Myer: show us a real commitment to people with disabilities -- increase disability employment to 10% by 2015

By Graeme Innes, Disability Discrimination Commissioner -.

Myer CEO Bernie Brooks' comments saying a levy to fund the National Disability Insurance Scheme is "not good for our customers" and "is something that would have been spent with us" are incredibly disappointing. 

His comments demonstrate a lack of support for Australians with disability, half of whom live below the poverty line. They also show a lack of understanding that Australians with disability can make to the Australian community if we are provided with adequate support by a NDIS. An apology for those who may have been offended does not undo the damage these comments have caused.

I therefore call on Myer to rectify the damage these comments have caused by committing to an employment target of 10 percent of people with disability by the end of 2015. This would be a real demonstration of Myer commitment both to people with disability and the broader Australian community.

You can also get in touch with Myer at @Myer_MyStore or via Facebook: 

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Thanks so much for signing my petition challenging Myer to employ people with disability. It's been a huge 24 hours -- we're getting coverage in the The Australian, Ninemsn, The Age, ABC Radio, many more. And almost 24,000 of you have signed so far.

The backlash has forced Myer's CEO Bernie Brookes to apologise, sort of. He's said sorry to "those who may have been offended" -- but is standing by his comments that a levy for the Disability Insurance Scheme might hurt Myer profits.

I don't think that's nearly good enough. Myer should be part of the solution rather than the problem here: by being a socially responsible company and committing to employing more people with a disability. That would be a meaningful apology.

Please forward this email to friends and family -- or share the petition on Facebook so that more people get on board, so Bernie gets on board with disability employment.

I have a disability, and I have a job, and I love to contribute to improving Australian society. I know together we can change the lives of people with disability, and all Australians, if Myer and others take up our challenge.

Share the petition now to help me keep momentum building -- and ensure Myer take real steps to improve the lives of those with a disability.


Disability Discrimination Commissioner

P.S. Here's the petition link for those who got this email forwarded on: