They want to sell the ABC and the SBS


Can you actually believe this?

The Victorian arm of Tony Abbott’s Liberals has launched a push to sell off the ABC and SBS.

This weekend at their state conference they’ll vote on a motion that says the idea of public ownership for our national broadcasters is “no longer valid”.

They want any potential federal Coalition government to investigate full privatization of both the ABC and SBS.

Show your support if you oppose selling off the ABC and SBS.

Tony Abbott needs to come clean about what his plans would be if he got elected.

So – let’s get all the parties to make it clear. I’ll ask the other parties in Parliament to back the Australian Greens’ call to oppose privatisation of the ABC and SBS.

Add your name, and we’ll take your support to federal Parliament on the day they vote on our call.

Because of the actions you’ve already taken, we had huge wins in the federal budget for public broadcasting - $129 million for the ABC and $30m for the SBS.

But now, still four months out from the federal election and Abbott and the Liberals are already planning what public services they would cut or sell off if they win government.

Can you please share this with your family and friends so they know what’s at stake?

The Greens will keep standing with you in the face of the Coalition’s plans. We can only protect the ABC, SBS and our vital public services if we’re in a strong position in both Houses of Parliament after September 14. Your support keeps us strong – thankyou.


Scott Ludlam






Once again the ABC and SBS are under attack. GetUp members have stood up time and time again to protect independent media. Let's get the Bananas' backs. Click the image to take action.

Save B1 and B2

What's the ABC worth to you?

On Saturday, the Victorian Liberal Party will vote on whether to lobby Tony Abbott to privatise the ABC and SBS. They want our beloved public broadcasters - and the iconic programs we grew up with - flogged off to the highest bidder.

Sound familiar? It should. This is far from the first time politicians have tried to sell off our independent public resources. In 2006 when Howard tried to further slash funding to the ABC, GetUp members came out in force, holding grassroots demonstrations around the country, and forced a back down.

It's time for us to stand up again and defend our precious public services -- the educational, independent and uniquely Australian content that's for every Australian. Will you help continue GetUp's proud tradition of standing up to threats to the ABC and SBS?

Chip in to run this ad in The Age on in Melbourne on Saturday, when the Victorian Libs will be voting on what to do with our ABC:

Yesterday, Tony Abbott said a sell-off isn't currently Federal Liberal Party policy - but he hasn't ruled out Howardesque crippling budget cuts to the ABC and SBS. And a yes vote on Saturday will increase the pressure from within his party for cuts, sell-offs and worse.

Right-wing think tank the IPA - the group you may remember Tony Abbott addressing earlier this year at a fundraising gala with Gina Rinehart and Rupert Murdoch - is still pushing hard for privatisation. As is Andrew Bolt, who just yesterday slammed Abbott for not being tougher on the ABC, writing "Doesn't he see the ABC is morphing into... a state-backed media behemoth?" 1

We know that's not how the Australian public views some of the most trusted brands in the country - a recent survey found 90% of Australians believe the ABC is a "very valuable and important cultural institution". 2

Bananas in Pyjamas. 4 Corners. Margaret and David. Kath and Kim. Australian Story. World News Australia. Insight. 7:30. The list could go on and on; time tested and beloved Australian content of immeasurable value to so many of us.

But for as long as commercial and political interests have their sights trained on the ABC, GetUp members have been there to defend Australia's most trusted and honest institutions. Right now, we have an opportunity to make it crystal clear that the ABC won't be up for cuts or sale under our watch.

Will you help continue the fight? Help run this ad in The Age on Saturday:

It's not just the politicians with the ABC in their sights. Just last year GetUp members exposed Lord Monckton's secret media agenda by running a hard-hitting national ad and making the video footage of his meeting with mining executives go viral. Shortly afterwards - when Gina Rinehart moved to buy up Fairfax - GetUp members responded by buying up all the homepage advertising on every Fairfax online site.

Thanks for continuing the fight,
the GetUp team.

PS - The ABC and SBS provide a public service that no other national broadcaster can provide. It's legally obliged to provide a fair and balanced news service and provides the only commercial-free childrens television programming, playing a vital role in the education of our children through its programming for schools. The SBS provides a unique window into the world for all Australians, and it's various foreign language broadcasts are highly valued by many Australians who are marginalised by language barriers. Let's make sure we uphold this proud Australian tradition and defend the ABC:

[1] Opposition Leader Tony Abbott Gets A Touch of Fromer Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, The Australian

[2] ABC one of Australia's most trusted brands: Mark Scott, Radio Info