
NT Events: John Pilger's film 'Utopia' to screen in Alice Springs + SNAICC Training Workshops in Darwin

Northern Territory Aboriginal rights events for your diary

WGAR events postings for each State and Territory:

Click on the links for details of the events ...

New Events: 17, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26 & 30 January 2014; 4, 13 February 2014; 1, 12 March 2014 :
Various locations around Australia including:
Sydney, Perth, Jervis Bay, Alice Springs, Brisbane, Melbourne, Adelaide, Armidale
John Pilger's documentary film, 'Utopia'
"When I began filming this secret Australia 30 years ago,

Adelaide events: Survival Day + Candle Light Walk + John Pilger's 'Utopia' + Anniversary of the Apology

Adelaide and South Australia Aboriginal rights events for your diary

WGAR events postings for each State and Territory:

Click on the links for details of the events ...

New Events: 17, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26 & 30 January 2014; 4, 13 February 2014; 1, 12 March 2014 :
Various locations around Australia including:
Sydney, Perth, Jervis Bay, Alice Springs, Brisbane, Melbourne, Adelaide, Armidale
John Pilger's documentary film, 'Utopia'
"When I began filming this secret Australia 30 years ago,

Calls to Boycott Texas - Texas Sucks

The state of Texas in the USA continues to flout International Law as it prepares to wrongfully execute a Mexican citizen.

The Mexican Goverment has demanded life in prison for a Mexico citizen on death row in Texas, USA.

Edgar Tamayo Arias, 46, is scheduled for execution on 22nd January 2014.

WGAR News: Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 64 events from 13 January 2014

Newsletter date: 13 January 2014

WGAR events postings for each State and Territory:

Click on the links for details of the events ...

New Event: 23 November 2013 to 18 May 2014: Parkes, Canberra, ACT
I’ve Been Working On The Railway
National Archives of Australia
Curated and toured by: The Workshops Rail Museum
"Through the 1950s, 60s and 70s, there were large scale
developments of rail infrastructure across Australia.
In the hot and dusty environments of the inland north,

Schapelle Corby is innocent - parts 5,6,7 - Listen to the disturbing interview with Allan Kessing

SCHAPELLE CORBY IS INNOCENT – PART 7 – today’s interview with Allan Kessing – an eye opener!
by Gerry Georgatos - courtesy of The Stringer - - January 11th, 2014 - At the conclusion of this short article you will have the opportunity to listen to an interview that will disturb you and which should make you angry. Anyone of us could be the next Schapelle Corby – an innocent person who our Government and our prized institutions have stranded in a hell that no-one deserves.


WGAR News: John Pilger: Utopia is one of the most urgent films I have made: The Guardian

Newsletter date: 12 January 2014


* Respect and Listen: 'Utopia' film has been named among the top five films of 2013
* Respect and Listen: John Pilger's video message about Utopia
* Respect and Listen: Utopia website
* Celeste Liddle, Tracker: Utopia: An Aboriginal perspective
* Chris Graham, Tracker: Utopia: The inside story
* The Guardian: John Pilger's Utopia: meet Felicity and Basil Hayes of Whitegate town camp - video
* The Guardian: John Pilger's Utopia: Meet Patricia Morton-Thomas - video

Dutch police officer, who shot Rishi Chandrikasing, acquitted/Licence to kill



Dear Readers,

Not only the acquittal of the Dutch policeofficer, who shot Rishi
Chandrikasing to death, is an absolute scandal, it's also a great risk.
For when a cop, who caused the death of a defenseless, unarmed civilian, is going
to work again, he is a great danger to society.
It can happen again.

How will we report on the G20? Brisbane activists forum asks.

Reporting in the year long lead up to the G20 has already been abysmal. With the CM running with bomb throwing anarchist allegations and a focus on the police build up, Brisbane activists are asking themselves (and each other) how can we report on civil society activities in a truly representative way and not just get caught up in the MSM spin.

The Shortwave Report 1/10/14 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (January 10) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

NEW PODCAST!!!- feed:// (128kb Highest Quality)

It is now False to say 'No single extreme weather event can be attributed to climate change'

Professor David Karoly and Post-doctoral researcher Sophie lewis have been undertaking analysis on the temperature record for Australia in 2013. Their article published at The Conversation - Australia’s hottest year was no freak event: humans caused it - is an attribution of risk study of the extreme Australian heat in 2013 involving statistical probability analysis.


Talisman Saber Peace activist charges dropped

All charges related to Talisman Saber peace protests have been dropped. Four Brisbane peace activists appeared in the Rockhampton court today for charges related to blocking the entrance to the Rockhampton army barracks during the Talisman Saber military exercises in July 2013.

Jim Dowling, David Sprigg, Andy Paine, and Robin Taubenfeld were arrested on July 19 for lying on the road outside the barracks holding photographs of victims of the US led wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.


Mass bat deaths in record setting Queensland heatwave

Flying Foxes are dropping to earth and dying in their thousands from heat exhaustion. The extreme heat in Queensland from the 29 December to 5 January has taken a massive toll of flying fox colonies, warns a wildlife conservation organisation. It is estimated that perhaps hundreds of thousands of native flying foxes have died as a direct result of the record setting high temperatures in the heatwave event across Queensland and north western NSW.

Last year Australia suffered it's hottest year on record, with scientists claiming that extensive fractional risk attribution modelling of 2013 temperatures that this was clearly caused by human greenhouse gas emissions and climate change.


Australian Heatwave temperatures climb towards 50C at start of 2014

With substantial heat in the continental centre, the first days of 2014 saw temperatures climb towards 50C in western Queensland, western NSW, South Australia and parts of Western Australia and the Northern Territory.


Scientists comment on 2013 being the hottest year on record for Australia

Australia's Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) confirmed on 3 January 2014 in the annual climate statement that 2013 was the hottest year on record for Australia. This was all the more concerning considering the neutral ENSO conditions. 2013 also ranks as the sixth-warmest year since global records commenced in 1880, according to the WMO. In the first week of 2014 Australia is again in the grip of heatwave conditions approaching 50C in some towns.

Related: Sea surface temperatures unusually warm around Australia in 2013 | Climate IMC: 2013 was Australia's hottest year, warm for much of the world say Bureau of Meteorology scientists | SMH: Climate change: It's hot - and not just in the kitchens of bickering MPs | Alex White (Guardian): Australia swelters under a sham climate change policy after hottest year on record


Peace Activists face court over Talisman Saber arrests

UPDATE: ALL CHARGES DROPPED! Four Brisbane peace activists will appear in the Rockhampton Magistrates Court at 9am Monday, January 6, 2014 for charges related to resisting the 2013 Talisman Saber military exercise which took place July 15- August 5, last year. Jim Dowling, David Sprigg, Andy Paine, and Robin Taubenfeld were arrested on July 19 for lying on the road outside the Rockhampton Army Barracks.


Schapelle Corby is innocent - part 4

Schapelle Corby is innocent – part 4 – WikiLeaks cables, Judges, Government officials say so
by Gerry Georgatos - January 5th, 2014 - courtesy of The Stringer - Image of Schapelle Corby courtesy of

Last year, on September 26, an Indonesian Supreme Court Judge, Andi Ayyub Saleh said that Schapelle Corby should be released immediately from prison “given the anomal(ies) in that case.” Judge Saleh wrote a submission to the Indonesian President seeking through a presidential decree a sentence reduction for Ms Corby.


Climate change increasing Sea surface temperatures around Australia

(Updated 7 Jan 2014) Sea surface temperatures around Australia in 2013 were unusually warm reported the Australian Bureau of Meteorology in it's annual climate statement. Record ocean temperatures were recorded for January and February, with November the second-highest on record. This continues a long term trend for increasing sea surface temperatures around Australia and globally.
