
Hands Off Syria condemns UN Commission: ‘It is acting to incite further massacres’

Media Release Issued by Hands Off Syria - 16 September 2013
Hands Off Syria (Australia) condemns the United Nations Commission of Inquiry on Syria (COI) and calls for its disbanding and replacement by a body which does not act as a partisan propaganda organ for the foreign powers waging war against Syria.

Hands Off Syria member Ms Hanadi Assoud says ‘The Commission of Inquiry has proven itself a partisan body, inciting massacres and protecting the main architects of this crisis: the USA and its proxies, in particular Saudi Arabia.’

WGAR News: Arguing the Intervention: Jon Altman, Journal of Indigenous Policy [39 essays by Jon]

Newsletter date: 17 September 2013


* Jon Altman, Journal of Indigenous Policy: Arguing the Intervention [Special Issue: Collection of 39 essays by Jon Altman on the NT Intervention]
* Jon Altman, Tracker: Evidently: Stand against Indigenous poverty
* The Wire: Another military-style Indigenous intervention? [Featuring Chairperson for NACCHO, Justin Mohamad]
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Background to 'Stronger Futures' new NT Intervention laws

De Pod 2013-09-14 [ audio ]

Globales Gift Gas Treffen mit schwacher US Aussenpolitik, Neuer Australischer Prime Minister und australische Affairen, Pause, Europaeische und Deutsche Affairen, Japan's Atomkraft Absurditaeten, Aussie Broadband Traeume und die taegliche Netz Realitaet

30:00 min 128 kbps stereo 29 MB

WGAR News: Prime Minister for Indigenous Affairs? Hardly: Chris Graham, ABC The Drum

Newsletter date: 16 September 2013

Editorial Note:

'WGAR News' monitors the media, including alternative media.
'WGAR News' gives priority to grassroots Aboriginal voices and grassroots voices in solidarity with Aboriginal peoples' rights.
'WGAR News' publishes information and opinions from a wide range of sources.
These opinions expressed are not necessarily the opinions of WGAR.
As such, 'WGAR News' does not endorse any particular political party, but simply includes information on political parties for the interest of readers.


kicks and kisses and the deadly's

i am still in the process of watching the deadly's 2013 and, sadly, the nit did not win the award for a media story that involved the kings cross shootings of the 6 youths involved. i hope that this does not however stop the nit campaign pressure upon the nsw police and the nsw dpp for the reports and reasonings to be made public and not become just another bad example of the custodial star chambers that are put forward as justice in this state. isja will most certainly continue to call for the public showing of these covered-up matters.


More repression. August 2013 Honduras coup update

COUP SUMMARY August 2013 – the struggles in Honduras continue despite the massive-as-always repression

A summary of political murders in August 2013:

From the indigenous Tolupan community, Montaña de la Flor, that holds an occupation against a mining company in defence of the forests, hitmen assassinated Maria Enriqueta Matute, Armando Funez Medina and Ricardo Soto Funez, on 25/8/13.

In Bajo Aguan, organised MUCA farmer Melvin Amaya was kidnapped and assassinated by hitmen on 6/8/13.

Four veterans of the Black political struggle in sovereignty panel discussion on October 4th

A panel discussing and articulating the POLITICAL, PHILOSOPHICAL & LEGAL intricacies of First Nations' sovereignty will take place on October 4th.

The panel, featuring four veterans of the Black political struggle - Michael Mansell, Lilla Watson, Bob Weatherall and Mary Graham - will be broadcast live via LiveStream (online) at 10am and on 989fm's Let's Talk program at 9am the following Friday.


Open Letter to Premier O'Farrell: re. Peter Phelps’ offensive speech in Parliament on 11 September 2013

Sydney, 11.9.13

Level 40, Governor Macquarie Tower
1 Farrer Place
Urgent by facsimile: 9228-3935
Dear Premier,
Re: Peter Phelps’ offensive speech in Parliament on 11 September 2013


GenerationNone: How will the Coalition close the widening employment gap?

By Amy McQuire in The Tracker

According to the latest Census results, the Indigenous unemployment gap is not closing. In fact, it has widened under Labor. So what is the Coalition’s plan, and why is there a disproportionate focus on the work of GenerationOne?

Recently it was announced that one of Australia’s richest men Andrew “Twiggy” Forrest, head of Fortescue Metals Group, the world’s fourth largest iron ore producer, grew a little bit richer.

Sorry - we fell for a hoax

We regret that on Wednesday 11 September we published a story claiming that whistleblower Julian Assange had been arrested by UK police in London.

The alleged author, Dr Philip Dorling, sent us this message:

"Your website is carrying a bogus report concerning Julian Assange. This report falsely has my name as the author. I did not post this article. It is a fake. I ask that you remove it immediately."

We have removed the article and apologise to anyone who has been embarassed or damaged by it.

Indymedia editors

The downside of democracy for Indigenous Australians

By Chris Graham in The Tracker

One of the features of a modern democracy is that apart from getting the government we deserve, we're also supposed to get the government that the majority of us want.

Like Communism, it's great in theory. But also like Communism, it's often not so good in practice.

At least, it's not if you happen to be a minority group who has long been denied the right to elect your own leaders.


The Shortwave Report 09/13/13 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (September 13) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

NEW PODCAST!!!- feed:// (128kb Highest Quality)

After a recent spike in deaths on Mauritian roads,government and law enforcement officials say they are overly concerned

After a recent spike in deaths on Mauritian roads,government and law enforcement officials say they are overly concerned following the release of fresh figures on road accidents on the island nation

The Prime Minters Offices and the Mauritian Police Force have released road accident figures indicating that since January the nation’s central Traffic Branch has recorded 80 deaths on Mauritian roads.

Social security and welfare payments have risen on the island nation ,with current estimates indicated to reach 583 millio

Social security and welfare payments have risen on the island nation ,with current estimates indicated to reach 583 million per year while pensions reached an all-time high with 699 million paid out last year.

According to the Ministry of Finances figures released Thursday , as at the end of 2012 government dedicated 699 million dollars to various social security and welfare payments with figures showing an increase across all payments.

WGAR News: World Suicide Prevention Day and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples

Newsletter date: 15 September 2013


* Melissa Sweet, Croakey - the Crikey health blog: How can Croakey readers contribute to efforts to prevent Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander suicides?
* NACCHO Aboriginal Health news: Today is World Suicide Prevention Day
* CAAMA Radio: World Suicide Prevention Day...
* NACCHO RU OK News: Indigenous youth leading the way in suicide prevention
* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: Hopelessness in suicide riddled communities
* Background to Suicide and Self-harm in Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Communities

WGAR News: A call for better support and wider use of Aboriginal and TSI Health Workers: Croakey

Newsletter date: 14 September 2013


* Larissa Nicholson, The Canberra Times: Canberra health service leaves scarcely room to protest

* Belinda Mason, The Guardian: Unfinished Business: portraying disability in Indigenous Australia [Photographic Essay]

* Melissa Sweet, Croakey - the Crikey health blog: A call for better support and wider use of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Workers [Closing the Gap]
* Amy McQuire, Tracker: Indigenous health: "We can’t stop now" [Closing the Gap]