A CSG ban is just a vote away

Coal seam gas is a risky and polluting industry. It risks our land, water and climate.

Only the Greens are campaigning for no new CSG, for landholders' right to lock the gate and for independent studies into leaking methane from CSG wells and pipes.
But we need your help to make it happen.
No New CSGSHARECoal seam gas, shale gas and tight gas threaten some of our most productive farmland, our precious water resources and our climate, while putting pressure on communities. It's time to put a stop to these dangerous and polluting fossil fuel industries.

Thanks to organisations like Lock The Gate, and the Knitting Nannas Against Gas, the major parties are starting to feel the heat from the community. Earlier this year, we saw the government pressured to work with the Greens and Tony Windsor MP to pass legislation to provide some protection for water from the impacts of coal and coal seam gas mining.

Yet so much more needs to be done! Our water resources are still without national protection from shale and tight gas activities, and landholders across Australia still don’t have the right to say no to these destructive industries drilling on their land.

Will you share this picture, and volunteer for the Greens on election day to help get the word out?

In the last two years, I have visited farmers and regional communities, and I have seen how risky coal seam gas is for small towns, for food security and for agriculture jobs.

This week, I visited a town called Yarragon in Victoria with Greens Senate candidate for Victoria, Janet Rice, where a mining company wanted to drill to explore for coal seam gas 200m from the centre of town.

Only the Greens are listening to communities and the science: CSG presents risks to our land and water, and leaking methane from wells and pipes damages our climate. What’s more we don’t need these new polluting industries - numerous government and independent reports show how renewable energy can rapidly and affordably end our reliance on coal fired power and gas - and create more jobs.

Unlike the old parties, the Greens have released our fully-costed plan for no new coal, CSG, shale and tight gas mining and the right to lock the gate to big mining companies.

Only the Greens can be trusted in the next parliament to stand up to for our communities, our land, climate and our water.

Will you join me in getting the word out? Share this picture and volunteer for the Greens on election day.

I look forward to your help, and celebrating having more strong Green representatives in our federal parliament to stand up for what matters to us all.

Yours in protecting our land, water and climate,


P.S. Read our plan for no new coal, CSG and shale mining here

P.P.S. If you can't volunteer on election day, donate to help us put more Greens MPs into Parliament who will speak up and vote against CSG.
