Not enough people know

Thanks to your support, we have achieved so much together in this parliament.

Can you please share these achievements with three friends?

SHAREDear supporter of The Greens,

From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

Your vote in 2010 changed Australia. As this power-sharing Parliament comes to an end today, you should be so proud of what you achieved by supporting the Greens to a strong position.

From action on global warming, standing up to big mining corporations to protecting national parks and establishing Denticare, we have done so much.

But we face a huge challenge. Our research tells us, not enough people in the community know about what the Greens have achieved.

Can you help us change that by forwarding my message to three friends?

Here’s some of what we have achieved together:

  • The Clean Energy Act.There's a price on pollution and we're investing the money in clean energy. It’s already working: energy pollution is down more than 7% already.
  • Clean Energy Finance.$10 billion in clean energy investment starts rolling out on Monday.
  • Free dental care for 3.4 million children and a huge injection of funds into public dental health, to make sure that care gets to the people who need it most.

Because of the Greens community radio has funding to stay abreast of technology, children in Aboriginal communities are better protected from the scourge of petrol sniffing and a Parliamentary Budget Office has been established to keep politicians honest about spending promises during elections.

 Make sure your friends know what a vote for the Greens delivers.

The mainstream media are more interested in following the political bickering and soap opera of the old parties.

This week alone, the Greens secured funding to help homeless people into aged care, finally got Senate support to end toxic dumping on the Great Barrier Reef, protected the jobs of nurses and engineers and much more.  I’m personally very passionate about the arts. That’s why I was so glad to secure amendments this week that guaranteed freedom of artistic expression, artist and community engagement, and the central place of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures in our national arts funding.

But you wouldn’t know it from the papers, TV or radio news. We don’t have the spending power of the old two parties.

But we do have people power. Help us amplify it by sending this message to your friends.

The media might prefer to cover the bickering between the other parties and their familiar slogans. That’s why we need people like you: to get the word out that Greens make a real difference.

Every day of this Parliament, my wonderful Greens colleagues have made a real difference.

But we couldn’t have achieved anything without you.

Well done.

Yours with gratitude,

Christine Milne

P.S. you may like to tell us on Facebook what you care about most.