
WGAR News: Tasmania's Heritage Protection Weakens: SBS Living Black interviews Michael Mansell

Newsletter date: 10 August 2013


* SBS Living Black's Marc Tong interviews Michael Mansell, Legal Director of the Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre: Tasmania's Heritage Protection Weakens
* CAAMA Radio's Pam Reilly interviews Nala Mansell McKenna, Aboriginal Cultural Officer at the Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre: Tasmanian Mob want a Say in their Heritage
* ABC News: Tasmanian Aboriginal community prepares for battle over heritage laws
* Audioboo: Tasmanian Aboriginal community prepares for battle over heritage laws


WGAR News: Opponents of James Price Point gas project welcome go-ahead for platform: The Guardian

Newsletter date: 9 August 2013


* Eliza Borrello, ABC News: Mining policy: where the parties stand - Kimberley gas

* The Guardian: Opponents of James Price Point gas project welcome go-ahead for platform
* ABC News: Woodside gains federal approval to develop the Browse Basin gas field
* Peter Klinger, The West Australian: Cabnberra backs floating gas hub
* Peter Klinger, The West Australian: Gray paves way for Browse FLNG

* Ben Collins, ABC North West WA: Why Kimberley gas might burn Barnett again
* Perth Now: Barnett digs in for onshore Browse gas

July 2013 – Honduras coup update – intensified political persecution, especially against communities opposing dams, mines and like businesses


Summary of political killings in July 2013:

TomĂĄs Garcia of Copinh, participant of highway blockade against Agua Zarca dam, having had death threats, was assassinated by gunfire shots of the Honduran army, on 15/7.

Brother of MUCA farmer activist, Abel Israel Hernandez (26) was found killed, on 17/7.

A cruel and crass act of colonialism

August 5, 2013
Kevin Rudd, Prime Minister, Parliament House, Canberra ACT 2601

Your personal act, but on behalf of the Federal ALP, to abrogate our Human Rights responsibilities relative to the UN Declaration on Refugees has now pushed this Country and its Society over the top and we stand bare and alone in shedding our collective decency as the now apocryphal “Land of the Fair Go.” Well, at least for some it was. It has never been for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders.

Preamble History

Sydney Events: Building Bridges August 2013 + Protest: Say NO to Gov't Income Management (23 Aug 13)

Sydney and NSW Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Wed 7 August 2013: Parramatta, Sydney, NSW
Building Bridges 2013 - every Wednesday in August
Donna Meehan: The Story of a Stolen Child
Glen Klatosvky: Kimberley Gas Hub: For and Against
Organised by Reconciliation for Western Sydney:
"Donna Meehan was taken from her family in the 1960s.
Unlike many stolen children, who were sent to institutions,
Donna was fostered by a caring white couple who

Frontline youth work jobs at risk as Qld government cuts successful youth program

One of the most successful youth programs in Queensland has just been effectively dismantled by the Queensland Government. Over its 16 year life, the Youth Support Coordinator Initiative (YSCI) has achieve remarkable outcomes. The program has been critical in supporting young people to stay engaged in school and to make the transition to further education and employment.


Groups mark second ‘Global Day of Protest’ vs China

MANILA, Philippines - Some 2,000 protesters from 30 groups led by the West Philippine Sea Coalition converged at the Chinese consular office in Makati City yesterday to mark the second “Global Day of Protest” against China.

Bearing placards printed with “Our Soil, Our Soil” and “China Respect Philippine Sovereignty,” the protesters began gathering in front of the Chinese consular office along Gil Puyat Avenue for the kick-off of the global day of protest at noon.

WGAR News: Federal minister visits Muckaty Station: CAAMA interviews Penny Phillips & Lauren Mellor

Newsletter date: 5 August 2013


* CAAMA Radio interviews Penny Phillips and Lauren Mellor: Federal minister visits Muckaty Station
* Tennant & District Times: Federal Minister visits Muckaty
* Caddie Brain, ABC Rural: Federal Minister visits Muckaty Station
* Tracker: Abandon nuke dump proposal, NT elders urge
* 3CR interview with Dianne Stokes, Lizzie O'Shea and Nat Wasley: Same dump, different Minister. Keeping Muckaty nuclear free
* Dave Sweeney, The Guardian: Plan to use Aboriginal land as a nuclear waste dump is flawed and misguided

WGAR News: National Aboriginal and Islander Children's Day (NAICD): Sunday 4 August 2013

Newsletter date: 3 August 2013


* SNAICC News: Our children's rights must be a priority for governments
* Invite to the launch of the 2013 National Aboriginal & Islander Children's Day in Melbourne (Sun 4 August 2013)
* National Aboriginal and Islander Children's Day (NAICD): Right Here, Right Now. Our Rights Matter. (Sun 4 August 2013)
* Right Now Radio: Interview with Frank Hytten [CEO of SNAICC] on a better future for Indigenous children
* Sovereign Union: First Nations children are dramatically overrepresented in out-of-home or foster care

Places for two young Indigenous leaders to gain UN experience in New York

The federal government has announced an exciting opportunity for two young Indigenous Australian leaders to gain personal and professional experience in the workings of an international organisation by participating in a short-term placement at the United Nations Development Programme - Equator Initiative in New York.


Open Letter to Mr. Kevin Rudd Member of the ALP

Mr. Kevin Rudd
Member of the ALP
2. 8. 13

Dear Sir,
As I show in correspondence dated July 8 2013 you recently called for a Federal intervention into the NSW Branch of the ALP. You also stated any corruption found will not be swept under the carpet, and any finding of adverse conduct will see that member expelled from the Labor Party.


The Shortwave Report 08/02/13 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (August 2) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

NEW PODCAST!!!- feed:// (128kb Highest Quality)

LGBTI organisations welcome new Federal anti-discrimination protections

LGBTI human rights organisations today welcomed the commencement of federal protections on the grounds of ‘sexual orientation’, ‘gender identity’, ‘intersex status’ and ‘marital or relationship status’. The new laws mean that from 1 August 2013 LGBTI Australians, who have been discriminated against on the basis of the new protected attributes, may take their complaint to the Australian Human Rights Commission and ultimately the Federal Court.
