What would you do if the CSG companies came knocking?

What would you do if coal seam gas companies turned up and said they wanted to drill and frack in your area, your lucky chance to be part of an exciting new venture to provide cheap gas?

Jocelyn, Steve, Will, Jacqui and countless others are standing up for their communities and exposing the political lies. Watch and share this powerful 4 minute documentary and bring the truth to light:


Filmmaker Richard Todd has spent the last two years producing a series of mini-docos capturing the full impact of CSG, both in Australia and overseas.

This won't be shown on TV or in a multi million dollar advertising campaign like the CSG companies are running but we have something even better, each other. Share this with you neighbours, colleagues, friends and family and together let's expose the political lies and industry spin.

Thanks for being part of this,
the GetUp team.

PS - Spreading the truth starts with those we know. Can you share this powerful video today? http://welloftruth.org.au/
