NEWS update: The Stringer went live February 20. Four months young The Stringer has been reaching a growing readership, nationally and internationally. In the three months since March 1, The Stringer on average has had 12,340 new visitors each month with May recording 15,072 new visitors.
Recently, we introduced new contributors to The Stringer - Lester Ranby from Sydney, Mick Estens from the Northern Territory, Dr Binoy Kampmark from Melbourne, Delephene Fraser in Canberra, Dr Don Jacobs (Four Arrows) from Arizona, USA, Kathy Kelly in Afghanistan, Dr Ali Gohar in London and Peshawar, Colin Penter from Perth, and Ramdas Sankaran also from Perth Western Australia alongside our regulars Nicola Butler in Adelaide, and Western Australia’s trio of Suresh Rajan, Jimmy Bones and Gerry Georgatos.
Some of our stories from the last week include:
The downfall of Prime Minister Gillard began with broken promises about the Intervention
28th June 2013 by Gerry Georgatos
New fight in the Kimberley to protect Country
28th June 2013 by The Stringer
Josie Farrer slams WA Government for excluding Aboriginal peoples
27th June 2013 by Gerry Georgatos
Western Australia undermines Closing the Health Gap
27th June 2013 by Gerry Georgatos
Rudd wins 57-45
26th June 2013 by Gerry Georgatos
Rudd will become Prime Minister – 56:46
26th June 2013 by Gerry Georgatos
Red Cross speaks on the vulnerabilities and ordeals of Asylum Seekers
26th June 2013 by Gerry Georgatos
South Africa’s tragic deaths in custody record skyrockets amid international silence
26th June 2013 by Gerry Georgatos
How Would American Indians Teach US History?
24th June 2013 by Four Arrows and Barbara Mann
Northern Territory – Opinion Piece, by Barbara Shaw
23rd June 2013 by Barbara Shaw
Deprivation, poverty, disadvantage of Aboriginal people on show everyday – in Court
23rd June 2013 by Mick Estens
Some of The Stringer’s most widely read stories include:
South Africa, twenty years after Apartheid, doing better than Australia
May 11th 2013 by Gerry Georgatos
Australia’s Aboriginal children detained at the world’s highest rates
May 1st 2013 by Gerry Georgatos
Cuts to single parent payments lead to hardship
2nd April 2013 by Gerry Georgatos
Australia’s pathway to poverty – bridging visas
30th March 2013 by The Stringer
Australia’s Aboriginal children – The world’s highest suicide rate
27th February 2013 by Gerry Georgatos
Is Australia a racist country?
7th April 2013 by Suresh Rajan
There are scores more stories, localised, national and international, you can choose from to read – and share with others on The Stringer
The Stringer recommends the 28 minutes audio from 3CR – The War on Iraq: 10 Years On
Anyone who would like to assist with Wheelchairs for Kids please contact us – the organisation builds hardened up wheelchairs for children in countries devastated by war, civil strife, abject poverty and it has reached 66 countries and 26,000 children. Most recently wheelchairs have been donated to Sri Lanka, the Congo and Libya. The Libyan consignment became the 66th nation we have reached. Millions more children wait. – You can contact Gerry Georgatos, who is the Wheelchairs for Kids Foundation manager 0430 657 309, or Jennifer Kaeshagen, the Wheelchairs for Kids Foundation communications coordinator You can quickly find out more about Wheelchairs for Kids at our latest news video on the home page of The Stringer news site and in several articles on The Stringer.
You can donate directly to the Wheelchairs for Kids Foundation at:
BSB: 016 261
ACC: 267255563
Your feedback, news tips, ideas for stories and your own submissions of articles, videos, sound recording and photographs are more than welcome.
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The Stringer’s people thank you.