
Canberra events: Murra Bidgee Mullangari River Ceremony + First Nations Gathering: Tent Embassy

Canberra Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 30 September 2013: Murrumbidgee River, Stromlo, ACT
Murra Bidgee Mullangari River Ceremony
Uriarra East picnic area, Murrumbidgee River
"For the first time in more than 200 years, Traditional Custodians
from the mouth of the Murray River in South Australia
will perform ceremony with Traditional Custodians in Canberra
on the banks of the Murrumbidgee River, to reawaken an
ancient pathway that connected their nations for more than
25,000 years."

Pandora's Propaganda - expensive spin film from the nuclear lobby

The nuclear advertising film ' Pandora's Promise' will be showing around Australia, and in Edinburgh and London in the next couple of weeks. It is largely funded by people from the pro nuclear Breakthrough Institute, including people like Bill Gates, who has his own nuclear power company Terra Power. It is directed by passionate nuclear enthusiast, Robert Stone, who does Q and A afterwards, and over-talks any critical questioners.

O’Farrell plans to shut prisoner halfway houses

The NSW government is planning to close seven prisoner halfway houses in a bid to save money.

The homes are designed to help former prisoners reintegrate into the community.

The planned cuts to the parole scheme with affect more than 100 prisoners and 60 public servants will lose their jobs.

The Public Service Association has slammed the move as short sighted and says the cuts may prompt reoffending.

There are also plans to ask charities and NGO’s to run some of the centres.


WGAR News: Stolen Futures: Paddy Gibson, Overland Literary Journal

Newsletter date: 29 September 2013


* Paddy Gibson, Overland Literary Journal: Stolen Futures
* Callum Denness, Eureka Street: The ethics of paternalism in Aboriginal policy
* A new John Pilger film, Utopia, to be released in UK cinemas in November
* SNAICC News: Brisbane workshop to support healing for survivors of forcible removal
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Background to 'Stronger Futures' new NT Intervention laws
* Background to 'Keeping Them Home': Campaign against Forced Aboriginal Adoption in the NT


Fremantle event: Murru: In Memory of John Pat Album Launch

Perth and Western Australia Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 29th September 2013: Fremantle, Perth, WA
Murru: In Memory of John Pat Album Launch
"Big hART and the community of Ieramugadu (Roebourne)
proudly present the Album Launch of Murru
- a music collaboration between John Bennett, Shellie Morris,
Emma Donovan, Archie Roach, Lucky Oceans, Harry Hookey,
Bill Chambers, the Last Kinection, Trevor Jamieson,
David Hyams and the Roebourne community."
"Murru is dedicated to John Pat, a 16-year old young man

WGAR News: Let's Talk's Tiga Bayles interviews Gerry Georgatos about Aboriginal youth suicides

Newsletter date: 28 September 2013


* Let's Talk's Tiga Bayles interviews Gerry Georgatos about the high number of Aboriginal youth suicides in Australia
* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: How many more suicides will it take?
* The Wire: Let's ask R U OK? to our Indigenous youth [Featuring Will Austin]
* Background to Suicide and Self-harm in Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Communities

* Emma Murphy, Green Left: Darwin gets groggy with it -- exhibition examines NT booze double-standard
* Background to the NT Alcohol Mandatory Treatment Bill

WGAR News: "National Day of Action Stop Aboriginal Deaths in Custody John Pat Died 30 Years Ago"

Newsletter date: 27 September 2013


* Upcoming Events - National Day of Action to Stop Aboriginal Deaths in Custody
* Deaths in Custody Watch Committee WA: National Day of Action Stop Aboriginal Deaths in Custody John Pat Died 30 Years Ago - Still No Justice!
* Deaths in Custody Watch Committee WA: National Day of Action - your support can make a difference
* The Wire: Aboriginal deaths in custody, remembering John Pat [Featuring Marc Newhouse and Rodney Dillon]
* SBS Radio News: Anniversary of deaths in custody Royal Commission

The Shortwave Report 9/27/13 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (September 27) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

NEW PODCAST!!!- feed:// (128kb Highest Quality)

Fairfield Bike Shorts: Australian community-made films which get locals thinking about cycling

Fairfield Bike Shorts is an innovative, independent Australian film making project promoting cycling and bicycle infrastructure in the Fairfield City Council area through storytelling and film. The films produced will premiere on Saturday 12 October at the Powerhouse Youth Theatre, Fairfield NSW in a free, family-friendly event. This project is run through the Western Sydney Cycling Network and supported by the Fairfield City Council, the Powerhouse Youth Theatre, and The Spokes People. Fairfield Bike Shorts


RADI.MS The media you were waiting for will soon be born. A new world from integral revolution

For as long as we can remember, history has been told by the winners.

They taught us that colonialism was necessary to civilize the barbarians. That the rule of law is there to protect us from evil. That the poor have to exist so that there can be rich people. That we are citizens of a nation because we were born in a particular territory. The idea that language and borders divide us have been drilled into us.

Among so much confusion, many of us have grown up worshipping the heroes that Walt Disney created to quench our thirst for rebellion. Superman was just a hook!

Plan 2050: new borders for a new Australia


Today the Government launches Plan 2050, positioning our country as a world leader in responsible and resilient migration policy.

Australia has one of the most diverse and thriving communities in the world, and we need to build on it with a migration policy that looks to the future.

The Government will be replacing closed, dangerous borders with a politics of cooperation and support.

A big election victory for Merkel – but who will govern with her?

"Germans habitually despise political strife and revere consensus. Though that’s somewhat unambitious, it’s paid off in the past. Our electoral law, federalism, co-determination in industry, almost all areas of society are geared to consensus – and most of the time they work successfully.

“Other countries like France observe the roundtable culture of the Germans with a mixture of scepticism and admiration. In the Euro crisis the French suffer from their political fronts being so hardened that reforms practically become impossible.

Tony Abbott's plan to silence NGO’s

Just a few days in and the Abbott government has announced plans to make green boycotts illegal.

Parliamentary secretary for agriculture Richard Colbeck says he wants to “prevent green groups from holding companies to ransomâ€

This means environmental groups and community organisations will be gagged if they ask consumers to boycott unethical companies.

Less than a week in Government and Abbott is already showing his true colours – Free speech is under attack.

See the response from The Wilderness Society below.


Cape York development plan threatens world heritage bid

Queensland government plan to open Cape York up to mining and agriculture 'insane', says conservation group

Cape York's pristine coastline and Indigenous cultural significance is under threat from development, conservationists say.

A Queensland government plan to open up Cape York to development is "insane" and risks destroying landscapes that are currently being considered for world heritage listing, environmentalists claim.

The Cape York Statutory Regional Plan aims to "ensure the long-term viability" of the region through agriculture, mining and tourism.

Rates of abused and neglected children on the rise in Australia

ABC News
Rates of abused and neglected children on the rise in Australia: report
By Freya Petersen

Reports of chronic shortages of child protection workers in New South Wales have focused
attention on the plight of abused and neglected children across Australia.

According to figures from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW), rates of
substantiated child abuse and neglect have risen across the nation.

An AIHW report released in March, titled Child Protection Australia 2011-12,^A found the number


Extreme Rain & Climate Collapse

After a quick update on Fukushima reactor site hit by typhoon, we open with one of the big stories of 2013, the unbelievable tropical-style rains that flooded Boulder Colorado and points north. More than a foot of rain in 24 hours in some places, in an area that doesn't get that much in the average year.

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