
WGAR News: Suicide prevention strategy targets ATSI communities: Australian Human Rights Commission

Newsletter date: 1 June 2013


* AHRC: Suicide prevention strategy targets ATSI communities
* NITV News: National strategy targeting Indigenous suicide announced
* CAAMA interviews Professor Pat Dudgeon about the strategy to tackle suicide and self harm
* Pro Bono News: National Strategy on Indigenous Suicide
* SBS Radionews: National strategy to reduce Indigenous suicide
* SBS Radionews: Applause for Indigenous suicide prevention plan
* Australian: Kimberley indigenous suicide prevention plan set to expand

The Shortwave Report 5/31/13 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (May 31) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

Victorian government knowingly driving Leadbeater's Possum to extinction, say scientists

Two distinguished environmental scientists accused the Victorian Government of forestry policies knowingly designed to drive Leadbeater's Possum, one of the two fauna emblems of Victoria, to extinction.

In a letter to, the publication of the Australian Association for the Advancement of Science, Professors David Lindenmayer and Hugh Possingham say, "Government-sanctioned legal logging of the reserve system will significantly increase the chance of extinction of Leadbeater's possum. To the best of our knowledge, and despite state and national threatened species legislation, this is the first time an Australian government has taken calculated actions to substantially reduce the viability of an IUCN-listed endangered species with full knowledge of the likely consequences." (Read full letter reproduced at end of this article)

Petition: Defer the Bill that would lock-in long-term native forest logging | Help Save Leadbeater's Possum | My Environment Appeal 2013 Leadbeater's Possum | Ethical paper pledge


Roundup of the week's energy news

Articles about these items, and source links, can be found at and at


Well, this week, it's still all about renewable energy. The Liberal Coalition promises to shut down the Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC) , if they win the September election. But the CEFC is going ahead with contracts for low carbon companies, anyway. It will be interesting if an Abbott government later tries to break those contracts.

WGAR News: CAAMA interview with AMSANT CEO John Paterson: Jail not the answer

Newsletter date: 31 May 2013


* CAAMA interview with AMSANT CEO John Paterson: Jail not the answer [Alcohol Mandatory treatment Bill]
* CAAMA: NT proposed Alcohol Mandatory treatment Bill
* ABC The World Today: Aboriginal justice, welfare groups call for rethink on NT plan to force alcoholics into rehab
* Dan Harrison, Canberra Times: NT plan to lock up drunks 'targets aborigines'
* Greens Senator Rachel Siewert: Greens express serious concerns over NT mandatory rehabilitation
* ABC: ACOSS attacks mandatory alcohol rehabilitation

Hints of official Trans-Pacific Partnership resistance

A shroud of secrecy, by design, continues to envelop the Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations. The latest statements from participating governments as usual offer nothing of substance, but that rebellion might be afoot is intimated in an article by Chile’s former chief TPP negotiator, who recently resigned his posts.

PHILIPPINES: Millions of votes for the democratic left

AKBAYAN - Citizens Action Party

While the Commission on Elections has yet to announce the official results of the 2013 partylist elections, we would like to thank the Filipino voters and everyone who have made Akbayan Partylist's sixth straight electoral victory possible.

WGAR News: Report on Deaths in Custody - people dying at high rates: Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer

Newsletter date: 30 May 2013


* Australian Institute of Criminology: Deaths in custody in Australia to 30 June 2011
* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: Report on Deaths in Custody - people dying at high rates
* Inga Ting, SMH: Policy failure as prisons fill with indigenous people
* Paul Simpson and Michael Doyle, ABC The Drum Opinion: Indigenous prison rates are a national shame
* SBS World News: 'No lessons learned' on Aboriginal deaths
* Cairns Post: Concern as Aboriginal deaths in custody rise
* Bundaberg News Mail: Aboriginal incarceration rates hitting crisis levels


WGAR News: Oxfam report mocks Native Title: Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer

Newsletter date: 29 May 2013


* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: Oxfam report mocks Native Title
* Oxfam Australia: Mining
* Oxfam Australia and CAER: The right to decide: company commitments and community consent
* SBS Radionews: Mining benefits 'not getting to Indigenous people'
* 3CR Community Radio: Earth Matters [Refusal to honour native title & Indigenous land use agreements]
* Background to Mabo and Native Title

* SBS Radionews: Indigenous focus on land and sea management

* ABC: Waste dump opponents 'not going to back down'

The energy wars of the 21st century

Rob Gowland

Towards the end of the 20th century certain capitalist political pundits and futurologists started tossing around the term “the energy wars of the 21st century”. They had become aware that the Earth’s energy resources were not infinite and that whoever controlled them could dictate terms to the rest of the planet. Or so they thought.