They will keep people living in poverty

In its budget the Government has confirmed that they are not going to make things better for single parents or give people living on Newstart the $50 per week increase that they desperately need.

Instead, the Government is planning to make a small increase to the income free area of Newstart, allowing people to earn an extra $19 per week before their income support payment is affected. This small increase effectively only gives people one extra hour of work each week. This will not address the significant barriers to employment people are facing and if they’ve been stuck on Newstart and in poverty for months or years. 

That’s why we’ve created this graphic that explains exactly how far below the poverty line Newstart is. 

Can you help us by sharing it with your friends? 

This is a disappointing budget but we’re not giving up here. We’re going to continue caring for people with a continued push for an increase to Newstart in the lead up to this year’s election.  

Please support our call for an increase to Newstart and share this graphic with your friends. 

Yours in determination

Senator Rachel Siewert
Greens Senator for Western Australia


PS. The Australian Greens have a package of two bills that will address the key issues faced by single parents and those living on Newstart. Find out more here.