
Media Watch's Jonathan Holmes dodged one of the biggest ABC falsifications ever

"The ABC's senior management.... have unfailingly supported us however uncomfortable we sometimes make their lives and who've never once interfered in the choices we make." (Audio attached) So said Jonathan Holmes at the end of his last presentation of Media Watch on ABC TV on 1 July 13. I challenged him with the following email to You might like to do the same.


that's a barefaced lie for which you owe at least every Northern Territory Aboriginal person a most remorseful apology.


Swift and vitriolic reaction to Ed Husic's swearing on the Qoran

From The Stringer
It doesn't take much!
by Suresh Rajan
July 2nd, 2013
Every now and then I am surprised at the level of racist abuse and tirades that emanate from our
community. Today was a very significant day for the Australian Parliament and multiculturalism in
general. Ed Husic is a new Parliamentary Secretary in the reborn Kevin Rudd government. He
took his oath with the Governor General, Her Excellency, Ms Quentin Bryce on Monday 1 July
2013. What was significant was that Ed Husic is the first person of Muslim faith to be elected to

Total opposition - interview with anarchist writer

In an interview with The Vast Minority, writer Paul Cudenec calls for anarchists to unite in "total opposition" to the global capitalist system. He says he is trying to unearth the primal force behind the philosophy and argues that anarchism has the potential to become a new "religion" for the current age.

Q: Your book The Anarchist Revelation is very much focused around presenting an anarchist spirituality. Why?


WGAR News: NT move to mandatory alcohol rehabilitation sparks controversy: The Guardian UK

Newsletter date: 3 July 2013


* Northern Territory Government: Robyn Lambley - Minister of Health: Day One of Alcohol Mandatory Treatment
* NIRS: NT compulsory treatment policy gets through Parliament
* Malcolm Sutton, The Guardian UK: NT move to mandatory alcohol rehabilitation sparks controversy
* Julie Edwards, The Guardian UK: Northern Territory alcohol mandatory treatment is an affront to liberty
* Concerned Territorians: Time to Stop and Re-think our Approach to Alcohol Policy in the Territory
* Current Campaigns: NAAJA opposes the Mandatory Alcohol Treatment Bill

“What do these blacks want? An education? Send them back to the bush where they belong."

Courtesy of The Stringer, “What do these blacks want? An education? Send them back to the bush where they belong.†- - by Gerry Georgatos - June 30th, 2013 - Today, Yothu Yindi’s great songwriter, musician, educator and social justice campaigner is at rest. Mr Yunupingu rocked the boat on racist stereotypes as he called for equality, and through Treaty.


Australian atomic massacre of Aborigines still ignored

Reposted from Green Left Weekly by kind permission of Mel

By David T. Rowlands

Nearly 60 years have passed since Totem 1, a British nuclear test in the Australian desert, was recklessly conducted in unfavourable meteorological conditions.

Nuclear testing of any sort, even in the most "controlled" of circumstances, is inherently abusive, a crime against the environment and humanity for countless generations to come. Yet the effects of Totem 1 were particularly bad, even by the warped standards of the era.


New income management will target vulnerable youth across Australia

From July 1, more than 2,600 young people in Bankstown, the Northern
Territory and "trial sites" across Australia were placed
on income management under new measures which target youth in
vulnerable circumstances.

This includes:
• Children and young people deemed by Centrelink as no longer able to
live at home, and eligible for either the Special Benefit or the
Unreasonable to Live at Home payment.
• people under the age of 25 years who receive a Centrelink Crisis
Payment due to leaving prison.

Yesterday, the Joint Parliamentary Committee on Human Rights, which

Stop O'Farrell's "Bed Tax"

TODAY NSW Community Services Minister Pru Goward announced the imposition of a ‘bed tax’ on public housing tenants with a ‘spare’ bedroom.

This is part of an ongoing process of harassment and displacement of long term public housing tenants as the NSW government attempts to shift housing responsibility onto the non-government and private sectors.

Why should public housing tenants be forced to move out of homes they have occupied for years, sometimes decades, and into smaller accommodation, which may not have been as well maintained as their own homes.


Australian embassy attacked in Berlin

On the evening of the 29th of June we took it upon ourselves to beautify a large eyesore called the Australian Embassy in Mitte, Berlin. This small gesture was taken in solidarity with comrades across the world, in the colonised region known as Sydney.

We painted



WGAR News: What does a change of PM mean for Aboriginal people?: CAAMA interviews Michael Mansell

Newsletter date: 1 July 2013


* CAAMA: What does a change of PM mean for Aboriginal people? [Featuring Michael Mansell]
* NITV News: Warren Mundine welcomes Rudd's return
* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: The downfall of Prime Minister Gillard began with broken promises about the Intervention

* Living Black's Marc Tong interviews Sylvie Ellsmore: Local Council Says No to Income Management

* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Background to 'Stronger Futures' new NT Intervention laws

Another Newstart betrayal by Laberal/Libor

While Kevin Rudd was in the media yesterday committing his ‘in-principle’ support to increase Newstart and help single parents, the Government and Tony Abbott’s coalition joined together on the same day to vote down a motion calling for a $50 per week increase to Newstart.

Once again the Australian Greens were the only party taking a stand on the floor of Parliament – where actions speak louder than words.


The Stringer weekly newsletter - June 29

NEWS update: The Stringer went live February 20. Four months young The Stringer has been reaching a growing readership, nationally and internationally. In the three months since March 1, The Stringer on average has had 12,340 new visitors each month with May recording 15,072 new visitors.

The downfall of Prime Minister Julia Gillard began with broken promises on the Intervention and the lies about the Lobby restaurant incident

- The following article has been republished on a number of sites in various formats, originally from various versions on The Stringer and in The National Indigenous Times. - Gerry Georgatos' investigations reveal the beginning of the end for Julia Gillard as Australia’s Prime Minister started with the revelations of the involvement of the Office of the Prime Minister to use the 40th anniversary Aboriginal Tent Embassy celebrations to wedge Opposition Leader, Tony Abbott. Gerry broke the story nationally that parliamentary staffer, Tony Hodges did not act alone.


Kwementyaye Briscoe: Death in custody and law reform changes recommended

attached is a plea, on behalf of kwementyaye's family and isja, for nt government consideration of the arguments that we have put. in this case the "we" is myself and daniel taylor who is related by marriage to the family of mr. briscoe. i thank daniel for his input in turning a good draft into an excellent missive.

whilst john elferink is the nt attorney-general there is now a new chief minister who, like his predecessor, is also the minister for the nt police.


WGAR News: Let's Talk's Tiga Bayles interviews Barbara Shaw about the NT Intervention

Newsletter date: 29 June 2013


* Let's Talk's Tiga Bayles interviews Barbara Shaw about the Northern Territory Intervention
* Catholic Communications, Sydney Archdiocese: Six years of the NT Intervention Six Years Too Long
* NIRS: Six years of NT Intervention marked

* 9 News: Doubts over NT intervention extension
* Sydney Indymedia Event Calendar: July 1 2013: Press Conference and Rally to stop further expansion of income management
* Living Black's Marc Tong interviews Paddy Gibson about the expansion of Income Management
