Independent review of Indigenous institute

The Council and Board of the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS) is seeking feedback as part of its review of the Institute.

The review will examine how AIATSIS has been performing against its legislated functions (established in section 5 Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Act 1989); and how its role as a national research institution could be strengthened to further support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander research, higher education and training.

Feedback soughtHow AIATSIS contributes to broader Australian Government policy objectives and how that might be strengthened (including through cultural diversity and social inclusion, Closing the Gap in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander disadvantage and harnessing the resource of Indigenous knowledge to build the nation, economy and society) will also be examined.

The independent review aims to assist Government in considering its response to the recommendations of recent inquiries within the scope of the review.

It is being undertaken by ACIL Allen Consulting, led by Dr Les Trudzik (Project Leader), Professor Mark Rose (Project Partner), Dr Mark McMillan (Project Partner) and Mr Charlie Tulloch (Project Manager).

A reference group has also been established to advise the review team with the members, Professor Ian Anderson and Patricia Turner, chosen for their expertise in research, higher education, public sector and Indigenous affairs.

The review is expected to report in late 2013 and submissions close 13 September.
More information is available from this
PS News link.
Edition 376, 27 August 2013
Further Information
Download Discussion Paper (463KB PDF) (19 pp. long)
Contact the Review team (Email)
More about AIATSIS
