WGAR News: Prime Minister for Indigenous Affairs? Hardly: Chris Graham, ABC The Drum

Newsletter date: 16 September 2013

Editorial Note:

'WGAR News' monitors the media, including alternative media.
'WGAR News' gives priority to grassroots Aboriginal voices and grassroots voices in solidarity with Aboriginal peoples' rights.
'WGAR News' publishes information and opinions from a wide range of sources.
These opinions expressed are not necessarily the opinions of WGAR.
As such, 'WGAR News' does not endorse any particular political party, but simply includes information on political parties for the interest of readers.


* Chris Graham, ABC The Drum: Prime Minister for Indigenous Affairs? Hardly
* Amy McQuire, Tracker: GenerationNone: How will the Coalition close the widening employment gap?
* Xavier La Canna, ABC Darwin: Peris criticises intervention, super shires


- Analysis / Opinion

ABC The Drum: Prime Minister for Indigenous Affairs? Hardly
13 Sep 13: "If the swing against the Coalition in Aboriginal communities was replicated across Australia, Tony Abbott would be leading a minor party, writes Chris Graham. ... One problem: no-one, including within the media, ever stopped to ask Aboriginal people if they actually wanted a "Prime Minister for Indigenous Affairs", and in particular whether or not they wanted Abbott. As it turns out, they apparently don't. Believe it or not, there is a simple way to get a broad feel for Aboriginal voting aspirations. All you need do is look at booths around Australia that are identifiably Aboriginal. ... " By Chris Graham, a Walkley Award- and Human Rights Award-winning journalist, the former managing editor of Tracker magazine, now a freelance writer based in Sydney

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12 Sep 13: "The average vote directed to Labor in identifiably Aboriginal communities outside the Northern Territory (we’ll come to the NT seat of Lingiari shortly, because it’s a whole other train wreck) was 71 percent. The swing against the Coalition in some booths climbed as high as 40 percent, and averaged around 12 percent. That’s more than three times the national average (a 3.51 percent swing to the Coalition). And that’s in booths that overwhelmingly already voted Labor in the first place." By Chris Graham, a Walkley Award- and Human Rights Award-winning journalist, the former managing editor of Tracker magazine, now a freelance writer based in Sydney

Green Left: Abbott has no mandate from Aboriginal Australia
14 Sep 13: " ... Australia, a nation that continues to stray further and further from the only real solution - self-determination. Tony Abbott can quite rightly claim to have a mandate to govern Australia. But he has nothing even closely resembling a mandate to claim to be "Prime Minister for Indigenous Affairs". For some reason, I doubt that’s going to stop him claiming it, nor prevent the mainstream media circus from blindly embracing and reporting it." GLW author Chris Graham


- Analysis / Opinion

newsTracker: GenerationNone: How will the Coalition close the widening employment gap?
13 Sep 13: "NATIONAL: ... ANALYSIS ... The latest Census results found that the Labor government was failing in bridging the gap in employment outcomes between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australia. It remains to be seen whether a disproportionate focus on the work of Andrew Forrest and GenerationOne will have an effect on closing the gap, or contribute to it widening. If anything, the data is simply not there." By Amy McQuire, a Darumbal and South Sea Islander woman, editor of Tracker


- News

ABC Darwin: Peris criticises intervention, super shires
13 Sep 13: " ... Incoming Northern Territory Labor Senator Nova Peris is criticising some Labor Party policies, including ... creation of super shires, saying the moves have taken power away from indigenous people. ... The so-called super shires policy was introduced by the former ALP government in the NT in 2008, and involved amalgamating 63 small councils into eight larger shires. Ms Peris said she understood the economic reasons for wanting the super shires, but the changes had a big impact on Aboriginal employment. ... "I want to get out there and be a voice for the people and to travel out to the communities to ensure that what is being implemented is achieving outcomes," she said." By Xavier La Canna

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WGAR: Working Group for Aboriginal Rights (Australia)

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WGAR: Working Group for Aboriginal Rights (Australia)