For as long as we can remember, history has been told by the winners.
They taught us that colonialism was necessary to civilize the barbarians. That the rule of law is there to protect us from evil. That the poor have to exist so that there can be rich people. That we are citizens of a nation because we were born in a particular territory. The idea that language and borders divide us have been drilled into us.
Among so much confusion, many of us have grown up worshipping the heroes that Walt Disney created to quench our thirst for rebellion. Superman was just a hook!
Often even us, the so-called internationalists, share our stories and concerns only within the circles of close, like minded people, thinking that those who are far away or engaged in other struggles will not be interested.
But this whole lie's days are numbered!
A new media is in the making. Springing from a spirit of rebellion, from everywhere, anywhere and nowhere. A quality media, because being an activist does not mean giving up being a journalist. An independent media, because being a journalist does not mean giving up being a revolutionary A creative and surprising media, because being reliable does not mean being boring.
To unlearn everything that we were taught which tore. To make visible what unites us in diversity. For the common good, not the good of the State, or the 1% To remember that there is only one earth, of which all the creatures that inhabit it are equally a part. To narrate the events from other worlds that are being built. To discover new technologies that can help us in our liberation, To network with other media anywhere in the world. To release information and protect our sources. To build a shield against repression, whilst we empower our self-organization. To demonstrate that inclusivity also means being multilingual. To raise awareness of today's true heroes: humble, brave people who take their dignity seriously.
And so....
As all comic books' scriptwriters may know, in this world nothing happens by chance. So it was not by chance that a pilot episode of a new Disney blockbuster, the series "Agents of shield", happened to be released on July 19th, 77 years after a day we revolutionary people will never forget.(19 July 1936, the day in which the only recorded anarchist revolution in history took place).
Nor is it accidental that today, September 24th, hours before the official release of this very series, we can announce the creation of RADI.MS
Revolution Action Disobedience Integral Media Shield If Walt Disney presents us with seven supposed superheroes, we will have 7 bioregions of the globe which are in resistance.
7 and 7. 77 .......
Coming soon on screens around the world!