Twice as many children as in 2007 being taken away from NT families

Keeping Them Home

The most recent data shows that the number of children being moved into out-of-home care in the Northern Territory has just about doubled since 2007. Two-thirds of these children are being placed with non-Indigenous families away from their communities.
Elder Rev Dr Djiniyini Gondarra, as spokesperson for Yolngu Makarr Dhuni calls for this trend to be reversed by increasing family support services in communities. He has written to the Chief Minister of the Northern Territory, Adam Giles, asking him for his support.
If you would like to support Djiniyini’s request click on the campaign document

Letter from Djiniyini Gondarra to Adam Giles

What Did We Learn from “Bringing Them Home”?

From the letter to Mr Giles:

About 60 children are being taken away every month by child protection services, he says.“Children are being taken away from us at numbers not seen since the stolen generations.”
The Yolngu child has a spirituality, “skin”, culture, language and a place in the community.
“You are committing a deep wrong by taking that away,” he tells Mr Giles.
Dr Gondarra’s community supports kinship-care placements and direct negotiation and resolution with parents, extended family and clan leaders. May 21st 2013

Please give your support by writing, emailing or telephoning NT Chief Minister Adam Giles asking him to:

-       Increase Aboriginal-managedFamily Support services in all Aboriginal communities including the establishment of Family Group  Conferencing processes when there are concerns regarding child safety

-       Reverse the decision that cut funds to the Community Sector

This is a matter of urgency. We do not wish to see the emergence of another Stolen Generation.

NT Chief Minister Adam Giles:
GPO Box 3146
Darwin NT 0801
Telephone: 08 8928 6500
Facsimile: 08 8928 6621