
WGAR News: National day of action gives birth to a national body: Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer

Newsletter date: 22 July 2013


* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: National day of action gives birth to a national body
* Let's Talk's Karen Dorante interviews Gerry Georgatos, a Human Rights Advocate completing a PHD in Deaths in Custody
* Penny Wright, The Guardian UK: Australia's culture of incarceration has gone too far
* Emma Murphy, Green Left: NT going backwards on black deaths in custody
* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: Rising rates of Aboriginal women into prison can no longer be overlooked

Lac-Megantic disaster in Canada : The law of profit is the criminal!

The aftermath of the worst rail disaster in Canada for decades leaves at least 50 dead with many of the victims still unaccounted for. On Saturday, July 6 at one o'clock in the morning a train carrying crude oil derailed in the small town of Lac-Megantic in Quebec (6000 inhabitants), the fire and the explosion of several cars destroyed a large section of the downtown.

Professional comments: global ethical human rights to replace neoliberal absolutism

Professional comments: global ethical human rights to replace neoliberal absolutism.

Anthony Ravlich
Human Rights Council (New Zealand)
10D/15 City Rd.,
Auckland City.
Ph: (0064) (09) 940.9658

The following are some of the comments made (and some of my replies) after my posts in late March and May 2013 on a social networking site (linkedin) mainly for professionals.


International anti-nuclear activists on 500-km walk through France

A more than 500-kilometre international march against nuclear power and for peace started in France on 1 July and will continue until 27 July. Participants will walk from Narbonne to Bugey, both major nuclear industry centres. Activists include French, Dutch, Australians, New Zealanders, Chileans and US Americans. They want to show solidarity with the worldwide struggle against any use of atomic power. See more pictures at

WGAR News: Treaty, sovereignty, empowerment the key factors for meaningful Recognition: NIT

Newsletter date: 21 July 2013


* NIT: Your Say: Treaty, sovereignty, empowerment the key factors for meaningful Recognition
* Let's Talk - NAIDOC Day Constitutional Symposium featuring Panel Members Prof. Megan Davis, Dr Robert Anderson OAM and Aunty Mary Graham
* Jim McIlroy, Green Left: Forum debates Aboriginal rights constitution change [Journalist Jeff McMullen chaired the event.]
* NIRS: NLC Chair suggests Land Rights Act be protected in the Consitution
* Background to the Aboriginal sovereignty movement

The Stringer weekly newsletter - July 20

Welcome to The Stringer’s weekly newsletter - NEWS update: The Stringer went live February 20. Four months young The Stringer has been reaching a growing readership, nationally and internationally. In the three months since March 1, The Stringer on average has had 12,340 new visitors each month with May recording 15,072 new visitors.

Chief Justice against sending activist to jail

Long-time judicial critic and New Zealand activist Vince Siemer, will begin his prison sentence today for contempt of court following last week's Supreme Court ruling has found an ally in none other than Chief Justice Sian Elias.

The Chief Justice's minority opinion disagreed with her fellow judges, holding that Siemer's rights under the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act to freedom of expression and natural justice extended to his ability to question the legality of the suppression orders made in the contempt proceedings that were before the Court.

CLIMATE of DEATH – Justice denied means more will die

Gerry Georgatos - courtesy of The Stringer - - July 18th, 2013 - Photo: Mother Mavis Pat at her son’s Fremantle Prison (museum) memorial, September 28, 2011 – Photo, Gerry Georgatos - “We have to get rid of racist cops. I don’t want to dwell on the past but I have grown up bitter,” said Whadjuk Noongar Elder Ben Taylor. Mr Taylor said of colonial and post-colonial Australia, “They have been killing our people for two hundred years.”


Honduras in Australia, without borders / Honduras en Australia, sin fronteras

(version español abajo)

Honduras in Australia, Without Borders

A collaborative piece between seven..

On 13 July 2013, in Sydney, we met at hollis park to ride our bicycles through Redfern down to Enmore park. Amongst all the voices there are there is one voice, the things said now, and to say those things we used our fingers where paintbrushes would go, and we painted a banner because our world is a world of words and on that sign we said, Plunders and murders stop 4 years of coup in Honduras.

The Shortwave Report 7/19/13 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend, 
            The latest Shortwave Report (July 19) is up at the website  in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
   (If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

     This week's show features stories from NHK World Radio Japan, Radio Havana Cuba, Radio Deutsche-Welle, and Spanish National Radio.

WGAR News: Inaugural Meeting of the Peoples Council of the Murrawarri Republic

Newsletter date: 19 July 2013


* Murrawarri Republic: Inaugural Meeting of the Peoples Council of the Murrawarri Republic
* Background to the Murrawarri Republic declaration

* Michael Anderson, Sovereign Union: ILUA (Indigenous Land Use Agreement) = Indigenous Land Under Attack

* Michael Anderson: Gomeroi Protest against Whitehaven Coal
* Maules Creek Community Council: Aboriginal workers walk off the job - Whitehaven in protest at Maules Creek coal mine

* Brisbane Blacks Monthly: Mabo Lawyer - Native Title Agreements Affirm the Sovereignty of the British Crown

WGAR News: Maintain Court's discretion - Therapy not "throw away the key": APO NT [Alcohol & Drugs]

Newsletter date: 18 July 2013


* APO NT: Maintain Court's discretion - Therapy not "throw away the key" [Alcohol & Drugs]
* NIRS: Six month review for NT [Alcohol] treatment policy
* Background to the NT Alcohol Mandatory Treatment Bill

* NACCHO alert NIDAC: The report on the consultations of the National Aboriginal Peoples' Drug Strategy

* Catherine Liddle, NITV News: Campaign launched to reduce diabetes among Indigenous Aussies

* NIRS: WA Gov't flags community collaboration on suicide

WGAR News: MJA's first issue for July has a focus on Indigenous health: Medical Journal of Australia

Newsletter date: 17 July 2013


* Medical Journal of Australia (MJA): Volume 199, Issue 1 - 8 July, 2013
* Ruth Armstrong, MJA: A time and a place
* Tammy M Kimpton, MJA: Partnership and leadership: key to improving health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians
* Sandra J Eades and Fiona J Stanley, MJA: Improving the health of First Nations children in Australia
* Melissa A Sweet, MJA: Social media: new links for Indigenous health
* Sarah L Blunden and Danny Camfferman, MJA: Can sleep contribute to "closing the gap" for Indigenous children?


New South Wales: Inaugural meeting of the Peoples Council of the Murrawarri Republic

The first meeting of the Peoples Council of the Murrawarri Republic was held at Weilmoringle on Saturday 13 July 2013 where the Murrawarri Peoples have maintained continuous occupation, presence and possession of their Ancient Murrawarri Land, Subsurface, Waters, Natural Resources and Airspace.