
Land deal fails important tests

To all, a piece in The West Australian, yesterday, on a native title proposal:
- Much has been made of the State Government’s billion-dollar-plus offer to the Noongar people via the South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council.

But is it a genuine native title offer or a politicised move to coerce a proposition that native title rights have been settled for all those considered Noongars and that all future rights are extinguished?

WGAR News: Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 58 events from 16 July 2013

Newsletter date: 16 July 2013

WGAR events postings for each State and Territory:

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Wed 17 July 2013: Narrabundah, Canberra, ACT
Families with Children with Disability Workshop at Winnunga
Winnunga Nimmityjah Aboriginal Health Service
"1. Opening
2. Background
3. National Disability Insurance Scheme
4. Parental and Community Engagement Program
5. Feedback from Parents/Carers
6. Summary and Closing"

Treaty, sovereignty, empowerment the key factors for meaningful recognition

By John Rowsthorne, National Indigenous Times - We fear the Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd and the leader of the Coalition, Tony Abbott are missing the most important point about recognition of Australia’s First Peoples. Perhaps they are doing so deliberately, perhaps they believe by promoting recognition of Indigenous Australians in the constitution it takes people’s mind from the real issues – we hope that is not the case.


Letter from Honduras, of demand/solidarity against repression at Syd Uni

Tegucigalpa, Honduras
11 July 2013

To the university authorities of University of Sydney, Australia

In the honour of solidarity between the peoples of the world, from Honduras, we learnt of the abuses by police against university students and workers and other people who fight for better conditions at this University. These people had their rights violated: we demand an end to this repression.

We join our voices in calling for the respect of people's integrity and for a liberatory education.


Brisbane events: Manuwangku: Under the Nuclear Cloud + Launch of Stolen Wages Facebook

Brisbane and Queensland Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Sat 13 July - Sun 11 August 2013: South Brisbane, Qld
Manuwangku - Under the Nuclear Cloud
Photographs by Jagath Dheerasekara
Opening night on 13 July 2013
Venue: Queensland Centre for Photography
"Manuwangku, Under the Nuclear Cloud is a
series of photographs by Jagath Dheerasekara
presenting the community and country around Muckaty,
120 kilometres north of Tennant Creek in the NT."
"For over five years this area has been the focus

Canberra events: Families with Children with Disability + Our Vision, Our Story

Canberra Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Wed 17 July 2013: Narrabundah, Canberra, ACT
Families with Children with Disability Workshop at Winnunga
Winnunga Nimmityjah Aboriginal Health Service
"1. Opening
2. Background
3. National Disability Insurance Scheme
4. Parental and Community Engagement Program
5. Feedback from Parents/Carers
6. Summary and Closing"
Event details:


Sydney events: Liberal Party ascendency + Celebrate the Kimberley + Arnhem Land TOs + WRN forum

Sydney events:
What does the Liberal Party ascendency mean for Aboriginal affairs? +
Celebrate the Kimberley in Sydney: meet Traditional Owners from Arnhem Land +
Arnhem Land Traditional Owners in Sydney: Protest Action +
Women's Reconciliation Network forum on recognition

Sydney and NSW Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Mon 15 July 2013: Surry Hills, Sydney, NSW
Now in government in the NT, tipped to win Federal election...
What does the Liberal Party ascendency mean for Aboriginal affairs?:

Chomsky: The "herd" must remain "bewildered" in sham democracy

Obama's remarkable global terror campaign and the limited, pathetic reaction to it in the West is a campaign of international terrorism - by far the most extreme in the world. The drones and special forces campaign is a terror-generating campaign. Though American power has diminished since its peak in 1945, it's still incomparable and dangerous.

New report puts lie to military claims of clean, green war games in barrier reef and elsewhere

Today Friends of the Earth release a damning report of the track record of military uses of the environment and the risks US bases and exercises pose to our natural heritage.

The report US Bases in Australia: the social and environmental risks lists the numerous locations that the US military will increasingly use on Australian soil, and comes on the heels of the commencement of the world's biggest US-Australian war games in Shoalwater Bay near Yeppoon in Queensland.



West Papuan freedom flotilla sets out for Lake Eyre

The West Paupan Freedom Flotilla sets out on the first leg of its epic journey from Lake Eyre to
the warm waters of Merauke, West Papua on July 16, 2013.
People from across Australia supporting their West Papuan brothers and sisters will meet Uncle
Kevin Buzzacott, Arabunna (Lake Eyre) Elder and peacemaker, at the shores of Lake Eyre in South
Australia on July 20 to collect the ceremonial water to take on their journey to West Papua.
The arrival of West Papuan asylum seekers to Australia's shores over a decade ago meant that the

WGAR News: Rudd hails 'Aboriginal Magna Carta': Kathy Marks, The New Zealand Herald

Newsletter date: 15 July 2013


* Kathy Marks, The New Zealand Herald: Rudd hails 'Aboriginal Magna Carta'
* Stefan Armbruster, SBS Radionews: Where NAIDOC came from ... 75 years ago
* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: 1,200 attend NAIDOC Ball - but there is justice yet to be done


WGAR News: NAIDOC Week: Still Supporting Yolngu in Their Fight for Rights: 'concerned Australians' (8 Jul 13)

WGAR News: Land rights are empty, Yolngu elder tells Rudd on bark petition anniversary: Guardian UK

Newsletter date: 14 July 2013 NAIDOC Week


* National NAIDOC Week 2013 theme: We value the vision: Yirrkala Bark Petitions 1963
* Richard Trudgen, The Stringer: What Happened to the Second Bark Petition?
* Oliver Laughland, The Guardian UK: Land rights are empty, Yolngu elder tells Rudd on bark petition anniversary [Featuring Galarrwuy Yunupingu]
* The Stringer: Monica Morgan says much more needs to be done [Featuring Amnesty International's Indigenous Rights campaigner]


Peace protest commemorates the late Bryan Law at US-Aust war games

Media Release 13 July 2013

Inaugural Bryan Law Memorial Peace Trike Ride

The inaugural Bryan Law Memorial Peace Trike Ride will take place at the gates of the Rockhampton Showground while the Talisman Saber Military Open Day takes place with its 35 million a piece Tiger Armed Reconnaissance Helicopters closely guarded within

from 11 am - 4 pm Sunday 14 July

Rockhampton Showground, Exhibition Road, Rockhampton


After the removal of Morsi in Egypt

The removal of the Morsi government is not a victory for the proletariat and the exploited Egyptian masses
Victory can only be achieved by the removal of capitalism!

After massive demonstrations against the Morsi government, which gathered together millions and millions of protesters throughout Egypt, the military overthrew the government, arrested Morsi and dozens of leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood, closed their television stations and suppressed their newspapers. An interim president was appointed and it appears that negotiations are underway to appoint a new government.