
WGAR News: Pioneering myth of early white settlers branded a lie by historian Dr Timothy Bottoms

Newsletter date: 14 June 2013


* CAAMA: Frontier history revisited "A Queensland based historian has branded the pioneering myth of the early white settlers as a lie."
* Eleanor Gilbert, YouTube: Remembering the Frontier Wars - Anzac Day 2013, Canberra - Sovereign Embassy
* Brooke Boney, NITV News: Myall Creek massacre remembered
* Ron Sutton, SBS Radionews: Myall Creek: A massacre and a reconciliation
* The Inverell Times: Myall Creek remembered
* Sovereign Union: The Rufus River Massacre - Lake Victoria South West NSW

WGAR News: We have to stop the creation of another Stolen Generation: Paddy Gibson, The Guardian UK

Newsletter date: 13 June 2013


* Nicola Butler, The Stringer: National call to reduce high number of Aboriginal children removed
* Paddy Gibson, The Guardian UK: We have to stop the creation of another Stolen Generation
* The Wire: Are we on the brink of another Stolen Generation? [Interviews with Frank Hytten and Paddy Gibson]
* Melbourne event hosted by SNAICC: Stop the Creation of Another Stolen Generation! (14 June 13)
* Northern Territory (NT) Forced Aboriginal Adoption Media Coverage
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention

Western Australia events: Limited places left on Lurujarri Heritage Trails 2013, Kimberley Region

Perth and Western Australia Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 6-14 & 17-25 July 6-14 & 17-25 August 2013:
North of Broome on the Dampier Peninsula, Kimberley, WA
The Lurujarri Dreaming Trail
Walk the Trail with us in 2013
As of 11 June 13: "Limited places left on Lurujarri Heritage Trails 2013
6-14 July: fully booked
17-25 July: fully booked
6-14 August: still taking bookings
17-25 August: still taking bookings"
"Feel free to contact us if you would like to
get some more information or if you would like


WGAR News: Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 57 events from 12 June 2013

Newsletter date: 12 June 2013

WGAR events postings for each State and Territory:

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Wed 12 June 2013: Melbourne CBD, Vic
Public meeting: Closing the Indigenous health gap in Victoria
* Mary Guthrie (Policy and Communications, The Lowitja Institute),
* Jane Freemantle (Centre for Health & Society ... )
Event details:

Event: Wed 12 June 2013: Cambelltown, Sydney, NSW
Living Life My Way:

Melbourne events: Closing the Indigenous health gap + Another Stolen Generation + Ghost Citizens

Melbourne and Victoria Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Wed 12 June 2013: Melbourne CBD, Vic
Public meeting: Closing the Indigenous health gap in Victoria
* Mary Guthrie (Policy and Communications, The Lowitja Institute),
* Jane Freemantle (Centre for Health & Society ... )
Event details:

Event: Fri 14 June 2013: Melbourne, Vic
Stop the Creation of Another Stolen Generation!
Stepping up for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Rights!


Canberra events: Another stolen generation? + Windsongs & Waterlines + Wave Hill/Canberra Exchange

Canberra Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Mon 17 June 2013: Cook, Canberra, ACT
Another stolen generation?
Guest speaker Mary Ivec
"Join us for a discussion about current government policy
that removes Aboriginal children in the Northern Territory
into non-Aboriginal families, contrary to international law."
"Mary will speak about the Australian National University's
research regarding child protection and the successful
programs which keep children safely at home."
Hosted by the Amnesty Belconnen Group


The Stringer weekly newsletter - June 11

The Stringer went live February 20 - NEWS update: More contributors and writers continue to join The Stringer. Three months young The Stringer has been reaching a growing audience, nationally and internationally.

Please share this newsletter and spread the word about The Stringer.

In the three months since March 1, The Stringer on average has had 12,340 new visitors each month with May recording 15,072 new visitors. -

Queensland events: The Conspiracy of Silence + Ration Shed Tours + new ANTaR working groups

Brisbane and Queensland Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Tue 11 June 2013: West End, Qld
The Conspiracy of Silence - Dr Timothy Bottoms
"Join ABC Radio National's Kate Evans for a
Big Ideas in-conversation with Dr Timothy Bottoms
discussing his new book The Conspiracy of Silence.
The Conspiracy of Silence is the first systematic
account of frontier violence in Queensland."
Event details: [scroll down page]

Event: Ongoing: Cherbourg Aboriginal community, S-E Qld


Sydney events: A Decision to Discriminate & Our Generation + Gamarada Healing + Living Life My Way

Sydney and NSW Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Tue 11 June 2013: Ryde, Sydney, NSW
Book launch 'A Decision to Discriminate'
& Film Screening 'Our Generation'
Special Speaker: Graeme Mundine
This event is part of the Guringai Festival 2013:
"This new book 'A Decision to Discriminate' is an
important historical record that focuses on the
Senate Committee Inquiry into the Stronger Futures
legislation. It shows how the Government

Bob Carr on West Papua

Foreign minister Bob Carr has been directly challenged in a public hearing over his weak position on the human rights crisis in West Papua.

Greens Senator Richard Di Natale clashed with Carr during a Senates Estimates committee hearing.

Carr tried to blame The Greens and Australian human rights activists for inciting "false hope" that West Papua might one day achieve independence from Indonesia.

In response Senator Di Natalie called Mr Carr's view "incredibly patronising and incredibly arrogant".

WGAR News: Wide ramifications for EPA decisions from trial: David Weber, ABC [JPP gas hub case]

Newsletter date: 11 June 2013


* ABC: Chief Justice reserves decision in gas hub case
* David Weber, ABC: Wide ramifications for EPA decisions from trial [JPP gas hub case]
* ABC: Greens call for EPA to explain board behaviour
* Background to the Save The Kimberley Campaign - James Price Point, north of Broome, WA

* ABC Mildura - Swan Hill: Fighting for land nothing new for Aboriginal elder
* ABC Mildura - Swan Hill: Were Aborigines Australia's first 'squatters'?
* Audio Boo: Fighting for land nothing new for Murra Wurra Paakintji woman

WGAR News: The Federal Government is not listening while people die: Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer

Newsletter date: 10 June 2013


* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: Suicide attempts among women on the rise
* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: The Federal Government is not listening while people die

* SNAICC News: Governments must commit to survival of Aboriginal children and family centres

* CAAMA: Big Bro's Shed... [health and well-being]

* Jeremy Geia, NITV News: Calls to scrap cigarette 'skins' displaying Indigenous flag

* Pro Bono News: Film Recognises Depression in Urban Indigenous Communities

Australia's political heartland: hate, fear, prejudice

The Drum
By ABC's Jonathan Green

Prime Minister Julia Gillard: "(The Government has a plan) to stop foreign workers being put at the front of the queue with Australian workers at the back".
Media/football identity Eddie McGuire: "Get Adam Goodes down for it do you reckon?"
So where does it come from, this simultaneous sense of shame and licence over racism in this country?

Our twin capacity to tolerate a political discussion that fixes on stopping the boats and Aussie jobs while generating storms of righteous indignation over high-profile instances of racial abuse and denigration?

WGAR News: "call for action to reduce high number of Aboriginal children in out-of-home care"

Newsletter date: 9 June 2013


* SNAICC News: Delegates call for action to reduce high number of Aboriginal Children in out-of-home care
* SBS Radionews: Remove harm, not children: Indigenous advocates
* Northern Territory (NT) Forced Aboriginal Adoption Media Coverage
* Vimeo: Adam Giles, Child Protection from CAAMA

* SNAICC News: Our governments have failed Indigenous children Canadian First Nations advocate tells SNAICC
* Pro Bono News: Governments Have Failed Indigenous Children
* SBS Radionews: Australia failing Indigenous child rights obligations

Mercenaries ride again!

Rob Gowland

In days of yore, when the great European powers were building (or more commonly seizing) their empires, they regularly used the services of soldiers for hire, mercenaries who saw soldiering as a job so why not do it for a foreign government if it paid better than your own?

WGAR News: Deaths in custody on conscience of all Australians - Save the CNS: ALS News

Newsletter date: 8 June 2013


* Aboriginal Legal Service (NSW/ACT): Deaths in custody on conscience of all Australians: Save the CNS

* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: Deaths in Custody - when will something be done?
* The Stringer: WA imprisons 300 Aboriginal people each year for driving offences
* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: NT's third-world prisons - a national disgrace
* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: CCC inquiry into police lock-up bashing

* Greens Senator Penny Wright: Greens say books not bars for Territory youth

The week that was, in nuclear news

Articles and source links for these items can be found at and at


Renewable energy and climate change are in the news – but mainly for political reasons. It is still possible for the Liberal Coalition to persuade one or more Independents to go for a double dissolution of Federal Parliament. The Coalition then they might be able to put a stop to developments in renewable energy – ones that are being contracted by the Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC) , and are due to commence on July 1.