
World Day Against Death Penalty (October 10)

Australian human rights activists are voicing their opposition against the use of the death penalty around the world by educating the public and raising awareness of the facts and fallacies surrounding the use of the death penalty worldwide.

Currently 21 countries continue to use this barbaric form of punishment and approximately 23,000 prisoners are awaiting execution.

The Australian Coalition Against Death Penalty (ACADP) calls upon and urges Australian political leaders to publicly voice their opposition against this form of state-sanctioned violence disguised as justice.

WGAR News: Should Australia have quotas for Indigenous MPs?: Michael Kenny, SBS Radio News

Newsletter date: 10 October 2013


* Michael Kenny, SBS Radio News: Should Australia have quotas for Indigenous MPs?

* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: SWALSC & Noongar Tent Embassy face-off on land deal - October 15
* Background to the Nyoongar Tent Embassy, Heirisson Island (Matagarup), Perth, WA
* Background to the Aboriginal sovereignty movement and the Aboriginal tent embassies

* Ian McPhedran, The Courier-Mail: Historians say the Australian War Memorial should recognise frontier conflicts

WGAR News: CAAMA interviews Marianne Mackay about Aboriginal children in care of the state in WA

Newsletter date: 9 October 2013


* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: Australia's Aboriginal suicide epidemic - Whose child will be the next to die?
* Background to Suicide and Self-harm in Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Communities

* CAAMA's Lorena Walker interviews Marianne Mackay about Aboriginal children who are in care of the state in WA
* Background to 'Keeping Them Home': Campaign against Forced Aboriginal Adoption in the NT

* The Wire: A culturally safe health system for everyone [Featuring Dr Tammy Kimpton, President of AIDA]

WGAR News: Michael Anderson returns from UN Symposium and announced the next Sovereign Union meeting

Newsletter date: 8 October 2013


* Sovereign Union: Michael Anderson returns from UN Symposium and announced the next Sovereign Union meeting
* Canberra Event: 23-24 November 2013: Next Sovereign Union meeting
* Musgrave Park, South Brisbane Event: 11-13 October 2013: 31st Anniversary Commonwealth Games Protests
* Canberra Event: 17-18 October 2013: First Nations Gathering - Aboriginal Tent Embassy
* Background to the Aboriginal sovereignty movement and the Aboriginal tent embassies

* James Rose, Crikey: Book Review: Forgotten War [By Henry Reynolds]

WGAR News: Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 42 events from 7 October 2013

Newsletter date: 7 October 2013

WGAR events postings for each State and Territory:

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 1 June to 7 October 2013: South Bank, Qld
My Country, I Still Call Australia Home:
Contemporary Art from Black Australia
Gallery of Modern Art (GOMA)
"This exhibition will be the Gallery's largest ever exhibition
of contemporary Indigenous Australian art. It will feature
works by Indigenous Australian artists from across the country."

Canberra events: CAEPR Seminars + First Nations Gathering: Tent Embassy + Biami Performance

Canberra Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 9 October 2013: ANU, Canberra, ACT
Recognition and emotional distancing at Indigenous Heritage Sites:
Findings of visitor interviews
Presented by: Laurajane Smith
CAEPR Seminar
Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research
Australian National University
"The presentation will outline the various ways in which
other visitors disengage from Indigenous history and culture
to emotionally distance themselves and close down the


WGAR News: Indigenous imprisonment rates: Australia needs better sentencing: The Guardian

Newsletter date: 6 October 2013


* Aboriginal Legal Service (NSW/ACT): First time in 30 years - High Court judgement on Aboriginality in sentencing to be handed down
* Clare Quirk, Warrnambool Standard: South-west elder praises indigenous appeal decision [Featuring Aboriginal Elder Lenny Clarke]
* Louise Taylor, The Guardian: Indigenous imprisonment rates: Australia needs better sentencing [About the High Court finding]
* Jane Lee, SMH: Judges told to consider history when sentencing
* ABC News Video: Indigenous disadvantage does not diminish over time, High Court rules

WGAR News: Wes Morris slams government suicide prevention programs: Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer

Newsletter date: 5 October 2013


* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: Wes Morris slams government suicide prevention programs
* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: 77 Aboriginal suicides in South Australia alone
* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: Kimberley's Aboriginal peoples old at 45 years
* Aboriginal Peak Organisations Northern Territory - APO NT: Youth Suicide

* Background to Suicide and Self-harm in Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Communities


- Analysis / Opinion

The Shortwave Report 10/4/13 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (October 4) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

NEW PODCAST!!!- feed:// (128kb Highest Quality)

WGAR News: Paddy Gibson speaks about the NT Emergency Response and the successor "Stronger Futures"

Newsletter date: 4 October 2013


* Paddy Gibson speaks at Building Bridges on the NT Emergency Response and the successor "Stronger Futures"
* Eva Cox, The Conversation: Income management: more evidence-free policymaking?
* Greens Senator Rachel Siewert: Coalition to punish vulnerable people through income management expansion
* Nick Evershed, The Guardian: Welfare quarantining: does it work?
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Background to 'Stronger Futures' new NT Intervention laws


WGAR News: Glen Klatovsky speaks at Aboriginal Support Group: What is happening in the Kimberley?

Newsletter date: 3 October 2013


* Glen Klatovsky speaks at the Aboriginal Support Group answering the question: What is happening in the Kimberley?
* Glen Klatovsky speaks at Building Bridges about the Kimberley Gas Hub: For and Against
* Kimberley and James Price Point (JPP) News
* German Language: Rettet die Kimberley Kampagne - Artikel fuer Amnesty International Rundbrief 2013
* Background to the Save The Kimberley Campaign - James Price Point, north of Broome, WA

De Pod 2013-09-28 [ audio ]

Neue Australische Regierung auf Blindflug im Inneren und Aussenpolitik, Zensur und Geheimhaltung der Fluechtlings Nachrichten, Konservative Politiker sind im Konflikt mit der Realitaet, Pause, US Russland Beziehung ueber Syrien und Iran mit Israel als Backstop, Breitband wird aufgehalten mit Jobverlusten und Investment Verzoegerung, Kriminalitaets- Geschaefte, ideologisches "Studenten Bashing", die Waehler haben versagt

WGAR News: State Government apologies 30 years later to the family of John Pat: The Stringer

Newsletter date: 1 October 2013


* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: State Government apologies 30 years later to the family of John Pat
* Emma Wynne, ABC Perth: Apology to John Pat's family but Aboriginal deaths in custody on the increase
* NITV News: WA government agrees to John Pat apology
* NITV News: Ben Wyatt's call for a national apology is passed unanimously

* SBS 6:30 News Video reporting back on rallies on National Day of Action to Stop Aboriginal Deaths in Custody
* NITV News: Australians march to stop all deaths in custody

WGAR News: Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 48 events from 30 September 2013

Newsletter date: 30 September 2013

WGAR events postings for each State and Territory:

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 29th September 2013: Fremantle, Perth, WA
Murru: In Memory of John Pat Album Launch
"Big hART and the community of Ieramugadu (Roebourne)
proudly present the Album Launch of Murru
- a music collaboration between John Bennett, Shellie Morris,
Emma Donovan, Archie Roach, Lucky Oceans, Harry Hookey,
Bill Chambers, the Last Kinection, Trevor Jamieson,

NSW Events: STICS planning meeting + Boomerang Festival: Larissa Behrendt + Exhib: Saltwater Visions

Sydney and NSW Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Mon 30 September 2013: Surry Hills, Sydney, NSW
STICS (Stop the Intervention Collective Sydney) planning meeting
"Please Note: As the first Monday in October, i.e. 7 October
is a public holiday we will instead be meeting on
Monday 30 September at 6 pm, Federation Conference Centre"
"Discussion about an upcoming protest on 12 October 2013
12 October 2013 - 3pm:
No Basics Card No Work-for-Dole No Intervention Rally
at Sydney Martin Place.

Darwin events: Groggy: Art exhibition examining NT booze double-standard + Bridging the Gap Seminar

Northern Territory Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Until 12 October 2013: Darwin, NT
Art exhibition by Todd Williams & Therese Ritchie
Northern Centre for Contemporary Art
"Darwin gets groggy with it -- exhibition examines NT booze double-standard"
""My name is Chips Mackinolty and I am an alcoholic …
"Everyone assumes that grog is an exclusively Aboriginal problem.
That is simply not true. Around 50% of Aboriginal people don’t drink at all.
"If the Northern Territory were a nation, we would have the

Melbourne events: ISJA Meeting + Film Real: Backroads + Henry Reynolds on the 'Forgotten War'

Melbourne and Victoria Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Thu 3 October 2013: Brunswick, Melbourne, Vic
Next Meeting: Indigenous Social Justice Association - Melbourne
"During 2013, ISJA will meet the first Thursday of every month."
Event details:

Event: Tuesday 8 October 2013: Footscray, Vic
Film Real: Black Screen October
"Four men, one woman … a stolen Pontiac.
Joined by desperation and anger, bound for tragedy.
Speeding recklessly across the … Backroads"


Queensland events: My Country, I Still Call Australia Home + 31st Anniv Commonwealth Games Protests

Brisbane and Queensland Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 1 June to 7 October 2013: South Bank, Qld
My Country, I Still Call Australia Home:
Contemporary Art from Black Australia
Gallery of Modern Art (GOMA)
"This exhibition will be the Gallery's largest ever exhibition
of contemporary Indigenous Australian art. It will feature
works by Indigenous Australian artists from across the country."
"'My Country. I Still Call Australia Home' examines the
associations and interpretations Aboriginal and Torres Strait