Call on your MP to protect workers' rights

With the new Federal Parliament having now begun, we have a clearer picture of the agenda of the Abbott Government.

After just two sitting weeks, there are already worrying signs for working Australians and their families.

We know the Coalition is listening to big business but they need to listen to you! Send a message to your MP through our new “Stand for Workers!” site, to remind them that they have been elected to govern for all us.


Business groups are raising the volume: calling for the scrapping of penalty rates, slashing minimum wage, cutting important services and numerous other changes that would change the Australian way of life.

Do you want your government to only listen to big business? Or do you want your government to hear what’s important to you? Take a minute to send your MP a message:

A message that says you want to keep the Australian way of life. And that means fair wages for fair work, equal rights whether you’re a builder, a nurse, a teacher, a banker, an engineer or a plumber. It means when you give up time with your family on weekends, at nights or on public holidays you get fair compensation.

Click here to tell your MP you expect them to:

Protect essential services and jobs from big business’s government razor gang.

Ensure the rights of all workers to be the treated the same by rejecting a secret body into the building and construction industry.

Respect the role of unions as member led organisations and understand they are not corporations with bottomless pockets.

Maintain the independence of the Fair Work Commission as Australia’s industrial umpire.

Deliver on equitable schools and childcare funding to give all kids a good start to their lives.

Support Australian jobs and industries.

Ensure all people can retire from work in dignity with a fair superannuation where low income earners are helped by the wealthy - not the other way around.

Ensure that the minimum wage is fair pay for a fair day’s work.

Protect our way of life by guaranteeing people are compensated for giving up weekends, nights or holidays with decent rates of pay.

From July next year, the odds in the Senate will tip in favour of the government, with the election of new senators from minor parties who advocate radical cuts to the rights and conditions of workers, including the minimum wage.

Now is the time to send MPs a message that they have not been elected only to represent the narrow and selfish interests of big business, but all of us. Send your message today.

In unity,
The Australian Unions Team
