7 September election

I've just received an email from labor@australianlaborparty.emailnb.com which says PM Rudd has asked the Governor-General to set the election for 7 September.

"A few moments ago I saw the Governor-General and asked that she dissolve this parliament and call the Federal Election for September 7."



We have 34 days until voters all over Australia will be determining the next three years of Australia’s future at the ballot box.

Will you pledge to join us on Election Day by volunteering at a polling booth?
Volunteer on September 7
YES!Just minutes ago Kevin Rudd announced that we will be going to an election on September 7. For the first time in weeks we now have the finish line in sight. We have exactly 34 days until voters all over Australia will be determining the next three years of Australia’s future at the ballot box.

We’re in the final stretch, but we have more work to do. 

We know that in recent years up to 9% of votes have been decided on Election Day. The latest Newspoll suggests that this year 7% of voters aren’t sure who they are going to vote for on election day. That 7% represents an enormous opportunity for we Greens.

That’s why the most important, strategic thing you could do is pledge to volunteer at a polling booth in the weeks leading up to September 7 for pre-poll or on election day.

These last few weeks have been ugly. We have glimpsed the sort of Australia that we will be facing without a strong Greens presence in Parliament. Once again we’re watching a race to the bottom between the two old parties. And, the polls are saying that Rudd and Abbott are neck and neck.

The Australian Greens will be calling on people to vote for a caring and sustainable Australia - And to vote against cruelty and environmental destruction.

It’s going to take all of us, but we can cover every polling booth around the country. That means that in those crucial minutes before casting a vote, we Greens will be the ones handing out how to vote cards and having meaningful conversations with voters.

Please, click here, and sign up to volunteer on Election Day

Here’s to the next 5 weeks,

Christine Milne 

P.S. The Australian people deserve to know that they don’t have to choose between bad and worse - they can choose hope, compassion and decency by voting Green. Sign up for a four hour shift between now and Election day so we can start having that conversation all over Australia.






WikiLeaks Party News 

It's on!

The election date has been set for September 7. Now is the time to get involved in our campaign to bring our values Transparency, Accountability and Justice to the Australian Senate.

  • Donate: we need funds now to reach as many Australians as possible over the next 5 weeks, and your donation is tax deductible. 
  • Grab a bucket and be an Authorised Fundraiser for the WikiLeaks Party as part of our Bucket Brigade
  • Download flyers and graphics and spread them around - online, in the street, everywhere!
  • Volunteer for polling day - we need people on booths in NSW, Vic and WA. You can select the times you are there, or put your hand up to be a booth captain


Melbourne August 8: 3CR Julian Assange Live Forum

Come along to a conversation about political power: What is it? Who has it? And who wants it? On Thursday 8 August at 7pm, 3CR programmers; Bill Deller (Solidairty Breakfast), Diana Beaumont (Stick Together) and Sam Castro (Dirt Radio) will be joined by our lead candidate in Victoria Julian Assange, live via video link from the Ecuadorian Embassy. For more information calll 0429 792 274 or join the facebook event. Don't miss out on this chance to be a part of the conversation. Fitzroy Town Hall, Napier Street Fitzroy. 
More information  

Sydney August 17: Join the WikiLeaks Party Fiesta!

We're having a fundraiser at the Addison Road Centre in Marrickville on August 17, in partnership with The Latin American Hut. Come along for great Latin American food, music and dancing. Guest speakers and exciting prizes on the night. Admission $20 donation. Bookings and more information 

Meet your WikiLeaks Party Candidates

We have impressive candidates standing for the Australian Senate in three States; Victoria, New South Wales and Western Australia. Here's what our lead in those States say about running for the WikiLeaks Party:

Julian Assange (Vic) “The values of transparency and accountability and resistance under pressure that I have developed through hard experience with WikiLeaks, that is what we intend to take to Canberra.”

Kellie Tranter (NSW): “I’m running because our government simply doesn’t give people accurate information, it is incapable of having Australia stand in the world as an independent nation and its policies often don’t reflect public opinion.”

Gerry Georgatos (WA): “The ability to discover the truth is outstripped by the capacity to manifest deceit – The WikiLeaks Party is an opportunity to challenge this premise.”

Read more about our candidates here. You'll be hearing much more from all of them in coming weeks. Keep an eye on our Twitter and Facebook accounts for Q&A sessions and more. 

Vote WikiLeaks Party - Your insurance policy in the Senate

Read our Transparency Platformpast statements on issues including shield laws for journalists and citizen surveillance. We've also released position statements on asylum seekers and climate change.
Everything we do is driven by our goal to correct the balance; to make information that permits rational and fair policy freely available, and to give Australians back the democracy we have lost through cosy Canberra backroom deals and party politics over conscience. Transparency. Accountability. Justice. Vote WikiLeaks Party - your insurance policy in the Senate.  


What's the most important thing to do right now? Help everyone you know enrol to vote.

You almost certainly know people who aren't enrolled: 10% of all eligible voters and half of all 18 year olds are not on the roll. Anyone you know who is young, or has moved recently, or doesn't speak English as a first language, is more likely not to be properly enrolled. A quick call, SMS, email, or Facebook message from you could change that - it could even change the election: 2010 was decided by only 30,500 votes.

There are just seven days left to enrol, and it only takes two minutes online.

Click here to share on Facebook.

Click here to share on Twitter.

Or forward these links to friends and family: www.aec.gov.au and enrolforgold.org.au... or even better, call or SMS people you know who might not be enrolled.

Feel good fact: without you, registration for the electoral roll would be closing today! Our High Court case in 2010 extended that period to seven days, and as a result, about 200,000 voters will enrol this week who wouldn't otherwise have had the chance.

Hundreds of thousands of Australians will be able to vote this year because of your campaigning and donations.

If you need a reason to get a friend to enrol (besides that it's compulsory and bloody important), we've upped the ante by launching the "Enrol for Gold" giveaway. People who enrol now can literally win $5,000 worth of gold, thanks to some generous, democracy-loving donors. It's a bit of a cheeky media stunt, but we know it's hard to get young people excited about doing paperwork and this is an effective incentive for those who usually tune out.

Enrol for gold here: enrolforgold.org.au

33 days and counting!

---- What's next? ----

Tonight we are going live! Tune in at 6.30pm for a quick 10-15 minute rundown on what the election means for GetUp members and hear the inside word on what's coming up. RSVP at www.getup.org.au/LIVE

Over the next five weeks we'll be in touch with plenty of ways to make an impact. Here's the plan:

  • 12,000 volunteers on the ground.
      One in ten voters make up their mind on election day. Our movement's biggest strength is people power and we're putting that to good use, mobilising to reach as many voters as possible. The ambitious plan is to have 12,000 members at 1,400 polling booths on election day, targeting key electorates. Together, GetUp members can deliver

more than 2 million scorecards directly into the hands of voters

      and have a bigger impact on election day than ever before.
  • Media.
      Visibility is key pre-election and we're ready to make some noise. We've seen the same old, tired political ads on the air - spouting ugly rhetoric about "boat people", personal attacks, buzzwords with no meaning. What's conspicuously missing is a focus on the issues that represent our values and a vision for Australia.

Not for long. Over the next five weeks we'll roll out TV ads about the issues GetUp members said matter most.

  • Bold action.
      From petition signatures to creative stunts to rallies in the streets - when our movement works together we make a difference.

We've changed elections before.

      In 2010, as well as the historic legal fight to get more Australians on the roll, GetUp also put mental health on the agenda, resulting in $2.2 billion extra funding in the 2011 budget.
  • Protect the Senate.
    The battle to balance power in the Senate is critical this election. Environmental protection, climate action and renewable energy investment, refugees, marriage equality and economic fairness are all on the table. After we're finished with candidate forums in critcal states, ads on TV and online, and scorecards at every booth, voters and the major parties will know exactly what's at stake this election.

Let's do this!


Elections are when GetUp members have the most impact - enrolling voters, putting memorable ads on TV, emailing MPs, volunteering, and handing out millions of scorecards on polling booths. That means lots of email in your inbox between now and election day - which is fast approaching. We don't want you to miss out on anything, but you can click here to control the number of emails you receive from GetUp over the five weeks of the election campaign.

I wasn’t sure how I was going to vote this election, but Rudd and Abbott’s fear mongering for political gain is despicable.

Please, tell them that you won’t let it happen in your name, or with your vote.Not With My VoteSIGN UP
My name is Jill. This is the first federal election that I will be voting Green.

Until recently I wasn’t sure how I was going to vote. I knew I didn’t like Tony Abbott, but to be honest I don’t know many people who do! I’ve always voted Labor in the past because I thought their values reflected mine.

But what happened two weeks ago made me sure my decision was right.

Only July 19th Rudd announced his plan to lock up some of the world’s most desperate people in Papua New Guinea, with no hope of ever reaching Australia. Abbott followed with his pledge to employ the military and expand the ‘tent city’ on the tiny island of Nauru.

The fear mongering, the lies and the deceit for political gain is despicable. And I won’t let it happen in my name, or with my vote.

Yesterday the Greens launched a new campaign - “Not with my vote.”

Over 2000 people have already pledged that this election they won’t take part in Rudd’s and Abbott’s race to the bottom. Will you add your voice and pledge your support today?

This election I've signed up to volunteer with the Greens on election day. I’ve never done anything like this before, but I cannot reconcile Rudd and Abbott’s cruel policies with the sort of country I want to be a part of.

The two old parties will not be able to count on my voice or my vote this election. There is another way - a safe, fair and humane way.

Please, sign up and tell Rudd and Abbott that this election you will not take part in their fear campaign or cruel policies.

While the two old parties play political games with peoples’ lives, the Greens are the only party who have a plan to care for, not punish, refugees.

Join us,


P.S. Please spread the word. In just 24 hours, almost 2400 people have pledged that this election they will not take part in Rudd and Abbott’s race to the bottom. Share this link with your friends and family: http://www.notwithmyvote.com.au

Hi there,

Community opposition to CSG is unlike anything we’ve seen before in Australia on any issue.  There have been thousands of local actions across our nation. Over 25,000 of us signed this petition. Local people have stood up in many amazing acts to protect our land.

But, they’re still not listening, Kevin Rudd and Tony Abbott both continue to have pro-CSG Mining policies.

We know there is one thing they care about right now - votes. We can make CSG Mining a major issue in this election. We all know the consequences if we don’t, multinationals will continue to roar ahead hurting our communities and safety. 

That’s why the Stop CSG Party was formed, to empower Australians to use their democratic right to vote on this issue and to make the major parties address CSG Mining in the lead up to this election.

We’ve got just 5 weeks to put CSG Mining on the national election agenda, but we can only do that if we work together.  Please make a donation urgently, big or small, so we can launch a strategic campaign and get CSG Mining into the political debate.

The CSG industry have already launched their federal election campaign with a recent announcement of a $5 million advertising campaign to pressure the Australian people and government to support CSG Mining in this election. 

With your donation, we can run a targeted campaign that will get into the media and make the politicians discuss their policies towards CSG Mining.

We see political pressure in this election as essential to changing government attitudes and banning CSG Mining.  We know politicians listen when votes are at risk.

This election is so critical to our prosperity and health. We can make politicians listen and address CSG Mining issues. You can help stop CSG Mining by making a valuable donation today.

Thank you for your support.


Paula Sinclair

Campaign Manager

Stop CSG Party

P.S.  If you would like to do more, please sign up as a volunteer or as a general supporter and we will keep you informed of how you can help in your local area.


The election is now less than a month away, and the mainstream media and politicians are still failing to address what we all know is a major issue – CSG mining. 

With your donation we can shine a spotlight on CSG and make it a key election issue.  Every $30 we receive will pay for information flyers to be given to 600 voters.  We know at least 25% of voters are still undecided, and we can convince them to vote Stop CSG in the Senate with your help.

The CSG Party candidates are local people passionate about stopping the devastation caused by CSG mining.  Watch party leader Gordon Fraser talk about why this election is so crucial for stopping CSG.

Be part of the solution, let’s show the politicians how important stopping CSG is to local people. Please donate and join us a volunteer and remind voters to Stop CSG.

Thank you for your support.


Paula Sinclair

Campaign Manager

Stop CSG Party

