
Raiders Of The Rock Art

Raiders Of The Rock Art

By Debra Jopson September 13, 2013

Gina Rinehart’s Hancock Prospecting has a greenlight to explore a huge swath of Cape York, home to ancient Aboriginal rock art — and minerals. The indigenous custodians are not happy.


“I feel I’ve been kicked in the guts,” says Stephen Doughboy, as he meets with more than 30 fellow Aboriginal clan members in the tiny remote Queensland town of Laura. The group is discussing how it might fend off the interest shown by Australia’s richest person, Gina Rinehart, in mining their land.


Indigenous advisory council to be announced soon

Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s new Indigenous Advisory Council will be announced by the end of the month.

The incoming chairman Warren Mundine, has flagged the announcement of the panel’s terms of reference and composition.

Mr Mundine said he was happy and relaxed about how it was coming together.

The council will have a gender balance and representatives from all state and territories.

“It’s a massive challenge that we have to do,” he told Sky News.

Mr Mundine said the council’s biggest priority would be looking at spending.

The Brisbane Aboriginal Sovereignty Embassy is advocating for a national gathering at the Tent Embassy in Canberra next month

By David Liddle, NITV News

The Brisbane Aboriginal Sovereignty Embassy is advocating for a national gathering at the Tent Embassy in Canberra next month.

Spokesman Wayne Wharton says their planned protest aims to target the new Government's Indigenous Committee headed by Warren Mundine.

He says the gathering would argue for more community control over government policies and programs.

Abbott Government's first actions: trash climate change education, carbon pricing

On September 7 Australia elected the Liberal National parties - the Coalition - to Federal Government, with Tony Abbott as our new Prime Minister. It is a Government firmly in climate denial, intent on winding back carbon pricing; undermining renewables; and closing down the Climate Commission setup to communicate and engage the public on climate science and its impacts.

Related: Early start to bushfires, record temperatures


How many more suicides will it take?

by Gerry Georgatos of The Stringer, The National Indigenous Times, the National Indigenous Radio Service - September 20th, 2013 - Two years ago, as part of my academic research into the prevalence of suicides in Australia, particularly among Aboriginal youth, to my horror I discovered that Aboriginal youth suicides are tragically at record high levels – that spates of Aboriginal youth suicides are proportionately the world’s highest rates. Aboriginal youth is suiciding at the world’s highest rates.


Early start to Australian bushfires, record temperatures

Just a few days after the Federal election NSW experienced a surprisingly early start to the bushfire season with fires on Sydney's outskirts giving us a taste of things to come. Queensland is also facing severe fire danger with the early onset of high temperatures.


Abbott's slash and burn attack on climate change policies - this week's climate and nuclear news


Nuclear news has gone very quiet at the moment – seeing that for Australia nuclear’s big argument was that it’s “the cure” for climate change. (But now it is not politically correct to worry about climate change?)
Uranium. Energy Resources of Australia is touting its latest method to to treat radioactive water. ERA will go out of business if it doesn’t get a new mining operation going at Ranger. Not a great prospect – with its history of spills and revenue losses.

The Shortwave Report 9/20/13 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (September 20) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

NEW PODCAST!!!- feed:// (128kb Highest Quality)

Euro-sceptics could evict the German government on Sunday

An opinion poll sees a party critical of the European Union with a good chance of making it into the German parliament and becoming the power broker in the election on Sunday.
If the Alternative für Deutschland (AfD, Alternative for Germany) scores five percent they’re in, and the opinion research institute Insa sees them achieving that with a last-minute gain of one percent.
In the German electoral system a party has to score five percent of the votes to move into parliament with the commensurate number of seats, i.e. at least 31 of the 620.

WGAR News: Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 42 events from 20 September 2013

Newsletter date: 20 September 2013

WGAR events postings for each State and Territory:

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Fri 20 September, 2013: Sydney, NSW
"we will be rallying to strongly urge mr. babb and
his legal team of officers to fully charge those
errant police officers that have been recommended
by the police integrity commission, among other
legal entities, to answer charges for the killings of
adam salter and roberto laudisio curti and the

Melbourne events: National Day of Action to Stop Aboriginal deaths in custody + ISJA Meeting

Melbourne and Victoria Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 28 September 2013: Melbourne, Vic
Melbourne - Thirty Years But Still No Justice!
National Day of Action to Stop Aboriginal deaths in custody!
Remember John Pat and the hundreds
who have died in custody since!
"Support these demands made by John Pat’s mother, Mavis Pat:
* An apology from the WA government for my son’s death in custody
* An ex-gratia payment as compensation
* That the police officers involved need to be brought to account and


Adelaide events: National Day of Action to Stop Aboriginal Deaths in Custody + Candle Light Walks

Adelaide and South Australia Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Sat 28 September 2013: Adelaide, SA
National Day of Action to Stop Aboriginal Deaths in Custody
30 Years and still no justice
12 noon
Parliament House - North Terrace

Perth event: Stop Aboriginal Deaths in Custody - National Day of Action

Perth and Western Australia Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Wed 25 September 2013: Parliament House, Perth, WA
Stop Aboriginal Deaths in Custody - National Day of Action
"John Pat died 30 years ago - but still no justice!
Remembrance ceremony - Rally and March.
Apology motion. Parilament House."
Event details:
Event details:
Event details: [scroll down page]

Canberra events: CAEPR Seminars: Insights from behavioural sciences + Real economy & Hybrid economy

Canberra Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 25 September 2013: ANU, Canberra, ACT
Insights for Indigenous policy from the applied behavioural sciences
Presented by: Nick Biddle
CAEPR Seminar
Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research
Australian National University
"Policy related to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (Indigenous)
Australians is one example in Australia of an area where insights
from the applied behavioural sciences has the potential to
improve the quality of policy decisions. ... "


Sydney Events: ISJA Rally DPP + ISJA Day Of Action John Pat Day: Stop Aboriginal deaths in custody

Sydney and NSW Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Fri 20 September, 2013: Sydney, NSW
"we will be rallying to strongly urge mr. babb and
his legal team of officers to fully charge those
errant police officers that have been recommended
by the police integrity commission, among other
legal entities, to answer charges for the killings of
adam salter and roberto laudisio curti and the
corruption and cover-up involved in their deaths
and the subsequent police on police investigations

GetUp's biggest petition ever?


Today, the new Environment Minister Greg Hunt was sworn in. The decisions he makes in the first 100 days on the job will leave a lasting legacy on our reef.

Thanks to you, our petition to Save our Reef has exploded. Last night, it hit 200,000 signatures. At this rate, it could be GetUp's biggest petition ever.


WGAR News: Warren Mundine: The white sheep of the family?: Gary Foley, Tracker

Newsletter date: 19 September 2013


* Gary Foley, Tracker: Warren Mundine: The white sheep of the family?
* Sovereign Union: Warren Mundine's new military intervention into Aboriginal Australia
* AudioBoo: Audio: Warren Mundine 'Military Intervention' - SBS - The Observer Effect

* AudioBoo: Noel Pearson rejected by Cape York councils - Aurukun Mayor, Dereck Walpo

* Greens Senator Rachel Siewert: Lack of a Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health a disappointment
* NACCHO political alert: Abbott abolishes Indigenous health ministry

Tony Abbott's cabinet

Prime Minister-elect Tony Abbott has shown his hand – and where he plans to take Australia. There were a few things missing when the Prime Minister announced his new Cabinet yesterday, including:

  • Women Ministers – there's now only 1 in a 19 person Cabinet.
  • Ministers for Science, Climate Change, Energy, Youth, Disability, Status of Women, Aged Care, Mental Health, Early Childhood and more.