Call out to Thoreauians, ecologists and those who seek the simple life

"I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestioned ability of a man to elevate his life by conscious endeavor”


Digger Street is a community in Cairns, Far North Queensland which aims to promote the ideals of voluntary simplicity, individual self-determination and going back to more simple forms of communal living without state interference in the matters of everyday life. We aim to reduce our consumption of consumer goods and to live in a holistic and integral way striving towards the goal of creating a better society, and, well, to be happy as a community and not surrounded by all the distractions and sufferings and complexities of present society, forced to sell all of our time to pay a mortgage and get good food to eat – we believe it is possible to live well without feeding out of the hands of the super-rich, the oil barons and the owners of sweatshops.


We believe that it is possible to be GENUINELY FREE by working towards creating Freedom around us.


We have just begun to offer ‘Artivism Training’, why ‘Artivism’? Because it doesn’t seem wise to call it activism in this day and age, and because it is about creative ways of creating change. We believe that if you wish to be free you must create your freedom, work for your freedom, make of your life a work of art in harmony with all the circumstances, history and life of the world around you. Our Artivism Training aims to teach not only basic methods of activism and organising but also how to understand our circumstances, to keep ourselves at peace and working psychologically, to keep our cool amongst the troubles of the work of creating change and generally to create something of value.


Our Artivism Training is open to all and we have space in the community for residencies. The basic Artivism Training lasts one week, but there is always something going on here whether it be building a garden or putting on a Radical Film Night so we welcome anybody interested in coming to join our community short term or long term, and hope that more people who share our ideals and ethic will come out of the woodwork.


Come and get involved with a project creating real and concrete changes in the local and wider community!


So please, drop us an email – , or call 0466 090023 / 0439166411 , we are accepting new residents and Artivism Trainees right away.


May all beings be well, may all beings be happy, may all beings be at peace

