
WGAR News: Interviews with Robert & Selina Eggington about the Dumbartung Suicide Crisis Summit

Newsletter date: 29 October 2013


* Let's Talk's Tiga Bayles interviews Robert & Selina Eggington about Dumbartung having convened the Aboriginal Suicide Crisis Summit
* The Wire: Suicide crisis - Indigenous People [Featuring Gerry Georgatos - university researcher and journalist]
* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: Beagle Bay to State Parliament - Farrer speaks out on suicides
* The Stringer: Government to address Aboriginal suicides
* Background to Suicide and Self-harm in Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Communities


indymedia South America in Sydney.

Hi there.

IĀ“m an old indymedia member of some south american indymedia collectives, iĀ“m here on Sydney and i want to meet some indymedia people in Australia, i really sorry to use the newswire for that but i donĀ“t find the contact mail, or any if anybody can help me please writte to: CHEERS, and hope your answers...


WGAR News: "Council breaches its own policy and dismantles the Portland [Aboriginal] Tent Embassy"

Newsletter date: 28 October 2013


* Seamus Doherty, Green Left: Nyoongar tent embassy opposes native title deal
* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: Both sides debate Noongar land deal
* Background to the Nyoongar Tent Embassy, Heirisson Island (Matagarup), Perth, WA

* Portland Aboriginal Tent Embassy: Council breaches its own policy and dismantles the Portland Tent Embassy
* Jono Pech, Warrnambool Standard: Indigenous tent embassy at Portland dismantled
* Background to the Portland Aboriginal Tent Embassy, Market Square, Portland, Vic

$25.4 billion spent on Aboriginal disadvantage is a lie

By Gerry Georgatos - courtesy of The Stringer - It has been touted that $25.4 billion annually is invested in Aboriginal peoples ā€“ in order to raise those among them out of abject poverty ā€“ā€œthrough 86 initiativesā€. This claim has dangerously washed through the Australian consciousness as ā€˜factā€™ but it is instead a crock of shit. It is claimed this $25.4 billion spend represents 5.6 per cent of the national budget ā€“ for 2.6 per cent of the population.


WGAR News: Royal Commission sought for Human Rights issues on APY Lands: Coober Pedy Regional Times

Newsletter date: 27 October 2013


* Coober Pedy Regional Times: Royal Commission sought for Human Rights issues on APY Lands
* Background to Income Management for APY Lands in South Australia

* ABC News: Arabunna elder Kevin Buzzacott loses legal fight against Olympic Dam mine expansion
* The Australian: Aboriginal elder loses bid to block $30bn Olympic Dam mine expansion
* Environmental Defenders Office (SA) Inc: Federal Court challenge to Olympic Dam approval
* Background to expansion of Olympic Dam mine challenge (South Australia)


WGAR News: CAALAS Celebrates 40 Years [Central Australian Aboriginal Legal Aid Service]: CAAMA Photos

Newsletter date: 26 October 2013


* CAAMA Photos: CAALAS Celebrates 40 Years [Featuring Central Australian Aboriginal Legal Aid Service]

* Gail Liston, ABC News: Legal aid service says alcohol bans will not work [Featuring CAALAS]
* Background to the NT Alcohol Mandatory Treatment Bill, Northern Territory Government

* Tracker: More NT jail deaths 'unless alcohol cut' [Featuring Kwementyaye Briscoe]
* Background to the justice for Kumentjaye Briscoe campaign

* CAAMA Audio: Warlpiri Elder wants his responsibilities returned! [Featuring Rex Japananka Granites]


The Shortwave Report 10/25/13 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (October 25) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

NEW PODCAST!!!- feed:// (128kb Highest Quality)

IRAN: Hanging survivor spared a second hanging

After a huge international outcry from human rights activists around the world, Iran has decided to spare the life of a 37-year-old man who miraculously survived a hanging after being convicted of drug-trafficking. Iranian authorities were insisting that the offender should be hanged a second time.

WGAR News: Calling all Aboriginal Nations to Canberra 9 am 23 - 24 November 2013: Sovereign Union

Newsletter date: 25 October 2013


* Calling all Aboriginal Nations to Canberra 9 am 23 - 24 November 2013: Sovereign Union National Meeting on asserting our sovereignty
* Background to the Aboriginal sovereignty movement and the Aboriginal tent embassies

* Let's Talk's Tiga Bayles interviews Gary Foley, Historian and veteran Aboriginal rights campaigner

* Let's Talk's Tiga Bayles interviews Monica Morgan, Manager of the Indigenous Rights Program at Amnesty International Australia

* CAAMA Audio: Do we really know our history? [Featuring Professor Ian Clark]

Tony Abbott in denial on bushfire climate change link

In a radio interview with Neil Mitchell, Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott said that the Head of the UNFCCC, Christiana Figueres, is "talking through her hat" for connecting the NSW bushfires with climate change and that "these fires are certainly not a function of climate change, they are just a function of life in Australia." It seems Mr Abbott is in denial on all the wildfire research done on the increase in fireweather and increase in frequency and intensity in bushfires both in Australia and globally.

Related: Raging Bushfires surround Sydney with early start to Fire season | Mega bushfire feared as State of Emergency declared in NSW | Guardian Australia: Australian prime minister denies 25 years of research linking climate change to bushfires.


WGAR News: Let's Talk's Tiga Bayles interviews Marianne Mackay about the WA criminal justice system

Newsletter date: 24 October 2013


* Kaitlin Morris, Juvenile Justice Information Exchange: Young, Indigenous and Imprisoned, Australia's National Disgrace
* Let's Talk's Tiga Bayles interviews Marianne Mackay about First Nations rights within the WA criminal justice system
* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: Geraldton's racial tension - "colour should not matter"
* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: Coroner's inquiry - "prisoners are treated like animals"
* Tracker: Abbott urged to visit jails

WGAR News: Let's Talk interviews Gerry Georgatos, Wes Morris & Tauto Sansbury re Aboriginal suicide

Newsletter date: 23 October 2013


* Let's Talk's Tiga Bayles interviews Gerry Georgatos, Wes Morris & Tauto Sansbury about suicide in First Nations communities
* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: EMPOWERMENT [Featuring Aboriginal suicides around the nation]
* Jeff McMullen, The Stringer: Children of the Sunrise [Featuring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and fulfillment]
* NACCHO mental health news: Aboriginal mental health gap must be closed: Calma Dudgeon
* Background to Suicide and Self-harm in Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Communities

Climate Change: Sydney departs historical climate in 2038 say scientists, but Oceans already in trouble

Researchers from the University of Hawaii have estimated the year when we depart the climate variability we have historically known for cities around the globe. For Sydney that year is 2038. But we are well on the way to that with recent record temperatures and heatwaves. The global oceans past their climate departure point in 2008. They are now wholly outside their historical variability. While polar regions are warming at 2 to 3 times the global average, the study highlighted that the greatest impacts will be felt in the tropics where minor climate variation can put it outside of it's historical bounds. This will have a major impact on biodiversity hotspots and ecosystems in the tropics.


I Have A Confession to Make

Emerging threats analyst and author Robert Marston Fanney on new frontiers of climate change. We talk about coming threats and heat events - dead-on for what is happening right now in Australia. Plus Dr. Alex Rogers of Oxford: State of the Oceans 2013.

Yes, we are in trouble. Last week we peered into the impending crash of the economy. It may dance on for a while using funny money from the Federal Reserve and other central banks. But fall it will.

Rapid and intense Bushfires destroy 200 Sydney homes while Federal Government continues dismantling climate change policies

Widespread October bushfires in NSW are unusual, but have happened before, such as in 1991. This year there was an Early start to Australian bushfires, record temperatures in early September.

It is now the 7th time this bushfire season a total fire ban has been declared in Sydney. Very Unusual. If the fire weather is this bad so early in the season, it can get worse over the coming months as Summer heats up, especially if we have extreme summer heatwaves similar to 2013.

Update: Sunday 20 October: Premier Barrie O'Farrell has declared A State of Emergency across NSW for 30 days as weather conditions are now forecast to be worse than anticipated. Indefinite Total fire bans, and increased powers for emergency personnel. The State Mine fire in the Blue Mountains has burnt 38,000 hectares and is burning on a broad front from Lithgow to west of Bilpin.


WGAR News: Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 38 events from 22 October 2013

Newsletter date: 20 October 2013

WGAR events postings for each State and Territory:

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Tue 22 October 2013: Perth, WA
Free seminars - Engaging Indigenous communities and improving community governance
"Closing the Gap is hosting free seminars in Perth and Canberra
discussing the evidence on engaging with Indigenous communities
and improving community governance."
Dr Janet Hunt, Australian National University