
Last night we vandalised the offices of Simon Crean, Anna Burke, and Andrew Robb; they are complicit.

The current border policies of the ruling elite are cruel, oppressive, revanchist. Last night we vandalised the offices of Simon Crean, Anna Burke, and Andrew Robb; they are complicit.


Never again

During World War II, my family attempted to flee German-occupied Europe and the Holocaust.

Countries, including Australia, turned away families like mine. I never thought I would see the day when Australia turned its back on people in need again and I'm determined to do everything in my power to ensure we don't repeat history's mistakes.

That's why I made this ad with GetUp. Will you help me put it on air?

The ShortwaveReport 8/30/13 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (August 30) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

NEW PODCAST!!!- feed:// (128kb Highest Quality)

A CSG ban is just a vote away

Coal seam gas is a risky and polluting industry. It risks our land, water and climate.

Only the Greens are campaigning for no new CSG, for landholders' right to lock the gate and for independent studies into leaking methane from CSG wells and pipes.
But we need your help to make it happen.


WGAR News: Euahlayi Nation declares independence and asserts pre-existing and continuing Statehood

Newsletter date: 30 August 2013


* Euahlayi Nation Media Release: Euahlayi Nation declares independence and asserts pre-existing and continuing Statehood
* YouTube: Euahlayi Nation declares independence - NITV News - Sovereign Embassy
* Background to the Aboriginal sovereignty movement

* ABC Radio National - Breakfast: Australia's 'Sugar Slaves' remembered
* YouTube: Qld marks 150th anniversary of blackbirding NITV News - Sovereign Embassy
* SBS Radio News: South Sea Islanders mark sugar 'slave' days

* SBS Radio News: University offers Wiradjuri language course

Queensland events: Sandcliffe Writers Festival + Ration Shed Tours + ACPA: Spirit of the Lore

Brisbane and Queensland Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Sat 31 August 2013: Queensland
Sandcliffe Writers Festival
Bracken Ridge library
"Indigenous Writers' Panels. "Aboriginal Men's Stories"
presented by novelist Sam Watson, poet Sam Wagan Watson,
and historian Joshua Walker. ...
"Aboriginal Women's Stories" presented by Elizabeth Engelbrecht
... novelist Sue McPherson ... and Aunty Ruth Heggerty ... "
Event details:

Canberra events: Education is the key, but what door does it open? + Stories from the Torres Strait

Canberra Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 4 September 2013: ANU, Canberra, ACT
Education is the key, but what door does it open?
The values of education for very remote NT young people
Presented by: John Gunter
CAEPR Seminar
Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research
Australian National University
"This paper examines the nature of educational and employment
outcomes for Aboriginal people in very remote Northern Territory.
In particular, the differences between those who speak a local


Sydney Events: What is happening in the Kimberley?: Glen Klatovsky + Cultural Flows Films

Sydney and NSW Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Mon 9 September 2013: Mona Vale, Sydney, NSW
Next Information night:
What is happening in the Kimberley?
Guest speaker: Glen Klatovsky
"Glen will update us on the current situation and future developments.
Will it retain its unique social and environmental heritage?
Or will it become another industrial zone? And
What it means for Aboriginal people."
Glen will show a short Documentary "Old Country New Country"

USA's own atrocities

I provide compelling and first hand circumstantial evidence that usa uses bio-chem, DEW,etc.,against selected individuals including our very own war vets.I am witness to usa atrocities.

The USA through fbi/cia/dod/nsa assaults selected Targets globally with chemical & biological agents and with directed energy weaponry all designed to incapacitate, torture, force suicide or kill their intended victims. See my reports and weep for mankind.




WGAR News: Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 51 events from 29 August 2013

Newsletter date: 29 August 2013

WGAR events postings for each State and Territory:

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Wed 28 & Thu 29 August 2013: Melbourne, Vic
Puliima National Indigenous - Language & Technology Forum 2013
'Language is culture, culture creates values, values are the future'
"Puliima National Indigenous Language Forum is a biennial
event aimed at bringing people together from all over Australia
to explore pioneering project ideas, exciting products and

Asylum-seeker child tries to take his life in detention

A SOMALI teenager subject to Labor's new policy to deny boatpeople asylum in Australia was seriously ill at Royal Perth Hospital last night after being found hanging on Christmas Island.

WGAR News: Election 2013: Political Parties opposing the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention

Newsletter date: 28 August 2013

Editorial Note:

'WGAR News' monitors the media, including alternative media.
'WGAR News' gives priority to grassroots Aboriginal voices and grassroots voices in solidarity with Aboriginal peoples' rights.
'WGAR News' publishes information and opinions from a wide range of sources.
These opinions expressed are not necessarily the opinions of WGAR.
As such, 'WGAR News' does not endorse any particular political party, but simply includes information on political parties for the interest of readers.



NT events: Actor to Activist: With Rosalie Kunoth-Monks + A.F.N.P.P. Meet the candidates

Northern Territory Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Tue 27 August 2013: Tennant Creek, NT
Manuwangku - Under the Nuclear Cloud
Photographs by Jagath Dheerasekara
Opening: Tue 27 August 2013
Venue: Nyinkka Nyunyu Art and Cultural Centre
"Manuwangku, Under the Nuclear Cloud is a
series of photographs by Jagath Dheerasekara
presenting the community and country around Muckaty,
120 kilometres north of Tennant Creek in the NT."
"For over five years this area has been the focus


Bob Carr publicly attacks West Papua activists

Foreign minister Bob Carr has angrily attacked a group of Australians who are travelling to West Papua, to highlight the continued abuses under Indonesian rule.

The so called Freedom Flotilla is a small group of vessels currently on the way to West Papua.

The flotilla is supported by several prominent Australians including Bob Brown, David Bridie, Senator John Madigan, and even the Liberal Senator Warren Entsch.


WGAR News: Let's Talk interviews Jeff McMullen about NT Aboriginal candidates in upcoming elections

Newsletter date: 27 August 2013

Editorial Note:

'WGAR News' monitors the media, including alternative media.
'WGAR News' gives priority to grassroots Aboriginal voices and grassroots voices in solidarity with Aboriginal peoples' rights.
'WGAR News' publishes information and opinions from a wide range of sources.
These opinions expressed are not necessarily the opinions of WGAR.
As such, 'WGAR News' does not endorse any particular political party, but simply includes information on political parties for the interest of readers.


Everyone in the Territory doing well except for Aboriginal peoples

By Gerry Georgatos - August 24th, 2013 - During Prime Minister Kevin Rudd’s recent whirlwind election stop in the Top End he highlighted the average age of death of the Northern Territory’s Aboriginal peoples – 52 years. This is the nation’s worst.

No truly free press with our inadequate shield laws, whistleblower protections

PHOTO Geoff Bagnall, National Indigenous Times: Journalist Gerry Georgatos at the January 26, 2012 Lobby Restaurant incident - days later he broke the story that the Prime Minister's Office was extensively involved in generating the incident despite their claims that it is was the work of a rogue parliamentary staffer.

By Gerry Georgatos, investigative journalist, WikiLeaks Party Senate Candidate, Western Australia

WikiLeaks Party statement on intervention in Syria

August 25, 2013 As the US prepares for military action in Syria, the reactions of Kevin Rudd and Tony Abbott are entirely in keeping with previous ALP and Coalition failures to put Australian military forces before their own party alliances with Washington.

Australia needs to send emergency medical aid to Syria immediately and assist an independent assessment of the situation. It must not rush towards sacrificing its young soldiers on behalf of an ambitious foreign power before the jury is in.