Court order blocks Bushman evictions at last minute

We help tribal peoples defend their lives, protect their lands and determine their own futures.


Court order blocks Bushman evictions at last minute

The Botswana High Court has stopped the evictions until 18 June when Ranyane residents will be due back in court.
Authorities had reportedly already sent trucks to the area to remove the Bushmen but they were halted before they arrived at Ranyane. 

The prospect of yet more local legal action and another international campaign will doubtless play an important role in defending the Bushmen’s rights.

A Ranyane Bushman told Survival today, 'Please tell your supporters thank you so much for writing to the government. Authorities arrived to take my people away but we refused. We will return to court to defend our land.'

We will, of course, keep in touch with developments.

Survival International, 6 Charterhouse Buildings, London, EC1M 7ET, United Kingdom.