if nothing is done to slow down the rate of global warming through cutting carbon emissions. We are truly in the middle of a biodiversity crisis with habitat loss and climate change causing the 6th mass extinction

Indigenous Land Corporation not reporting accidents

In September last year an event happened along the Roper Highway that is just south of Mataranka and heads towards Ngukurr. If this event had happened in New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria or any other State it would have caused uproar, Criminal charges laid, Court cases would have followed. Here in the Northern Territory, the Company involved covered their tracks, got people to be silent, then crossed their fingers and hoped ‘lady luck’ would see them through.


What would you do if the CSG companies came knocking?

What would you do if coal seam gas companies turned up and said they wanted to drill and frack in your area, your lucky chance to be part of an exciting new venture to provide cheap gas?

Jocelyn, Steve, Will, Jacqui and countless others are standing up for their communities and exposing the political lies. Watch and share this powerful 4 minute documentary and bring the truth to light:


Ship with radioactive cargo gutted by fire in Hamburg harbour

Friday, 17 May 2013 - - A freighter which burned spectacularly in Hamburg harbour had highly dangerous radioactive substances aboard.

The north German city-state’s social democrat government only today released details of the fire on 1 May because the opposition Greens had put a question on notice.

As well as 8.9 tonnes of uranium hexafluoride the "Atlantic Cartier" also had some 180 tonnes of highly flammable ethanol, several tonnes of explosives, including munitions, and rocket fuel on board.

Budget assures Lowitja Institute's future

Thank you!

We are pleased to announce that we have been successful in securing funding to take us through until 2019. Minister for Tertiary Education, Skills, Science and Research, Dr Craig Emerson, and the Minister for Indigenous Health, Mr Warren Snowdon, have confirmed that the Lowitja Institute will receive $25 million over 5 years commencing July 2014.

WGAR News: Indigenous adoption push prompts Stolen Generation fears: ABC Radio Australia Video

Newsletter date: 18 May 2013


* CAAMA: Anger over Giles' claim to "remove neglected Aboriginal children"
* CAAMA Video: Interview with Jackie Baxter of Stolen Generation and Families Aboriginal Corp re Mr Giles comments
* SBS Radionews Audio: Alarm over NT Indigenous adoption plan
* ABC Radio Australia Video: Indigenous adoption push prompts Stolen Generation fears
* SNAICC News: Chief Minister's solution on Aboriginal child protection short-sighted & wrong
* SBS World News Video: Alarm over NT plan on neglected Indigenous kids

Myer will discuss 10% disability employment target

By Graeme Innes, Disability Discrimination Commissioner

Great news. Myer have just agreed to a meeting to discuss my challenge for a 10% disability employment target -- thank you so much for your support so far. 

In response to thousands of emails and messages on social media, Myer got in touch saying they'll meet with the Australian Human Rights Commission including discussing "what employment opportunities might exist for people with a disability". It's a start.

The Shortwave Report 5/17/13 Listen globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (May 17) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

This week's show features stories from Spanish National Radio, Radio Deutsche-Welle, the Voice of Russia, and NHK World Radio Japan.

The future of the family

By Jeff McMullen
Courtesy National Indigenous Times

There are some who think the family is finished, that barely half of partnerships will survive in any form and that many children increasingly must grow up adrift from the love and the strengths of kinship.

This is such a bleak view of the human family that we should challenge the failure to
celebrate what is good.

Family and community have been the eternal source of well being for all human
beings and if we look at the longer timelines of history, family and community are

100 countries using wind energy - World Wind Energy Report 2012 now out

Bonn, 16 May 2013 (WWEA) – The World Wind Energy Association has today launched the World Wind Energy Report 2012. The full version is available on the WWEA website: Executive summary and key conclusions: The worldwide wind capacity reached 282’275 Megawatt, out of which 44’609 Megawatt were added in 2012, more than ever before. Wind power showed a growth rate of 19,2 %, the lowest rate in more than a decade.