
WGAR News: Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 54 events from 21 June 2013

Newsletter date: 21 June 2013

WGAR events postings for each State and Territory:

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Fri 21 June 2013: South Brisbane, Qld
HOW THE WEST WAS LOST a film by David Noakes
Brisbane Aboriginal Sovereign Embassy Family Night
"The story of the 1946 Aboriginal pastoral workers’ strike
An event more important than the Eureka Stockade but
never recorded in written histories - the passive resistance
by 800 Aboriginal station workers, from 23 different

NSW events: Protest marking 6 years of NT Intervention + Blak + Breaking Ground + Live and Deadly

Sydney and NSW Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Sat 22 June 2013: Bankstown, Sydney, NSW
Protest marking 6 years of the NT Intervention
* Repeal "Stronger Futures / Stolen Futures" Legislation!
* Stop Income Management - not in NT - not in Bankstown - not anywhere!
* Reinvest in community controlled services and jobs!
"In Sydney, a rally marking the six year anniversary
of the NT Intervention will be held in Bankstown in June."
"June 21 will mark six years since John Howard announced

Queensland events: Brisbane Aboriginal Sovereign Embassy Family Night + Black Queen, Black King

Brisbane and Queensland Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Fri 21 June 2013: South Brisbane, Qld
Brisbane Aboriginal Sovereign Embassy Family Night
HOW THE WEST WAS LOST a film by David Noakes
"The story of the 1946 Aboriginal pastoral workers’ strike
An event more important than the Eureka Stockade but
never recorded in written histories - the passive resistance
by 800 Aboriginal station workers, from 23 different
language groups, against the appalling living and
working conditions thrust upon them."

Restoring Syria

by Dr Vacy Vlazna

Forty years ago, Mother Agnes Mariam de la Croix, was a hippie traipsing around India, when she had a profound ‘road to Damascus‘ experience.

She returned to Lebanon and joined the enclosed Carmelite order which restored icons. She was astonished to find an icon with five layers dating back to the 11th century Church of Antioch from which she draws her religious roots and identity.

For 18 years she has been the abbess of a 6th Century Syrian Monastry of St James the Mutilated which was in ruins when she arrived and which she also restored.


WGAR News: Sixth Anniversary of the Intervention - Striking the Wrong Note: 'concerned Australians'

Newsletter date: 20 June 2013


* Michele Harris, 'concerned Australians': Sixth Anniversary of the Intervention - 21 June 2013 - Striking the Wrong Note
* Paddy Gibson, Solidarity Online: Six years of shame: Aboriginal assimilation and the NT Intervention
* STICS: Young NT leader living on income management to address Bankstown protest
* Bankstown, Sydney protest marking 6 years of the NT Intervention - Sat 22 June 2013
* Fiona Stanley, ABC TV: Q&A: Toxic Politics & Vaccinations
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention

Young NT leader living on income management to address Bankstown protest: STICS

Stop the Intervention Collective Sydney media release

18 June 2013 for immediate release

Young NT leader living on income management to address Bankstown protest

Kylie Sambo, a young Aboriginal leader from the Northern Territory living on income management, will address a protest in Bankstown this Saturday June 22, marking six years since the announcement of the NT Intervention.

The US Wants Syrian Oil, Not Democracy

By Carl Gibson - 18 June, 2013

"... the Persian Gulf, the critical oil and natural gas-producing region that we fought so many wars to try and protect our economy from the adverse impact of losing that supply or having it available only at very high prices." -John Bolton, George W. Bush's ambassador to the United Nations

All the hubbub over Syria is all about oil. And if you don't believe me, believe John Bolton.

Sixth Anniversary of the Northern Territory Intervention

Concerned Australians Striking the Wrong Note - By Michelle Harris

Aboriginal advocate Olga Havnen, in her Lowitja O’Donoghue oration has asked a critical question. She asks what has been the psychological impact of the Intervention on Aboriginal people of the Northern Territory. It is surprising that so little attention has been given to this critical, yet in some ways tenuous, link before now.

Try to treat others as you would want them to treat you.

All right: one can work out for himself the human virtues just by recognizing how he himself would like to be treated. And from that, I think you will agree, one has settled any confusions as to what “good conduct” really is. It’s a far cry from being inactive, sitting still with your hands in your lap and saying nothing. “Being good” can be a very active and powerful force. There is little joy to be found in gloomy, restrained solemnity.

WGAR News: "Progress report on Closing the Gap proves best results are through community groups"

Newsletter date: 19 June 2013


* NACCHO chair: Progress report on Closing the Gap proves best results are through community groups
* The Stringer: Austerity cuts hit Closing the Gap

* NACCHO News: NACCHO CEO appointed to new Aboriginal Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Advisory Group
* The Stringer: Suicide prevention phone app designed for Aboriginal people in the remote

* NACCHO health education news: NACCHO signs Landmark Aboriginal medical education agreement
* NACCHO media news: NACCHO CEO Lisa Briggs to host IndigenousX Excellence this week

“Biofuel”: EU destroys 700,000 hectares of rainforest

The European Union wants to protect the climate and reduce carbon emissions from motor vehicles by blending fuels with increasing shares of supposedly eco-friendly “biofuels”.

Last year, 1.9 million tons of palm oil were added to diesel fuel in the EU – in addition to millions of tons of equally harmful rapeseed and soybean oils.

'Refugee Welcome Fiesta: Walk Together' in Fremantle

Come along early or stay afterwards for the Refugee Welcome Fiesta at the Fremantle Esplande, which features middle eastern dancing, global food stalls, buskers, arts & craft and lots more to do & see.

For the Harmony Walk- Please Meet at the Refugee Welcome Fiesta at the Fremantle Esplanade at 1.00 pm. We will then walk through Fremantle together before returning to the Esplanade at 1.20 pm.

World Refugee Week celebrates a diverse and welcoming Australia!


Screening at Cinema Paradiso (Northbridge) on June 30th of 'No Fire Zone- The Killing Fields of Sri Lanka' - Followed by a Q&A Session with the Director Callum Macrae

In the final stages of the conflict in the Northern Sri Lanka, the Government of Sri Lanka encouraged hundreds of thousands of Tamil civilians to gather in “No Fire Zones”, where they said they would be safe. Government forces then subjected these zones to sustained shelling. Food queues, hospitals & aid convoys were all attacked by the Sri Lankan military & Government Officials denied adequate supplies of food & medicine to the trapped civilians.


WGAR News: Funding found for Aboriginal Legal Service (NSW/ACT) police custody crisis phone line

Newsletter date: 18 June 2013


* Aboriginal Legal Service (NSW/ACT): At the 11th hour, the CNS is funded
* The Stringer: Federal Government finally fronts up with funding for Custodial Notification Service
* Tracker: Essential lifeline secures funding for next two years
* NIRS: Funding finally found for legal advice phone line
* Background to Funding of the Custody Notification Service operated by the Aboriginal Legal Service

* Aboriginal Legal Service (NSW/ACT): Legal fraternity to meet Aboriginal elders [New Canberra office]

De Pod 2013-06-15 [ audio ]

Nachrichten Kommentar mit Wolfgang

Giftgase und ueberschrittene rote Linien, Daten Ueberwachung, Wirtschaft und Umwelt, Fluten, Wahlkampf in Deutschland mit Verarmung und Niedrigloehne, Europaeische Finanz Politik Made in Germany, Australische Affaeren im Wahlkampf, Eine Australische Rechts Regierung als zukuenftige Realitaet, Robots als Arbeiter in der globalen Zukunft, Australische Soft Power ? Ha Ha

Musik selbst produziert

Children around the world need our help now

Perth retirees make wheelchairs for kids in need

By Stephanie Dalzell, ABC
Friday Mar 15, 2013

Brother Olly Pickett was building wheelchairs for children in a tiny workshop in Cambodia when he came across one of the youngest workers in the group.

The 15-year-old amputee was propped up on his knees, undeterred by the rough concrete floor he was kneeling on.

He was helping construct one of a dozen wheelchairs for children on the outskirts of the town who struggled to get to the local school each day.

The Stringer weekly newsletter - June 15

NEWS update: The Stringer went live February 20. Four months young The Stringer has been reaching a growing readership, nationally and internationally. In the three months since March 1, The Stringer on average has had 12,340 new visitors each month with May recording 15,072 new visitors.

Innocent Sri Lankan refugee family incarcerated for four years

Friday, 14 June 2013

A family of Sri Lanken refugees who were detained for four years have been released after ASIO overturned their status as a security risk. This has brought in to question the processing policies that allowed them to be wrongfully held for so long. 

WGAR News: Kado Muir, Aboriginal leader and activist, interviewed by Community Radio 3CR

Newsletter date: 15 June 2013


* Community Radio 3CR interview with Kado Muir, Aboriginal leader and activist from the goldfields region of inland WA
* Background to the Walkatjurra Walkabout: Stepping out against uranium mining

* Nicole Watson, Tracker: Standing on the shoulders of giants [The Land Rights movement]
* Chris Munro, Tracker: Aboriginal Ink: A spoonful of land rights
* Roy Ah See, Tracker: Lest we forget who paved the way

* CAAMA Video: Native Title Conference
* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: Native Title reforms to make it easier for developers