
Indonesia executes fifth drug-trafficker

Indonesia has executed a convicted drug-trafficker - the fifth person to be put to death since March this year - in what could be a worrying sign for two Australians on death row in Bali.

Pakistani man, Muhammad Abdul Hafeez, a convicted drug-trafficker was executed by firing squad at a South Tangerang cemetery on the southern outskirts of the capital Jakarta early last Sunday morning. Hafeez, 44, was sentenced to death in 2001 for attempting to smuggle more than a kilo of heroin into Indonesia.

War Comic Script: Mainlandia Invaded in ‘Exercise Southern Katipo 2013′ – Timaru Liberated!

This article criticizes a multi-force military exercise currently taking place in New Zealand's South Island for its oversimplified 'war on terror' era, good versus bad script. It also mocks uncritical coverage by New Zealand's mainstream media for their news-lite approach. Readers are reminded that two participating country's - France and the United States - both have a history of state-sponsored terrorism. It suggests that the NZ-led military coalition has an invasion of Fiji in its sights.

By Snoopman

A spider that flies

Singapore and the Death Penalty

A recent amendment in Singapore has saved one drug mule from execution. It was a pleasant surprise for many last Thursday, when the courts lifted the death penalty on a drug-trafficker for the first time in its history. Yong Vui Kong, a Malaysian who was sentenced to hang in 2009, was spared after a judge ruled that Yong was merely a drug courier, rather than involved in the supply or distribution of narcotics.

Nuclear and climate news for the week


Climate Change has been the big news this week, as over 60,000 people of all ages gathered to support government and public action for carbon pricing and renewable energy development. They want full funding the business-friendly Australian Renewable Energy Agency, (ARENA) and the Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC)

Victoria events: Indigenous Use of Fire forum + Beautiful One Day + After the Intervention webinar

Melbourne and Victoria Aboriginal rights events for your diary

WGAR events postings for each State and Territory:

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Wed 20 November 2013: Wodonga, Vic (Near border with NSW)
Indigenous Use of Fire forum
"This is a rare opportunity to learn about how fire was
used by the first Australians to shape the environment
and how Traditional Knowledge could be applied to
current management practices. Forum speakers include

NT Events: After the Intervention webinar + Don't frack the territory: film screening & discussion

Northern Territory Aboriginal rights events for your diary

WGAR events postings for each State and Territory:

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Thu 21 November 2013: Webinar & Melbourne CBD, Vic
Child Family Community Australia (CFCA) are hosting a webinar on 21 November 2013
After the Intervention:
The ongoing challenge of ensuring the safety and wellbeing of vulnerable children in the NT
"Following a brief review of the circumstances leading up to and

Canberra events: Insurgence exhibit + On Country: Connect, Work, Celebrate + Sovereign Union Meeting

Canberra Aboriginal rights events for your diary

WGAR events postings for each State and Territory:

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Now Open [as of 19 Nov 13]: Parkes, Canberra, ACT
Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House
"The Insurgence exhibition explores art, with all its
revolutionary potential, deployed as a platform for politics."
"The museum welcomes all voices in the House-
Insurgence is the voice of proppaNOW. Insurgence builds on


NSW Events: Indigenous Use of Fire forum + Discussion: Mining, Land, Community

Sydney and NSW Aboriginal rights events for your diary

WGAR events postings for each State and Territory:

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Wed 20 November 2013: Wodonga, Vic (Near border with NSW)
Indigenous Use of Fire forum
"This is a rare opportunity to learn about how fire was
used by the first Australians to shape the environment
and how Traditional Knowledge could be applied to
current management practices. Forum speakers include

WGAR News: Law Boss Joseph Roe and Premier Colin Barnett at odds over Walmadany: The Stringer

Newsletter date: 20 November 2013


* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: Law Boss Joseph Roe and Premier Colin Barnett at odds over Walmadany
* Goolarabooloo: Looking after Country! We are the Goolarabooloo people
* Rick Wilkinson, Oil & Gas Journal: James Price Point site to serve as potential offshore supply base
* WA today: WA completes Kimberley gas purchase
* The West Australian: Land secured for Broome gas precinct
* Background to the Walmadan Tent Embassy, James Price Point, north of Broome, Kimberley Region, WA

WGAR News: Film gives new strength to Muckaty campaign: Tennant & District Times

Newsletter date: 19 November 2013


* Tennant & District Times: Film gives new strength to Muckaty campaign
* Leanne Nicholson, The Sydney Morning Herald: Western Australia in nation's nuclear waste dump sights
* Background to the proposed Muckaty nuclear waste dump, Northern Territory (NT)

* Facebook: Protect Arnhem Land: Arnhem Land elder Eddie Mason being interviewed about why he does not agree with oil and gas exploration in his sea Country
* Facebook: Protect Arnhem Land: The Northern Territory Government has said it will not ban offshore fracking

COP19: Australia wins unprecedented fourth Fossil of the Day award for finance stance

While 30,000 people rallied for climate action in Melbourne, and an estimated 60,000 nationally at 130 events across Australia, it seems Australia has won an unprecedented fourth fossil of the day award in Warsaw for a statement that obligations for new, predictable and reliable finance from developed countries are “not realistic” and “not acceptable.”


Tens of Thousands rally for Climate Action across Australia

More than 60,000 people are estimated to have rallied or marched for climate action across Australia in a demonstration that a significant number of people view climate change as a serious issue requiring substantive action from all levels of Government, including the Federal Government lead by cinservative Prime Minister Tony Abbott.

The rallies were organised by GetUp, the Australian Youth Climate Coalition and the Australian Conservation Foundation.


Australian government is not budging on their climate positions in Warsaw or at home

The recently elected Australian government’s position at the United Nations climate talks in Warsaw has been scrutinised to death. But the question that no one seems to be asking is whether the government’s position is surprising? Hint: it isn’t.

Let’s face it: when in opposition, Abbott’s government created a furore around the infamous ‘carbon tax’ and now that they have enough bums on seats, they’re following through on their election promise. No one should be surprised that the current governmentis trashing the outgoing government’s policies.


Climate Negotiations: Where COP19 is at after first week

One week into the UN climate change negotiations in Warsaw, here is an overview of what groups are still pushing too and if there has been any movement. Typhoon Haiyan has been an underlying reminder to all negotiators that there is an urgent need for concrete solutions to curb emissions.

COP19 could be seen as the linkage of climate science with climate policy, but the connection is yet to be made within the actual text (for the final agreement). Parties have a mammoth task of negotiating mutual cuts to emissions and financing clean energy funds.


WGAR News: Tony Abbott wants to repeal Racial Discrimination laws: Pedestrian TV

Newsletter date: 17 November 2013


* Pedestrian TV: Tony Abbott wants to repeal Racial Discrimination laws
* The Wire: Andrew Bolt, racial discrimination and free speech [Featuring Dr Mark McMillan - Wiradjuri man]
* Suresh Rajan, The Stringer: Brandis, Bolt and a whole lot of other B's!
* Barry Everingham, Independent Australia: Abbott Government acts swiftly to legalise racism
* Jessica Wright, The Sydney Morning Herald: George Brandis to repeal 'Bolt laws' on racial discrimination

* Amy McQuire, Tracker: ABC defamed respected Aboriginal elder

Australia wins Fossil awards for repeal of carbon pricing and abandoning neighbors on loss and damage

Just four days in to the United Nations climate negotiations in Warsaw and Australia are winning our 3rd Fossil award for abandoning our neighbours on loss and damage, and our 2nd fossil award for the first country to attempt to wind back an established carbon pricing mechanism. Earlier in the week Australia earnt it's first rebuke by civil society at UN climate change talks for not putting forward any new finance commitments at the Warsaw negotiations.

Related: Climate scientists say Success of climate talks vital for 2°C target | Youth observers expelled from UN climate change talks for Philippines Solidarity | Warsaw climate talks: nearly 3 in 10 countries not sending ministers | Poles back renewables and climate action despite Tusk government’s total support of coal | COP19: Your Guide to the Ad-hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action | Japan's reduced emissions target a setback to climate change negotiations


WGAR News: Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 34 events from 15 November 2013

Newsletter date: 15 November 2013

WGAR events postings for each State and Territory:

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Now Open [as of 14 Nov 13]: Parkes, Canberra, ACT
Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House
"The Insurgence exhibition explores art, with all its
revolutionary potential, deployed as a platform for politics."
"The museum welcomes all voices in the House-
Insurgence is the voice of proppaNOW. Insurgence builds on

The Shortwave Report 11/15/13 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend, 
            The latest Shortwave Report (November 15) is up at the website  in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
   (If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

NEW PODCAST!!!- feed://  (128kb Highest Quality)

Adelaide event: 155th Justice and Peace Candle Light Walk around Government House

Adelaide and South Australia Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Fri 6 December 2013: Adelaide, SA
155th Justice and Peace Candle Light Walk
around Government House
Gather at dusk on the first Friday of the month
(except January and February)
"Join us on the Candle Light Walk to
call for a Treaty and Bill of Rights, and
to support the Ngarrindjeri and all other
Aboriginal people and the Stolen Generations,
their families and communities left behind,
in their call for Peace and Justice."