
The secret recording & AFP corruption

In 2005 the AFP were passed a secret recording of a man discussing the collection, from Sydney Airport, of the marijuana which was found in Schapelle Corby's bag in Bali.

They hid it. They buried it. They pretended that it did not exist.

They not only did this whilst Schapelle was being destroyed in Indonesia, but they did it whilst the man in question was fighting the media after they had damned his claims and presented him as a liar.


The Shortwave Report 07/12/13 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (July 12) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

This week's show features stories from NHK World Radio Japan, Radio Havana Cuba, Radio Deutsche-Welle, and Spanish National Radio.

Before Edward Snowden and Wikileaks, William Roy attempted to expose mass surveillance by the United States government and was killed in 1991

Manning, Assange, Snowden….but before the age of Wikileaks came brilliant electronics, communications and surveillance expert and whistleblower William Francis Roy who was killed at the Australian National University, Canberra, Australia in March 1991.


Liberal Party now in government in the NT, tipped to win Federal election... STICS Meeting - Sydney

Date and Time:
Mon, 15/07/2013 - 6:00pm - 8:00pm

NSW Teachers’ Federation, 23 Mary St. Surry Hills, Sydney, NSW

Contact Name:
Alex Johnson

Contact Phone:
0449 184 801

Contact Email:


STOP THE INTERVENTION COLLECTIVE - Special Meeting and Discussion - All Welcome

Monday 15th July 2013 6pm at the NSW Teachers’ Federation, 23 Mary St. Surry Hills, Sydney, NSW

Honduras coup June 2013 - 4 years too long

June 2013, with now 4 years of military coup regime in Honduras.....

News Shorts from June 2013 – the mining bomb / model cities becoming more for real / etc

Mining – a bomb waiting to explode. Mining law and environmental destruction including of protected areas

WGAR News: Walkatjurra Walkabout: 3CR: Featuring Scott Ludlam, Kado Muir, Mia Pepper & Dave Sweeney

Newsletter date: 12 July 2013


* Community Radio 3CR: Walkatjurra Walkabout. A new mine, an old fight. [Featuring Greens Senator Scott Ludlam, Kado Muir, Mia Pepper and Dave Sweeney]
* Background to the Walkatjurra Walkabout: Stepping out against uranium mining

* David T. Rowlands, Green Left: Australian atomic massacre still ignored
* Background to Justice for Aboriginal victims of Maralinga nuclear tests

* Brian Johnstone, Tracker: How Land Rights were won… and almost lost

* Tracker: Native title tax bill passes Senate
* Background to Mabo and Native Title

How can the United States best promote freedom in Afghanistan?

The United States with its planned withdrawal of combat troops from Afghanistan in 2014 has the opportunity to reset its approach to democracy building in Afghanistan. The democracy building record of the United States in Afghanistan at best can be considered as patchy because of its over militaristic approach aimed at promoting legitimacy for Islamicist rule in Afghanistan.

Victoria events: NAIDOC + From Muckaty to Melbourne: Dianne Stokes, TO for Muckaty speaking at FoE

Melbourne and Victoria Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 7 to 14 July 2013: various locations including Victoria
2013 National NAIDOC Week
The theme for NAIDOC Week 2013 is:
We value the vision: Yirrkala Bark Petitions 1963
"We value the foresight, strength and determination of the
Yolngu people whose Bark Petitions set into motion a
long process of legislative and constitutional reforms
for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people."
The focus city for National NAIDOC celebrations is Perth


NSW events: NAIDOC + Yirrkala bark petitions + Social Fabric + Liberal Party ascendency + Kimberley

NSW events:
Panel Discussion: Yirrkala bark petitions +
Social Fabric: Banners from the Northern Territory +
What does the Liberal Party ascendency mean for Aboriginal affairs? +
Celebrate the Kimberley in Sydney: meet Traditional Owners from Arnhem Land

Sydney and NSW Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 7 to 14 July 2013: various locations including NSW
2013 National NAIDOC Week
The theme for NAIDOC Week 2013 is:
We value the vision: Yirrkala Bark Petitions 1963

Canberra events: NAIDOC + Winnunga 25 years + Inside Out + Blak + Mabo + Bark Paintings + Wave Hill

Canberra events:
25 years of Winnunga Aboriginal health service +
Inside Out: New Actions for Change by First Australians +
Blak: Bangarra Dance Theatre +
Film Screening: Mabo +
Curator's talk: North-east Arnhem Land bark paintings +
Wave Hill/Canberra Exchange exhibition

Canberra Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 7 to 14 July 2013: various locations including ACT
2013 National NAIDOC Week
The theme for NAIDOC Week 2013 is:
We value the vision: Yirrkala Bark Petitions 1963


WGAR News: Muckaty traditional owner meets with minister: NITV News [Featuring Penny Phillips, TO]

Newsletter date: 11 July 2013


* NITV News: Muckaty traditional owner meets with minister [Featuring Penny Phillips, TO]
* From Muckaty to Melbourne: Dianne Stokes, TO for Muckaty is speaking at FoE on Mon 15 July 2013
* Background to the proposed Muckaty nuclear waste dump in NT, Australia

* Respect and Listen: Arnhem Land Traditional Owners in Sydney: 17-19th July 2013

* Philippa Velhinho, Green Left: Greed still threatens Kimberley paradise
* Celebrate the Kimberley in Sydney - 18 July 2013 [Featuring Traditional Owners from Arnhem Land]

Scratching the surface of Mauritius's illegal fishing industry

The ocean that surrounds Mauritius on any given day is as tranquil and sublime from January to December. Equally you will find on any given day , ships rolling past far out as the eye can see, many of them fishing trawlers and vessels .

Underneath this visually serene facade an unbridled issue of illegal fishing which is going on out there in the vast Mauritian territorial high seas. A criminal activity that costs Africa per year over 600 million USD.

Where is educational attainment in paradise heading ?

It is widely believed that education is a distinct human necessity, whether it is formal or informal, education in itself is universally a basic human right alongside food, shelter, and the prerequisites of humans fundamentally worldwide in egalitarian societies.
Education unlocks the innate potential of citizens in nations,more so in developing nations spanning to Africa and South East Asia and many other nations around the globe.

WGAR News: $1.3 billion Native Title deal divides Noongar peoples: Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer

Newsletter date: 10 July 2013


* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: $1.3 billion Native Title deal divides Noongar peoples
* ABC News: Tent embassy group rejects native title offer
* Tracker: Native title deal angers WA Tent Embassy
* SBS World News Video: WA govt offers native title deal to Noongar group
* Tim Bray, CCI: State Government Native Title offer to provide positive benefits
* University of Otago, NZ: Setting up the Tent Embassy [Nyoongar Tent Embassy]
* Background to the Nyoongar Tent Embassy, Heirisson Island (sacred site of Matagarup), Perth, WA

Does the Indigenous Land Corporation have the ability to run a cattle station? Ask the 500 dead cows

By Mick Estens

In the past month a situation on an ILC leased Station in the NT has unfolded that shows neglect, even ignorance, by ILC management. Outbreaks of the cattle disease Botulism is not a new thing on a Northern cattle station but in this day and age controls have been developed to help pastoralists cope. Before the days of supplement and vaccine large numbers were lost over vast tracks of outback land.
