
Whistleblowers needed when cultures of wrong-doing rule

Gerry Georgatos - I stand alongside those who let nothing get in the way of what is right, what is in the common good. I stand alongside those who will let no injustice go unheard, untold. I stand alongside Private Chelsea Manning who has been sentenced up to 35 years in prison for serving humanity's interests. Manning's decision to report to humanity was out of concern for humanity.

Manning should be relieved of the cruel and unfair burden of her prison sentence with a presidential pardon, and she should be acknowledged as both a patriot and as a true citizen of the world.


Reflections on the Real Democracy Forum - Is Australia a Democracy? (or stop trying to ride your cat!)

Reflections on the Real Democracy Forum - Is Australia a Democracy? (or stop trying to ride your cat!) by J.R.Collins - member of Wednesday Action Group and Direct Democracy Not Parliamentary Rule

Is Australia a Democracy? This was one of the questions raised at the Real Democracy forum held at Melb Town Hall a couple of weekends ago. Thanks to Real Democracy Australia for putting this event on.

In reflection here are a few thoughts I had since on the question of democracy:


WGAR News: Central Australian Grog Summit 2013: APO NT (Aboriginal Peak Organisations of the NT)

Newsletter date: 24 August 2013


* Aboriginal Peak Organisations of the Northern Territory (APO NT): Central Australian Grog Summit 2013
* CAAMA Video: Central Australian Grog Summit
* Aboriginal Peak Organisations of the Northern Territory (APO NT) Communiqué: Alice Springs Grog Summit: Outcomes
* NACCHO NT grog summit news: Four major outcomes on alcohol policy and its impact on Aboriginal people and communities
* "On 31 July 2013 at the Alice Springs Grog Summit representatives from Aboriginal organisations and communities endorse the call for a Board of Inquiry ... "


The Shortwave Report 08/23/13 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend, 
            The latest Shortwave Report (August 23) is up at the website  in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
   (If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

NEW PODCAST!!!- feed://  (128kb Highest Quality)

WGAR News: WA Supreme Court rules James Price Point approval 'illegal': The Wilderness Society

Newsletter date: 23 August 2013


* The Wilderness Society: James Price Point gas plant dead and buried
* The Wilderness Society: Victory for Australia's nature: WA Supreme Court rules James Price Point approval 'illegal'
* hi spirits: from The Wilderness Society: Court rules James Price Point approval unlawful.
* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: Goolarabooloo victory protects future generations
* Greens Senator Rachel Siewert: WA Government trash environmental protections in search of industrialisation

wailing ceremony of women and children to bring the children home to their families

Urgent call out for women and children to take part in the first ever public wailing ceremony to bring the children home to be done in the whole of history i Australia.
What we are doing is marching in mourning wailing to all the main electoral polling booths in all our own town cities states and communities.
We as mothers sisters aunties grandmothers are heart broken our hearts have torn ripped and shredded into so many pieces and we just cannot go on bearing witness to this level of pain and suffering upon our people any more it is tearing us apart.


Sixth International GoTopless Day protests to claim women’s equal topless rights

August 22nd 2013 - “Around the world, gender topless discrimination still abounds,” said Nadine Gary, president of GoTopless, a women’s organisation fighting for equal topless rights on the basis of gender equality.

She said the organisation will hold topless civil rights demonstrations worldwide on August 25, marking the sixth straight year it has done so.

“We’ll be seen in greater numbers this year, with events in close to 40 cities around the world,” Gary said.
“Women must have the same legal right to go without a top that men do!”


Mercifully short nuclear news bulletin

News items and sources for these notes can be found at and at


Yes – mercifully short. We are swamped with tripey media about the coming election. It’s all too much. Except for the Greens, political parties pretty well ignore climate change and renewable energy. Debates ?- Christine Milne doesn’t get a look in. Preference deals ? very confusing. here’s a good link to advise on preference matters

Helen Clark ignores question on global ethical human rights.

When Helen Clark, Head of the United Nations Development Program, was asked during question time after delivering a lecture why the UN says nothing about the new plan for the world, global ethical human rights, she ignored the question.

Helen Clark ignores question on global ethical human rights.

Anthony Ravlich
Human Rights Council (New Zealand)
10D/15 City Rd.,
Ph: (0064) (09) 930.9658

Increased rotational presence of US troops, decreased Philippine sovereignty

Akbayan (Citizens Action Party)

"Decreased sovereignty." This is how Akbayan Representative Walden Bello summed up the ongoing negotiations between the Philippine government and the United States to craft a framework for the increased rotational presence of American troops in the country.

According to the Akbayan stalwart, the Aquino government's decision to enter into negotiations for an increased rotational presence of U.S. forces in the country, by deploying aircraft, ships, supplies, and troops, is "injudicious."

Demand to include Christine Milne in debates

People from all over Australia called for Christine Milne to be included in the first election debate. Instead, last Sunday the Leaders of the two old parties had little more than a joint press conference. Christine outlined the numerous issues both leaders missed; issues like fixing the mining tax, addressing climate change and treating refugees with compassion.


Rudd’s PNG Solution appears to be unravelling

Posted at 07:38 on 19 August, 2013 UTC

Questions linger over the refugee resettlement deal between Australia and Papua New Guinea, amid uncertainty over where refugees will be resettled.

The arrangement, signed last month between Prime Ministers of both countries, stipulates that any unauthorised maritime arrival entering Australian waters will be sent to PNG’s Manus island in the first instance for processing and resettlement in PNG or any other participating regional state.