
Cessnock Council unanimously votes against coal seam gas

At the Cessnock Council Meeting on 6 October 2010, Councillor Dale Troy moved a rescission motion on part of the Cessnock LEP 2010 to put an amendment to exclude mining and extractive activities from the zone containing the vineyards.

This motion, seconded by Councillor James Ryan, welcomed by WAGE and the Hunter Valley Protection Alliance (HVPA) was supported without contest by the Council.


Coal is a dead end! Community demonstration at HRL office with mock 'clean coal' technology launch

Today members of the Cross Campus Environment Network (CCEN) held a demonstration at the Melbourne office of HRL with the mock launch of a new 'clean coal' technology. The building went into lock-down when the protesters arrived at the steps of the office with a ramshackle 'state-of-the-art' coal cleaning machine.


Protestors arrested as bulldozers move in at Westerfields

Four protestors have been arrested this morning and charged with trespass on summons as they attempted to halt the bulldozing of a flora and fauna reserve to build the Peninsula Link Freeway in Frankston. Up to a hundred police converged on the site, forcibly removing around 30 protestors and arresting four.


Walk against Warming 2010 in Melbourne - 15 August

The 2010 Walk against Warming in Melbourne was different from previous years, being in fact largely symbolic. Instead of the usual march through the city, participants gathered in three critical electorates, Melbourne, Deakin and La Trobe before engaging in a mass letter-box with a message for climate change. In central Melbourne the initial rally attracted a larger than expected number, about 500, and there was a short backwards march to highlight the direction the major parties have been taking the country.


International day against multinational corporations - 22 July 2010

Joanne Dateransi from Bougainville was one of the speakers at a rally organised by LASNET at the State Library of Victoria as part of a worldwide day of protests against the ever-growing pernicious influence of multinational companies. She spoke chiefly about the history of mining giant Rio Tinto’s operations, and opposition to attempts by the company to resume mining.


electionWIRE on YouTube! Young Australian voices on the 2010 election

Vibewire and YouTube team up on electionWIRE to bring fresh video reporting to the Australian federal election

electionWIRE on YouTube is calling citizen reporters to report the election their way.

It’s Election Time! The airwaves are buzzing with politics. Who will win? What do the parties and candidates represent? Who cares?

Today, Vibewire Youth Inc announces the launch of electionWIRE on YouTube, a dedicated channel for young Australians to have their say and to report the news of the Federal election their way.


Protesters scale famous Melbourne hotel with climate message for World Environment Day

Four climate protesters have scaled Melbourne's famous Young & Jackson hotel, hanging a 23-metre long banner from the building. The banner covering the giant “Time Square” electronic sign on top of the hotel reads “No more climate back flips - Switch Off Hazelwood.”

The World Environment Day protest aims to highlight Kevin Rudd's policy reversals on climate change and is part of the campaign to replace Hazelwood power station with renewable energy.


Monetary Affairs with Prof. Bernard Lietar mp3


Analysis and suggestions for addressing the dysfunctional aspects of society, the environmental exploitation and war-fare.
Interview and lecture samples from youtube, excerpt of 'Communism" youtube, sound-excerpt of "or a lie" by Sodacake

Youtube keyword: Bernard Lietaer


Anti-nuclear protest at RIo TInto AGM in Melbourne - 26 May

Energy Resources Australia (ERA), the company responsible for the Ranger uranium mine recently revealed to have leaked millions of litres of radioactive water into the World Heritage-listed wetlands of Kakadu National Park (http://www.theage.com.au/environment/conservation/mine-fears-grow-as-pol...), is a subsidiary of Rio Tinto, which held its AGM in Melbourne today.
