
Call on your MP to protect workers' rights

With the new Federal Parliament having now begun, we have a clearer picture of the agenda of the Abbott Government.

After just two sitting weeks, there are already worrying signs for working Australians and their families.

We know the Coalition is listening to big business but they need to listen to you! Send a message to your MP through our new “Stand for Workers!” site, to remind them that they have been elected to govern for all us.



Eureka Curse on Maurice Newman in Effigy burning at 2013 Eureka Dawn Vigil

Maurice Newman, Tony Abbott's chief business advisor, was cursed at the Eureka Dawn Vigil on December 3 when an effigy of him was burnt.

Lantern, banner and effigy maker Graeme Dunstan selected Prime Minister Tony Abbott's chief business advisor Maurice Newman as the candidate for an effigy to be burnt at the 2013 Eureka Dawn vigil on December 3 in Eureka Park at Ballarat.

WGAR News: Forty uranium mines is the plan for Western Australia: Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer

Newsletter date: 5 December 2013


* Ryan Emery, SBS Radionews: Elder pleads with BHP "don't make me bankrupt"
* Ryan Emery & Greg Dyett, SBS Radionews: Indigenous elder appeals to BHP Billiton
* Babs McHugh, ABC Rural: Aboriginal elder Kevin Buzzacott gets no answer from BHP AGM
* Background to expansion of Olympic Dam mine challenge

* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: Forty uranium mines is the plan for Western Australia
* WANFA nuclearfree WA, YouTube: WANFA roadshow [an interview with Curtis Taylor]

Callout! Seeking case studies of WA activists who have been arrested and been found Not Guilty in court.

Hi there.
I am seeking case studies of WA activists who have been arrested for any charges relating to protest and who have been found Not Guilty in court since January 1st 2008. I am trying to learn as much about the law as I can to help plan more strategically for Direct Action in the future.

I will be sitting with a Barrister some time soon to ask some legal questions so it would be great to have some interesting Not Guilty findings to quiz him on and how they might help us in the future.


You Have Not Been Told the Truth About Global Warming

We dare to ask: why did global warming pause? New science shows it didn't. The paper is "Coverage bias in the HadCRUT4 temperature series and its impact on recent temperature trends" by Kevin Cowtan and Robert G. Way.

Sounds technical? Yes, the computational analysis was done by specialist Kevin Cowtan from the UK's University of York. But buried inside is record-breaking science that turns our understanding of heating upside down. Yes it HAS warmed greatly in the last decade!

Maoist Popularity Wanes in Nepal Election

Results for Nepal's national elections show its Maoist party has plummeted in popularity, coming in a distant third and suggesting the former rebels' influence has diminished in the South Asian nation.

The centrist Nepali Congress, one of the country's oldest political parties, won 2.4 million proportional votes, followed by the Communist Party of Nepal (Unified Marxist-Leninist), which won 2.2 million votes, the Election Commission said Thursday.

WGAR News: Aboriginal Cultural Heritage under attack: The Wire

Newsletter date: 4 December 2013


* The Wire: Aboriginal Cultural Heritage under attack [Featuring Steven Talbott, spokesperson for the Gomeroi Elders of Gunnedah]
* Tracker: Community members protest NSW C&H laws

* Stop Pilliga Coal Seam Gas

* Audioboo: Audio: Long awaited Aboriginal Heritage Bill disappoints [Featuring Legal officer for the Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre, Michael Mansell]
* Linda Seaborn, Green Left: Tasmanian Aboriginal community vow to fight heritage protection bill

New revelations increase pressure for surveillance inquiry

Greens Senator Scott Ludlam and Independent Senator Nick Xenophon push for senate inquiry into spying on Australian citizens.

The two major parties are opposing an inquiry despite disturbing new revelations from Edward Snowden. Today's revelations about coordinated mass-surveillance of ordinary citizens will increase the pressure on the Australian Government to come to the table with transparency and reform proposals without delay.


WGAR News: WA Government supports end to suicide crisis but ironically cuts funding!: The Stringer

Newsletter date: 3 December 2013


* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: WA Government supports end to suicide crisis but ironically cuts funding!
* NACCHO Aboriginal suicide prevention: Black Dog Institute launches app to try to save lives
* Background to Suicide and Self-harm in Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Communities

* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: Family of 15 are being evicted from their home by Department of Housing

WGAR News: Living Black Radio's Marc Tong interviews Kirstie Parker: Congress Opposes RDA Amendments

Newsletter date: 2 December 2013


* SBS Living Black Radio's Marc Tong interviews Co-Chair of Congress Kirstie Parker: Congress Opposes RDA Amendments
* Geoffrey Brahm Levey & Helen Pringle, ABC The Drum: Why the 'Bolt laws' should stay
* ABC Lateline: "Professor Gillian Triggs, the President of the Australian Human Rights Commission discusses freedom of speech."
* Marina Freri, SBS Radionews: Groups combine to oppose Racial Discrimination Act change
* Brooke Boney, NITV News: Attorney-General under fire over Racial Discrimination Act


WGAR News: First Peoples groups criticise the Royal Commission into Child Sexual Abuse

Newsletter date: 2 December 2013


* Croakey - the Crikey health blog: Indigenous groups call for specific focus from Royal Commission into child sexual abuse
* The Stringer: First Peoples groups criticise the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses into Child Sexual Abuse
* Background: Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander responses to Royal Commission into child sexual abuse

* SNAICC News: SNAICC Training! Through Young Black Eyes
* SNAICC News: UP Child Rights campaign and Universal Children's Day

Effigy of Maurice Newman to be burnt as part of Eureka dawn commemoration in Ballarat

Media Release: A cardboard effigy of Mr Maurice Newman, head of PM Abbott's Business Advisory Council, will burn at the Eureka Stockade Memorial dawn of 3 December as part of the commemorations of the 159th anniversary of the Eureka Rebellion.

This will be the fifth Eureka Dawn effigy burning of the public figure judged to be this season's most offensive to the people's rights and liberties and the ritual now quite a following," said Eurekaphile effigy maker Graeme Dunstan.

Related: Effigy maker returns to Ballarat for Eureka Rebellion Commemorations | Eureka Events at Ballarat December 3


QLD: G20 Dissenters form Action Network

As Australia assumes the G20 presidency prior to the summit in November next year, concerned community members announce the formation of the Brisbane Community Action Network G20 (BrisCAN-G20).

The network has formed to facilitate community responses and raise the profile of dissent to the G20 summit. BrisCAN-G20 will foster collaborations between community groups, support community action and provide commentary and critique of the G20 and Australia’s role in it.


WGAR News: NSW Parliament votes for inquiry into Bowraville murders: Amy McQuire, Tracker

Newsletter date: 1 December 2013


* Amy McQuire, Tracker: NSW Parliament votes for inquiry into Bowraville murders
* Background to the Bowraville murders by Amy McQuire, Editor of Tracker
* Mid North Coast Greens: Parliamentary inquiry into the Bowraville murders
* Rachel Evans, Green Left: Bowraville campaign wins inquiry into murders
* Michaela Whitbourn, Canberra Times: New South Wales: Bowraville murders: inquiry to give families chance to be heard
* Matt Deans, Coffs Coast Advocate: Parliamentary Inquiry called into Bowraville murders


WGAR News: Bid to reduce Indigenous child removal: Biwa Kwan, SBS Radionews

Newsletter date: 1 December 2013


* The Stringer: Stolen Generations continue
* Biwa Kwan, SBS Radionews: Bid to reduce Indigenous child removal
* Anna Patty, Canberra Times: New South Wales: Another stolen generation looms, warn protesters
* SNAICC News: Minister pledges his support for Aboriginal controlled services
* Background to 'Keeping Them Home': Campaign against Forced Aboriginal Adoption in the NT

* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: South Australia drawing closer with Stolen Generations reparations


Rosia Montana, Romania: Gold mining to relocate hundreds and cut two mountains in half.

Romania: Gold mining to relocate hundreds and cut two mountains in half.

Rosia Montana, an ancient settlement, tucked away in a remote valley South of Cluj-Napoca in Romania is being subjected to renewed pressures from international mining companies and the Romanian government.

There are massive environmental and human health concerns with this practice of mining all over the world.

Afghanistan considers reintroducing stoning, flogging for adulterers

Adghanistan is considering bringing back stoning-to-death for adultery, Human Rights Watch and the justice ministry says, possibly restoring a punishment in force during the Taliban's brutal regime.

The penalty for married adulterers, along with flogging for unmarried offenders, appears in a draft revision of the country's penal code being considered by the ministry of justice. Ashraf Azimi, the head of ministry's criminal law department, confirmed to AFP that stoning to death is included in the draft.

WGAR News: Tiga Bayles interviews Priscilla Collins about the criminalisation of alcohol problems

Newsletter date: 30 November 2013


* Let's Talk's Tiga Bayles interviews Priscilla Collins, CEO of NAAJA, about the criminalisation of alcohol problems in the NT
* Background to the NT Alcohol Mandatory Treatment Bill

* SBS Living Black Radio: Legal Aid Cuts Deep [Featuring Greens spokesperson for Legal Affairs Penny Wright]

* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: Australia, the mother of all jailers of Aboriginal people
* The Stringer: Crime and Punishment

* ABC News: Parliamentary Committee finds many police lock-ups fall short of expectations

West Papuan National Day Goes Global

This Sunday the 1st of December 2013 events will be held across West Papua, Australia and the world to mark the day West Papua’s flag was first raised in preparation for Independence from the Dutch in 1961.

Global solidarity for a free West Papua is surging in the wake of the unprecedented public awareness generated by the Freedom Flotilla to West Papua and the occupation of the Australian Embassy in Bali during the APEC summit.

The Stringer weekly newsletter - November 29

Welcome to The Stringer’s weekly newsletter - NEWS update: The Stringer went live February 20, 2013. We are a not-for-profit independent news format. We believe in the importance of independent media with a bent for investigative journalism.