Jason Ball's AFL pride homophobia update

Big news, everyone. Today is International Day Against Homophobia (IDAHO). And to celebrate IDAHO, some of the biggest stars of the AFL - including Jobe Watson, Scott Pendlebury, Luke Ball and Brock McLean - are launching a player-driven campaign to stamp out homophobia in footy.

#Footy4IDAHO is an AFL Players Association-backed social media campaign targeting the use of homophobic language. The campaign includes a series of videos featuring AFL players taking a pledge to stamp out the use of homophobic language, while also raising awareness of the damaging effects it can have within sport and the community.

When I started my petition on change.org last year, I had no idea we’d get this far. To have these stars of the AFL - and the AFL Players Association - backing my stance is incredible.

Today, players and fans are using social media to make the following pledge:

"I’m taking the pledge to never use homophobic language. Think before you speak, it’s time to stop shirking the issue.” #FOOTY4IDAHO

Here's a couple of other ways you can show your support today:

+ Share the AFL Players’ video

+ Change your profile picture & cover photo on Facebook (you can find all the images you need on the AFL Players Facebook page here)

Thanks for your support on this. Join me and take the pledge to never use homophobic language and stand up to those who do. It's time to stop shirking the issue.


P.S. I’ve also just written a piece for news.com.au on #FOOTY4IDAHO . You can read it here, and please share it on Facebook and Twitter.