Labor factions, Abbott looming

While the threat of Tony Abbott taking control of Parliament continues to loom, Labor has continued fighting among themselves.

Info HereTonight in lounge rooms across the country many people will have watched with sadness as the Labor factions tore down Australia’s first female Prime Minister.

While the threat of Abbott taking total control of Parliament continues to loom, Labor has continued fighting among themselves.

The Greens will not do anything to facilitate an Abbott government.

But it’s clear that Labor are more interested in in-fighting than governing.

The Greens are the consistent alternative to the old parties.

It’s more important than ever to have a strong stable, party you can trust to stand up for a caring Australia and to protect the environment.

That party is the Greens. The time is now, and the threat of Tony Abbott is imminent.

As a female political leader I am very sad to see the first female Australian Prime Minister dispatched in this way.

We will not do anything to bring about an Abbott Government but we want to hear more about Kevin Rudd’s plans. Kevin Rudd turned his back on action on climate change and the mining tax.

Tomorrow the Greens will keep doing what we always do – work with you to build a more caring Australia and to protect the environment.

Please join with us.


Christine Milne
