Aboriginal sovereignty movement

WGAR News: May Day marches: Forcibly removing our Peoples from their lands unacceptable as a remedy for governments trading insolvent: Ghillar Michael Anderson, Sovereign Union

Newsletter date: 31 March 2015


* Media Release: Ghillar Michael Anderson, Sovereign Union: May Day marches: Forcibly removing our Peoples from their lands unacceptable as a remedy for governments trading insolvent
* Poster: Stop the Forced Closure of Aboriginal Communities in Australia, facebook: "We would like to confirm that that 2nd National Call of Action will be held Friday 1st May 2015."
* Facebook: Stop the Forced Closure of Aboriginal Communities in Australia

WGAR News: First Nations Women Speak out for a Treaty - Rosalie Kunoth-Monks sets out a brighter vision: STICS

Newsletter date: 26 March 2015


* Please Watch: NITV, Channel 34: Friday, 27 March 2015 at 7.30pm: NITV will broadcast a one hour program titled 'Opinion Piece - Women Speak Out For Treaty'
* Video: NITV News: "First Nations Women Speak out for a Treaty" - Rosalie Kunoth-Monks at Redfern Forum
* Video: STICS: First Nations Women Speak out for a Treaty: Videos from the Event

WGAR News: Aboriginal 'recognition' - a cover for assimilation: Paddy Gibson, The Stringer

Newsletter date: 18 March 2015


* Analysis / Opinion: Paddy Gibson, The Stringer: Aboriginal 'recognition' - a cover for assimilation

* Media Release: Ghillar Michael Anderson, Sovereign Union: Governments are attempting to steal our original sovereign citizenship and independence

* Media Release: Callum Clayton-Dixon (Nganyaywana), Aboriginal Provisional Government: Let's vote for independence, not assimilation!


WGAR News: Australia is committing genocide on a scale unequalled anywhere in the modern world: Michael Anderson, Sovereign Union

Newsletter date: 30 November 2014

WGAR News Public Google Group: https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en-GB#!forum/wgar-news
WGAR News - Working Group for Aboriginal Rights (Australia)


* Upcoming Event: STICS: Forum: Can our First Nations Peoples celebrate UN Human Rights Day? 9 December 2014

WGAR News: Anderson: You cannot benefit from murder ... Time does not erase murder: Sovereign Union

Newsletter date: 25 May 2014


* Sovereign Union: Anderson: You cannot benefit from murder ... Time does not erase murder
* Brisbane Aboriginal Sovereign Embassy: Mega-charities killing Aboriginal people
* Background to the Aboriginal sovereignty movement and the Aboriginal tent embassies

* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: The Loner - Black protest music to bring on the hope

* Nadine Schoen, The Stringer: Aboriginal issues, in the context of a capitalist system
* Nadine Schoen, Green Left: Way forward for Aboriginal struggle

WGAR News: Charter of the United Nations does not apply to Australia, claims Qld lawyer in Euahlayi 'rates case': SU

Newsletter date: 13 May 2014


* Sovereign Union: Charter of the United Nations does not apply to Australia, claims Qld lawyer in Euahlayi 'rates case'

* Callum Clayton-Dixon, The Stringer: Treaties Are Agreements Between Equals
* Background to Treaties with Aboriginal Sovereign Nations of Australia

* Ray Jackson, Sovereign Union: ANZAC day: Black Diggers buck the given history of "white men's business"
* Annie Hastwell, The Wire: Tasmania's forgotten Black War [Featuring Dr Nicholas Clements]

WGAR News: Gallipoli not the only war to define Australian warfare: Gary Foley, Canberra Times

Newsletter date: 29 April 2014


* Gary Foley, Canberra Times: Gallipoli not the only war to define Australian warfare
* Nicholas Clements, The Conversation: Tasmania's Black War: a tragic case of lest we remember?
* Peter Stanley, The Conversation: On Anzac Day, we remember the Great War but forget our first war

* Geoff Bagnall, National Indigenous Times: Euahlayi People take their fight for their lands to Supreme Court
* Background to the Aboriginal sovereignty movement

WGAR News: Lest We Forget The Wars on Our Soil: Lovette Williams, The Wire; featuring Michael Anderson

Newsletter date: 26 April 2014


* Euahlayi Peoples Republic: Euahlayi Rates dispute subpoena is 'oppressive' for the Crown: NSW Supreme Court
* Background to the Aboriginal sovereignty movement

* Lovette Williams, The Wire: Lest We Forget The Wars on Our Soil [Featuring Michael Anderson]
* Michael Mansell, Aboriginal Provisional Government: ANZAC celebrations hide Australia's shame - double standards on historic sacrifice- no monuments or holidays for the Aboriginal fallen
* Carolyn Webb, The Age: City of Melbourne plans memorial to indigenous men executed in 1842