
United Natures press release

PRESS RELEASE - for immediate release

United Natures - a United Nations of all species
Directed by Peter Charles Downey
Release June 1st 2013.

WGAR News: Speech of prominent Aboriginal Territorian Olga Havnen: Healing the Fault Lines

Newsletter date: 4 June 2013


* NACCHO health news: Healing the Fault Lines: uniting politicians, bureaucrats and NGOs for improved outcomes in Aboriginal Health
[Speech of prominent Aboriginal Territorian Olga Havnen]
* Debra Jopson, Global Mail: You Call That Racism?
[Northern Territory Aboriginal activist Olga Havnen]
* Triple R - Melbourne Independent Radio: Audio: Kulja and Donna talk to Chips Mackinolty about the Northern Territory Intervention
* Nine News: Let us take charge, indigenous NGOs say


Melbourne City Council harassing peaceful political activity on city streets

Media Release 2 June 2013: The Wednesday Action Group was formed in 1999 to raise important social and political issues on the streets of Melbourne's CBD. Every Wednesday, over the last 14 years, we have legally assembled on the footpath collecting signatures on petitions that we have presented to the House of Representatives and the Senate in the Federal Parliament and the Legislative Assembly and Legislative Council in the Victorian Parliament.


Soil Carbon sequestration limited in mitigating fossil fuel emissions say scientists

Rebuilding soils through carbon sequestration and mitigating fossil fuel emissions sounds like a win-win solution all around. A reason the Liberal and National Parties in Australia adopted it as a major part of their 2010 Direct Action climate change policy. But a new international study by Australian and UK scientists said soil carbon programs while important, have many limitations, and provide too much false hope in mitigating emissions from fossil fuels.

WGAR News: Torres Strait region pushes for autonomy: Jeremy Geia, NITV News

Newsletter date: 3 June 2013


* Jeremy Geia, NITV News: Torres Strait region pushes for autonomy
* Jeremy Geia, SBS Radionews: Torres Strait continues autonomy push
* NIRS: New push for Torres Strait self governance

* Ian Lloyd Neubauer, TIME: Australia's Aborigines Launch a Bold Legal Push for Independence
* Audio Boo: Audio - Fred Hooper, Murrawarri Republic - 4ZZZ
* Audio Boo: Audio - Murrawarri Republic - Fred Hooper, spokesperson - 'The wire'
* Background to the Murrawarri Republic declaration

Help refugee children tell their stories to MPs

Last Thursday the Human Rights Commission called on the Government to reconsider offshore processing, labelling the 'no advantage' policy as unclear and a potential violation of international law.

These concerns are shared by GetUp members, who over the past few weeks have sent in thousands of messages calling for our government to take immediate steps to shut down the Manus Island detention centre, currently home to twenty-two vulnerable children.

Messages like this one, from Mary in Victoria:


Cities to get much hotter as heatwaves amplify Urban Heat Island Effect

A new study just published looked at the way Urban Heat Island effect interacts with heatwaves. It is not a simple addition of the heatwave increase in temperature added to the urban heat island temperature: heatwaves exacerbate and amplify the Urban Heat Island Effect so that the impact is magnified. This is a major energy use and health concern for people living in cities, particularly the poor and vulnerable.

"Not only do heat waves increase the ambient temperatures, but they also intensify the difference between urban and rural temperatures. As a result, the added heat stress in cities will be even higher than the sum of the background urban heat island effect and the heat wave effect." say the researchers, Dan Li and Elie Bou-Zeid, both from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Princeton University

Melbourne events: Mabo: Life of an Island Man + Stop the Creation of Another Stolen Generation

Melbourne and Victoria Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 27 May until 3 June 2013: various locations in Australia including Victoria
National Reconciliation Week: Let's Talk Recognition
"It is a time to celebrate and build on the respectful
relationships shared by Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander people and other Australians."
"National Reconciliation Week is framed by two
key events in Australia’s history, which provide
strong symbols for reconciliation:
* 27 May 1967- the referendum ...


Queensland events: My Country, I Still Call Australia Home + Mabo Day + SNAICC National Conference

Brisbane and Queensland Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 27 May until 3 June 2013: various locations in Australia including Queensland
National Reconciliation Week: Let's Talk Recognition
"It is a time to celebrate and build on the respectful
relationships shared by Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander people and other Australians."
"National Reconciliation Week is framed by two
key events in Australia’s history, which provide
strong symbols for reconciliation:
* 27 May 1967- the referendum ...

Sydney events: Guringai Festival + Mabo Day + Blak + A Decision to Discriminate & Our Generation

Sydney and NSW Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 27 May until 3 June 2013: various locations in Australia including NSW
National Reconciliation Week: Let's Talk Recognition
"It is a time to celebrate and build on the respectful
relationships shared by Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander people and other Australians."
"National Reconciliation Week is framed by two
key events in Australia’s history, which provide
strong symbols for reconciliation:
* 27 May 1967- the referendum ...

WGAR News: Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 48 events from 2 June 2013

Newsletter date: 2 June 2013

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 27 May until 3 June 2013: various locations in Australia
National Reconciliation Week: Let's Talk Recognition
"It is a time to celebrate and build on the respectful
relationships shared by Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander people and other Australians."
"National Reconciliation Week is framed by two
key events in Australia’s history, which provide
strong symbols for reconciliation:
* 27 May 1967- the referendum ...
* 3 June 1992 - the Mabo decision ... "
Reconciliation Australia

money is still needed to support the peter clarke family

by ray jackson

on 6 march this year i posted a long explanation of the peter clarke death in custody in alice springs hospital having been held for too long in the alice springs gaol before being transferred for health reasons.

i am reposting because the initial request for at least 100 people to pledge $150 over a period of 3 months was very underwhelming in the generosity of those 100.

by mid-april only $550 had been raised. i have a copy of that statement and the funds donated are still sitting there. quite safe.

Racialised imprisonment

Racialised imprisonment -
by Gerry Georgatos - May 28th, 2013
Australia has a history since colonialisation of racialised violence and hence racialised imprisonment. Aboriginal peoples deal the with the worst of Australia’s racialised imprisonment – throughout the criminal justice system – from sentencing regimes to the effects of having become the world’s most incarcerated peoples.