
The Shortwave Report 6/28/13 Listen globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (June 28) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

Why peace talks between the Philippine government and the NDF collapsed

Joma wants peace, the ‘ground’ doesn’t — Padilla

MANILA, Philippines — The peace talks between the government and the National Democratic Front (NDF) reached a high point in December 2012, when Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) founder Jose Maria Sison agreed to the so-called “special track” that would have facilitated the process.

The Boston bombing and the Libyan Islamic Call Society

A correspondent has pointed out an interesting connection: not only was the date of the bombing of the Boston marathon – April 15 – the anniversary Ronald Reagan’s bombing of Tripoli in Libya in 1989, but the young fanatics who carried out the bombing had attended a mosque that was built with funds from the International Islamic Call Society which was headquartered in Tripoli before NATO went in and wrecked the country.

WGAR News: Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 61 events from 28 June 2013

Newsletter date: 28 June 2013

WGAR events postings for each State and Territory:

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 27 June - 1 August 2013: Eveleigh, Sydney, NSW
Koori Radio 93.7FM and Carriageworks present:
20 years of the Gadigal Information Service
"For 20 years Gadigal Information Service
(incorporating Koori Radio 93.7FM) has been
broadcasting the news and views of Aboriginal
Australia from its home in Redfern. From Keating’s

SA events: Protest the Basics Card! Not In Playford, Not Anywhere + Candle Light Walk + NAIDOC Week

Adelaide and South Australia Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Mon 1 July 2013: Smithfield, SA
Protest the Basics Card!
NO Compulsory Income Management!
Not In Playford, Not Anywhere!
"To mark the one-year anniversary of the so-called
"trial" of compulsory income management in the
City of Playford, and the introduction of TWO NEW
categories of income management,
SIMPla (Stop Income Management in Playford) calls
for all opposed to this heavy-handed, unjust, wasteful

[Brazil] Convocation for international solidarity!!!


We write in the name of the Anarchist Popular Union (UNIPA), the revolutionary organization of Brazil, to urge the international support and to do a denounce about the syndicates and syndicate centrals that are fulfilling a reactionary paper in front of the popular levant.

Queensland events: NAIDOC Week + New ways with old words + Black Queen, Black King

Brisbane and Queensland Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 7 to 14 July 2013: various locations including Queensland
2013 National NAIDOC Week
The theme for NAIDOC Week 2013 is:
We value the vision: Yirrkala Bark Petitions 1963
"We value the foresight, strength and determination of the
Yolngu people whose Bark Petitions set into motion a
long process of legislative and constitutional reforms
for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people."
The focus city for National NAIDOC celebrations is Perth

Victoria events: Cultural Flows films + ISJA + National NAIDOC Week + Black Screen: 'Here I Am'

Melbourne and Victoria Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Thu 27 June 2013: Carlton, Melbourne, Vic
Cultural Flows films Melbourne Premiere!
"Jeanie's story is one of many depicted in a new
documentary that explores two Indigenous communities'
deep connections to the rivers and waterways in their
country. The Cultural Flows films were created as a
collaboration between the Wadi Wadi and Mutthi Mutthi
Nations and activist organization Friends of the Earth.
This unique community film project brings the stories,


WA events: Nyoongar Language Program + National NAIDOC Week + 'I'm not going anywhere' Exhibition

Perth and Western Australia Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 1-3 July 2013: City of Canning, WA
Nyoongar Language Program
"A special history lesson centred around the
Nyoongar language exploring its currrent
useage in relation to popular cultur."
Event details: [scroll down page]

Event: 7 to 14 July 2013: various locations including WA
2013 National NAIDOC Week
The theme for NAIDOC Week 2013 is:

NSW events: Breaking Ground + Live and Deadly + 'Homelands' Film with Angela Bates, NITV

Sydney and NSW Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 25 to 27 June 2013: Kariong, NSW
Dance: 'Breaking Ground' - mid year show
"The 2013 NAISDA mid year show is called 'Breaking Ground'
in acknowledgement of this year’s NAIDOC theme,
celebrating the 50th anniversary of the presentation of the
Yirrkala Bark petitions to the Federal Parliament."
Organisation: NAISDA
Venue: NAISDA Dance College
Event details:

22 minutes of an utterly inspiring talk

Have you got 22 minutes to be inspired by a talk the likes of which you’ve never heard before? It contains sentences like this:

- If you take more than you need, then you are stealing.

- When you allow greed to be a virtue rather than a negative trait, it doesn’t just reward the bankers and CEOs, it changes the minds.

- Values that everything is an object, everything is a commodity, is what has transformed India into the capital of rape.

Spoken by Vandana Shiva at an international media conference in Germany attended by 570 journalists from 90 countries.

WGAR News: Minister, Protect the Burrup with World Heritage Listing: Greens Senator Scott Ludlam

Newsletter date: 27 June 2013


* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: World Heritage push for world’s oldest rock art
* Greens Senator Scott Ludlam: Minister, Protect the Burrup with World Heritage Listing
* Saffron Howden, SMH: Population weighs heavily on ancient Aboriginal rock art

* Greens MLC Robin Chapple: Local Aboriginal Jobs Sacrificed in Shoddy Government Contract Deal

* Yindjibarndi Aboriginal Corporation: New hope for the Yindjibarndi people
* Ben Leahy, Pilbara Echo: Yindjibarndi sign land access with Rio Tinto


Canberra events: Windsongs & Waterlines + Wave Hill/Canberra Exchange + Our Vision, Our Story

Canberra Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 29 June to 24 August 2013: Various venues around Canberra, ACT
Windsongs & Waterlines - Where is, what is Wreck Bay?
"The Wreck Bay Community is the only Aboriginal Community
reserve in the ACT and is a closed community.
This exhibition will enable the wider public a rare
opportunity to visit and better understand Wreck Bay’s story.
For traditional owners this exhibition is an opportunity to
speak about culture and country and how as a community


WGAR News: March and Music for Muckaty, Tennant Creek, May 25: BNI Beyond Nuclear Initiative Audio

Newsletter date: 26 June 2013


* BNI: Audio uploaded - March and Music for Muckaty, Tennant Creek, May 25
* Background to the proposed Muckaty nuclear waste dump

* ABC Video: Aboriginal group to challenge shale gas agreement
* Tracker: Native title challenge to Canning gas bill
* Hands off Country: Why does this government pretend that it does not need to speak to anybody?
* Background to Mabo and Native Title

* Jeff McMullen, Tracker: The Way Ahead: The new land grab
* Emma Murphy, Green Left: Traditional owners battle for a healthy river

Anima Mundi - permaculture, peak oil, climate change and the Gaia theory.

For a short time my first documentary, Anima Mundi - Permaculture, Peak Oil, Climate Change and the the Gaia theory, is available to watch for free at Culture Unplugged, an online film festival. Anima Mundi is signed with a US distributor who has ripped me off, thus I have allowed the film to be shown free in their licensed territories by the festival. Click the link to watch: Please vote for Anima Mundi.

WGAR News: "Governments are attempting to steal our original sovereign citizenship and independence"

Newsletter date: 25 June 2013


* Jeane Bicket, Indymedia Australia: Warlpiri Language Vulnerability [Warlpiri is a Northern Territory Aboriginal language.]
* Background to the use of Aboriginal languages in NT schools (bilingual education)

* Michael Anderson, Sovereign Union: Governments are attempting to steal our original sovereign citizenship and independence
* Michael Mansell, Audio Boo: Phase One of Treaty/Sovereignty Talks Brisbane (May 18/19)
* George Williams, Indigenous Law Bulletin: Does Constiutional Recognition negate Aboriginal Sovereignty