Uncle Kevin Buzzacott

WGAR News: Radioactive Show: Maralinga - Muckaty - Medicine: 3CR Community Radio

Newsletter date: 18 December 2013


* 3CR Community Radio: Radioactive Show: Maralinga - Muckaty - Medicine
[Featuring Aunty Sue Coleman-Haseldine, Barb Shaw, Penny Phillips, Isobel Phillips & Michael Fonda]
* Background to Justice for Aboriginal victims of Maralinga nuclear tests
* Background to the proposed Muckaty nuclear waste dump

* RTRFM: Understorey: Regulating the Nuclear Village
[Featuring Uncle Kevin Buzzacott, Uncle Glen Cooke, Kado Muir & Della Rae Morrison]

* Tracker: Federal govt suspends Ranger operations

WGAR News: Forty uranium mines is the plan for Western Australia: Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer

Newsletter date: 5 December 2013


* Ryan Emery, SBS Radionews: Elder pleads with BHP "don't make me bankrupt"
* Ryan Emery & Greg Dyett, SBS Radionews: Indigenous elder appeals to BHP Billiton
* Babs McHugh, ABC Rural: Aboriginal elder Kevin Buzzacott gets no answer from BHP AGM
* Background to expansion of Olympic Dam mine challenge

* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: Forty uranium mines is the plan for Western Australia
* WANFA nuclearfree WA, YouTube: WANFA roadshow [an interview with Curtis Taylor]

Background to expansion of Olympic Dam mine challenge (South Australia)

Last updated: 5 December 2013


WGAR News: ... (5 Dec 13)
* Ryan Emery, SBS Radionews: Elder pleads with BHP "don't make me bankrupt"
* Ryan Emery & Greg Dyett, SBS Radionews: Indigenous elder appeals to BHP Billiton
* Babs McHugh, ABC Rural: Aboriginal elder Kevin Buzzacott gets no answer from BHP AGM ... "

WGAR News: ABC News: Arabunna elder Kevin Buzzacott loses legal fight against Olympic Dam mine expansion (27 Oct 13)
